I'm no attorney but can't the gymnasts who are suing MSU add her as an individual defendant? Seems to me she's got a lot of explaining to do.
I believe she is named in some of the lawsuits.
A slight rant, as we've seen this movie before, and now it's at the part where the political grandstanding in the AG's race comes in. We can write this script! Popcorn anyone?
So the PA attorney general cooks up a case against 3 Penn State administrators, whose linchpin to their entire case against these guys is based on "slapping sounds" from a dude who has shown the world he masturbates into his web-enabled smartphone to random women for jollies.
I'm sorry - but after all the #MeToo stories out there exposing sexual harassment - WHY does McQueary retain any credibility? And for that matter, WHY does Franky "Porn Fingers" Fina who harassed female OAG staffers about their breasts, harangued them about sleeping around and had a trophy stash on his work computer of hardcore porn featuring women being violated retain any credibility?
These young women that competed in NCAA sanctioned sports, complained directly to MSU leadership for years about their sexual abuse & victimization by Nassar on the campus of a Big Ten institution, and it seems everyone is okay with "legal obligations". Hell, the leadership in the highest echelons in collegiate sports who was so vocal back in 2012, can't even seem to issue a statement on a stained cocktail napkin about these young women.
Yet a geriatric football coach, who was never part of the damned story to begin with, spends 10 minutes with a guy - who we don't even know was even in Lasch the night he says he was, and who has changed his story so many times - and the place is burned down over a "moral obligation" to do more, over a crime that didn't happen, over a victim our AG never bothered to get off their ass and indentify in over 7 years.
As a female - I'm irate about the double standard here, and I'm even more angry and disgusted about the damage done to so many because of "slapping sounds" spun into a sex crime by two guys who have clearly shown their overarching mindset most of the day is sex, and their prurient decision making shaped the PSU narrative.
That just adds more insult to these young women sexually victimized by Nassar. These girls were 12, 13, 14, 15 years old - they know what's going on with them isn't "right" but can't grasp that they are actually being violated, and some of them might even be featured in Nassar's child pornography.
And there's no media drumbeat of a "moral obligation to do more".
I am just so disgusted.
<climbs down off of soap box>