"Michigan and Ohio State fans are analyzing the hell out of that controversial play"

I thought it was really, really close. Hard to argue one way or the other. tOSU would upset if the call went the other way. I have to side with the refs on this one.
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It was clearly a first down. Not much to analyze.


Well, I don't like either program, but I am glad that it was controversial as at least one of them can feel the pain of a bad/controversial referee decision deciding the game. In Michigan, at least it was a judgement call where as in the added time to the clock and heel toe were both wrong calls not controversial.
Obviously, the ball could have been inches short of the first down - impossible to tell really. However, that play results in a first down call on 99% of similar plays around college football on any given Saturday. In any case, it isn't an egregious mistake by the official
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Well, I don't like either program, but I am glad that it was controversial as at least one of them can feel the pain of a bad/controversial referee decision deciding the game. In Michigan, at least it was a judgement call where as in the added time to the clock and heel toe were both wrong calls not controversial.

Yeah, Michigan fans have no room to complain IMO. Well, at least the ones that would always tell Penn State fans (after another critical call in our games) the same 4 lines-

1. You shouldn't leave the game in the hands of the refs.

2. Good teams overcome bad calls.

3. Bad calls always even out in the end.

4. Get the tin foil hats out to complain about the refs.

I'm guessing many Michigan fans aren't real big proponents of those sayings today. :rolleyes:

For what's it's worth I thought the 4th down play was a first down but very, very close. No matter which way it was ruled on the field, replay would not have overturned it.
Michigan and Ohio State fans are analyzing the hell out of that controversial play

What precisely is "controversial" about marking a players forward progress accurately resulting in a "1st Down"? The spot was made correctly under NCAA Rules - the only jabronis who would remotely characterize this as a "controversial call" are scUM fans and their lunatic, bizarre-o Head Coach.
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It was clearly a first down. Not much to analyze.
Yeah...some of those screen shots are a joke. You have the one where his head ls clearly across the 20 and the other where it is behind it....well if you don't show where his progress is of course it looks short.
Yeah, Michigan fans have no room to complain IMO. Well, at least the ones that would always tell Penn State fans (after another critical call in our games) the same 4 lines-

1. You shouldn't leave the game in the hands of the refs.

2. Good teams overcome bad calls.

3. Bad calls always even out in the end.

4. Get the tin foil hats out to complain about the refs.

I'm guessing many Michigan fans aren't real big proponents of those sayings today. :rolleyes:

For what's it's worth I thought the 4th down play was a first down but very, very close. No matter which way it was ruled on the field, replay would not have overturned it.

Wasn't a "bad call" as the graphic below clearly demonstrates - the runner is entitled to "forward progress" and Barrett clearly made the "Line to Gain" before he rolled back off the pile:
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Yeah...some of those screen shots are a joke. You have the one where his head ls clearly across the 20 and the other where it is behind it....well if you don't show where his progress is of course it looks short.

If you use the "maximum" forward progress which the runner is entitled to, not only is his head well across the yard-line to gain, but so is most of his upper-body.
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Hey this is fun to watch and listen to, especially when you think of all the times PSU was on the wrong end of unfair calls that benefitted these two teams! I, for one, am enjoying this a lot!!!
The "controversy" appears to be:

WTF happened to Jimmah's PROZAC dosage?
How rich is it for the Mich Alum twitter account to ask if it's a conflict of interest for the ref to be from Ohio. Imagine how they'd act if they actually got screwed like, oh, I dont know, us a dozen times against those two teams.

They should see Honig's basement memorial to Michigan football and then ask if he should have been doing every big Michigan game for years?
Yeah...that isn't what lost UM that game. Turnovers lost that game, but crying about officiating is what losers do.

Ummm, if they had any basis to cry, it would not be a "loser" thing to do (i.e., if the video demonstrated their claims to be even remotely accurate as to getting jobbed by the officials), but when the VIDEO demonstrates that the correct call was made, it is beyond loser behavior to whine and cry and label the CORRECT CALL "controversial"......LMFAO!
"Michigan and Ohio State fans are analyzing the hell out of that controversial play"

Oh, btw, keep in mind that on the following graphic, JT Barrett is carrying the ball in his right hand!!!:

Makes the complaints about the mark especially amusing given that his right shoulder and arm where he is cradling the ball ARE PAST THE BACK END OF "THE LINE TO GAIN" let alone crossing the imaginary vertical-plain on the front-side of the yard-stripe of the "line to gain"!!!
You do know it is not where his head is, it is the forward progress of THE BALL.

No $hit dumb@ss and the ball is cradled in his right-arm / upper-chest which is clearly well beyond the imaginary plain on the front-side of the "line to gain"! In fact it is clearly broken the back-side of the "line to gain"! Only a complete scUM shill could claim otherwise as this graphic clearly demonstrates: