Michigan and refs, now this is funny

Awww. I feel bad for them. 👎

The real Clockgate was when the refs put time on the clock just because the Michigan coach wanted it. Just enough time for one more play to steal a game.

I recall a Michigan game in Beaver Stadium which was also a total screw job by the UM refs. As an example, Tony Johnson caught a pass in stride and had two steps inbounds before running out. The ruling?? Incomplete!! It's garbage like that which lead to the conference adopting replay at the urging of Joe.

And let's not forget the list of garbage calls which have gone against us in OSU games. The bounce pass completion to their TE. The non review because the feed was out even though everyone could watch the obvious blown call on the big screen. Allowing OSU to kick a FG three seconds after the play clock expired. Etc...
While all those repeated injustices can not be reversed, I’m proud to see that honest journalism has finally exposed the indignities that Wolverine football has historically suffered because of biased referees. Hopefully the author may now turn his attention to a long overdue expo-say of how the Buckeyes have held athletes to higher standards of morality and academic achievement than regular students.
Unless there are legit concerns and if you don’t think we’ve had legit concerns especially against OSU, then you haven’t been watching.
I've seen enough calls both ways over more than 50 years to know that it's all part of the game- score enough that one or two calls won't matter and it's a non issue
Last several years: I have very few complaints about calls. Reffing has been ok or “equally bad” most of the time. A couple Osu games had issues but overall not horrible.

1993 until instant replay: Criminal. One thing I point to is I don’t think Lavar or Courtney were ever “held” in a game, at least not in a meaningful game. The first two players taken in draft with crazy strength and speed but were never held? OSU has gone entire seasons without “holding”.

Somebody can look it up, but the first year of replay resulted in a crazy number of reversed in favor of PSU. Something like 14 out of 15 at one point. That meant the initial call always seemed to go against PSU.
I've seen enough calls both ways over more than 50 years to know that it's all part of the game- score enough that one or two calls won't matter and it's a non issue
Please tell me the absolutely botched calls we’ve had go our way against OSU….I’ll wait. Hell, please tell me the botched calls that went for any Big 10 team playing OSU…again, I’ll wait.
I've seen enough calls both ways over more than 50 years to know that it's all part of the game- score enough that one or two calls won't matter and it's a non issue
And you say score enough and it won’t matter, how did that work for the losing teams in games where refs were throwing the games for gambling purposes? Your post seems to say that refs have no impact on the results of a game….all a team has to do is score more….I’ve seen enough calls in my life to know that if a ref has a bias against your team, you often can’t score enough to overcome that.
Nitpicker said "I recall a Michigan game in Beaver Stadium which was also a total screw job by the UM refs. As an example, Tony Johnson caught a pass in stride and had two steps inbounds before running out. The ruling?? Incomplete!! It's garbage like that which lead to the conference adopting replay at the urging of Joe."

I believe that game was at Michigan.
Last several years: I have very few complaints about calls. Reffing has been ok or “equally bad” most of the time. A couple Osu games had issues but overall not horrible.

1993 until instant replay: Criminal. One thing I point to is I don’t think Lavar or Courtney were ever “held” in a game, at least not in a meaningful game. The first two players taken in draft with crazy strength and speed but were never held? OSU has gone entire seasons without “holding”.

Somebody can look it up, but the first year of replay resulted in a crazy number of reversed in favor of PSU. Something like 14 out of 15 at one point. That meant the initial call always seemed to go against PSU.
Now that many of the old guard officials have retired, the officiating has leveled out for PSU (other than the call in OT against Indiana….horrendous).
So two games they got screwed and 100 where they were the beneficiary
Much like OSU…ask an OSU fan to point to a game they lost due to a poor call or multiple poor calls and they point to one call in a game they won.
Nitpicker said "I recall a Michigan game in Beaver Stadium which was also a total screw job by the UM refs. As an example, Tony Johnson caught a pass in stride and had two steps inbounds before running out. The ruling?? Incomplete!! It's garbage like that which lead to the conference adopting replay at the urging of Joe."

I believe that game was at Michigan.
Yep, happened right in front of me...
Please tell me the absolutely botched calls we’ve had go our way against OSU….I’ll wait. Hell, please tell me the botched calls that went for any Big 10 team playing OSU…again, I’ll wait.
boo fuking hoo
1. That MRob Michigan game was full of garbage calls. The fact they didn't even review the first "catch" of the final drive where the dude's heel clearly was out of bounds....
2. Someone brought up the lack of holding calls, it is quite true. Braxton miller scoring while Mauti was being held (more like raped) in open space right in front of the ref for a non call is a poster child for all the holding in the Big. Not to mention, Urbs got some sort of weird holding call on a punt once, was it our guy who "held" the punters protection guy?

could have sworn there was a better video, but this was pretty blatant.....Mauti raising his hands in disbelief after the play....

by the way, this was called "holding" in that exact same game,
Please tell me the absolutely botched calls we’ve had go our way against OSU….I’ll wait. Hell, please tell me the botched calls that went for any Big 10 team playing OSU…again, I’ll wait.
You mean like the pass interference late in the 2016 game that wasn’t called?

We got screwed in the 2014 game with a few calls (or no calls). Let’s be honest — we dodged a huge bullet when the refs didn’t call the defensive PI in 2016.

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You mean like the pass interference late in the 2016 game that wasn’t called?

We got screwed in the 2014 game with a few calls (or no calls). Let’s be honest — we dodged a huge bullet when the refs didn’t call the defensive PI in 2016.

You mean the play where the refs would have never called OSU for pass interference, and when they didn’t call it on us, we got a huge break? That pass interference?
You mean the play where the refs would have never called OSU for pass interference, and when they didn’t call it on us, we got a huge break? That pass interference?

You asked for an example of a bad/missed call that benefited us vs. OSU. I gave you one. I'm sure even you can admit that Jordan Smith clearly grabbed the arm of the WR while the ball was still in play, right?

It's okay to admit that we've benefited from bad/missed calls, too. Every team has. On many occasions. We all remember '82 Nebraska, I'm sure. I tend to believe it all sort of evens out in the grand scheme of things, but to each his own.
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1. That MRob Michigan game was full of garbage calls. The fact they didn't even review the first "catch" of the final drive where the dude's heel clearly was out of bounds....
2. Someone brought up the lack of holding calls, it is quite true. Braxton miller scoring while Mauti was being held (more like raped) in open space right in front of the ref for a non call is a poster child for all the holding in the Big. Not to mention, Urbs got some sort of weird holding call on a punt once, was it our guy who "held" the punters protection guy?

could have sworn there was a better video, but this was pretty blatant.....Mauti raising his hands in disbelief after the play....

by the way, this was called "holding" in that exact same game,
Watch the replay again. The backside DE gets tackled from behind by the TE number 81, who then holds him longer. A guard tries to hold MLB number 40 but misses. Then Mauti gets mauled. Three on one play.
There are two linemen whose only job is to watch the line play. Weird how two linemen missed three holds on one play.🙈
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This thread is just another example of the insane jealousy on this board directed at Jim and UM. This is the year - take it to the bank.
I remember being in the stands during the 2000 Michigan @ Illinois game and witnessing two calls that shifted the game entirely and handed Michigan the game. Rocky Harvey "fumbled" while Illinois was trying to kill clock, when it was crystal clear the ground caused it. And then Anthony Thomas very clearly fumbled before his knee hit the ground. No call, Michigan ends up scoring and winning.

That was among the games that ignited the instant replay call in CFB. Along with the Iowa game in 2002.

i do think Michigan got shafted in that 2001 game @ MSU, though. That Spartan scoreboard operator is a legend to this day at MSU. But I'll take it. It gave Illinois the Big Ten title that year.
I've seen enough calls both ways over more than 50 years to know that it's all part of the game- score enough that one or two calls won't matter and it's a non issue
Exactly bro. Penn State gets over on Michigan all the time. Nobody remembers.

Win by two or three touchdowns or any loss is squarely in the mirror.
Last several years: I have very few complaints about calls. Reffing has been ok or “equally bad” most of the time. A couple Osu games had issues but overall not horrible.

1993 until instant replay: Criminal. One thing I point to is I don’t think Lavar or Courtney were ever “held” in a game, at least not in a meaningful game. The first two players taken in draft with crazy strength and speed but were never held? OSU has gone entire seasons without “holding”.

Somebody can look it up, but the first year of replay resulted in a crazy number of reversed in favor of PSU. Something like 14 out of 15 at one point. That meant the initial call always seemed to go against PSU.
There were two holding calls against PSU in all of their conference games that year. Lavar and Courtney were held more than that in every game. It was beyond laughable.
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You asked for an example of a bad/missed call that benefited us vs. OSU. I gave you one. I'm sure even you can admit that Jordan Smith clearly grabbed the arm of the WR while the ball was still in play, right?

It's okay to admit that we've benefited from bad/missed calls, too. Every team has. On many occasions. We all remember '82 Nebraska, I'm sure. I tend to believe it all sort of evens out in the grand scheme of things, but to each his own.
Two in 39 years….amazing. And I’m talking severely botched calls, not judgement calls that could have gone either way….you know, like a bounced ball called a catch, a clearly dropped interception where replay mysteriously didn’t work, a field goal four seconds after the play clock expired, adding two seconds back on the clock for no reason…calls that could only happen from serious bias or from outright cheating.
I love how the response is to win by more do well enough to win by 3 but that isn't good enough, you should do more than that bro, you know, to offset the refs

anyone who thinks that you should never complain about officiating should watch the 2006 Outback Bowl with Florida vs Iowa
This thread is just another example of the insane jealousy on this board directed at Jim and UM. This is the year - take it to the bank.
lol hey wolve you cant even get your animals right a wolve is not a wolverine closer to a wolf!!
Two in 39 years….amazing. And I’m talking severely botched calls, not judgement calls that could have gone either way….you know, like a bounced ball called a catch, a clearly dropped interception where replay mysteriously didn’t work, a field goal four seconds after the play clock expired, adding two seconds back on the clock for no reason…calls that could only happen from serious bias or from outright cheating.
Those were all bad calls. No doubt.

But we've had our share of bad/missed calls go our way over the years, too. Of course, the calls that benefit you don't stick with fans the way the calls that screw you do. But we'd had quite a few. they make up for the calls that screwed us? Maybe not.
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Those were all bad calls. No doubt.

But we've had our share of bad/missed calls go our way over the years, too. Of course, the calls that benefit you don't stick with fans the way the calls that screw you do. But we'd had quite a few. they make up for the calls that screwed us? Maybe not.
Again, please name those calls. I can’t think of a single seriously botched call since we’ve been in the Big that has helped us win a game. I can think of many that went against us including one just last year, but I can’t think of any in our favor. And that can’t be just an accident.
Nitpicker said "I recall a Michigan game in Beaver Stadium which was also a total screw job by the UM refs. As an example, Tony Johnson caught a pass in stride and had two steps inbounds before running out. The ruling?? Incomplete!! It's garbage like that which lead to the conference adopting replay at the urging of Joe."

I believe that game was at Michigan.
Nope at home with just a couple minutes left in the game. We would have been in field goal range
Again, please name those calls. I can’t think of a single seriously botched call since we’ve been in the Big that has helped us win a game. I can think of many that went against us including one just last year, but I can’t think of any in our favor. And that can’t be just an accident.
Do you remember Bobby Engram's key 3rd down catch at the 3 yard line late in the Texas Tech game in 1995 that set up the go-ahead TD? Look at that catch again. Based on the available video, it doesn't look like he got even a toe in bounds. Fail that conversion, and we probably lose that game.

Fortunately, the refs called it in-play, we scored the go-ahead TD, and won the game (after TT and Brett Conway traded FGs).

Of course most PSU fans don't remember that. I'd bet TT fans do, though.

Fans in general tend to have selective amnesia regarding bad/missed calls that went in their team's favor. I'm guilty of it, too. It happens.