Michigan asks victims of sexual assault to come forward day after criminal investigation ended

What a $HIT$HOW in Ann Arbor! Burn it down...
Sounds like the kind of guy Bo Schembechler would want to reassign to his own student-athletes after getting caught fooling around with male patients.
I am happy to see people standing up to condemn the horrific crimes at Michigan and the clear cover up. I hope those responsible are jailed for life with such systematic abuse. It seems there is some media interest in shining a light on Michigan's crimes.

What confounds me though is the complete disinterest in holding Ohio State and their criminals accountable for their even greater and more systematic crimes and cover ups. And why are most posts highlighting Ohio State athletic department's pervasive sexual and physical assaults deleted? Who is trying to keep Ohio State's systematic abuse and cover ups hidden from condemnation or media interest? Why are Michigan's crimes of the same or lesser magnitude reasonable to condemn and shine a light on while Ohio State's are seemingly off-limits?
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Sexual favors for deferments? So this Michigan man was playing God with people's lives. All while exploiting his own kind. What a low life piece of garbage.

That's new low and I'm disgusted. And there's no need for any more evidence. It's a fact now.
Entering the exam room, Anderson told Glazier that perhaps it would be better if he showed him how to check for venereal disease rather than telling him.

"I expected I was going to have to" strip down, Glazier said.

Instead, Anderson took down his pants, lay down on the examination table and began manipulating himself.

"I was taken aback. I was instantly nauseated and hyperventilated," Glazier said. "He instantly stopped. He pulled up his pants and went back into his office."

He said friends of his had to go beyond just watching Anderson.

"They told me that when he was manipulating himself, he would say, 'If you don't see anything, you could put your mouth on it.' It was clear what they had to do."

Let's get this disgraceful episode in this thread...

The Cover-up of the Arrest of University of Michigan Football player, Brendan Gibbons, for Rape


In 2009, Brendan Gibbons was a red shirt freshman field goal kicker for the University of Michigan football team. However, before his first varsity kick, he was arrested shortly after the Michigan/Ohio State football game in 2009, for raping an 18 yr. old freshman at a party in the Chi Psi fraternity house.

The only report in the newspaper was anonymous because the Ann Arbor Police refused to confirm that he was under arrest or that he was being investigated for rape.

She met Gibbons at the party and at one point was sitting with him on a couch. She needed to use a bathroom, which was located on the second floor of the fraternity. Gibbons walked with her to the second floor and followed her into the bathroom. She was wearing leggings under her dress, which Gibbons tried to pull down. She said no and left the bathroom. Gibbons followed and forced her into an open bedroom. He pushed her down on the bed, grabbing onto her arm to control her (note the documentation of bruises on her arm by the police)[6]. She told him “no” multiple times. He did not use a condom and semen was found on her dress.

After the rape, the woman left the Chi Psi house immediately. She called a friend who met her on the way back to her dorm. She was crying hysterically and she told her friend what had happened[7]. She reported the incident to the resident advisor of her dorm, to a university housing security officer, campus police and to Ann Arbor police.

She was taken to University Hospital for a rape examination, which showed vaginal tearing.

Brendan Gibbons admitted to having sex with the young woman but claimed that it was consensual. “She never asked me to stop. We were both into it.” He stated that his whole life would be ruined, the girl always wins[8].

Taylor Lewan on Football field.

Shortly after the woman reported the rape, she began to receive threats from Gibbons roommate and fellow football player, Taylor Lewan (now an All-American), that he would rape her again if she pressed charges against Gibbons.

The threats were reported by two other football players to the Office of Student Affairs who reported them to the University police. The University police did a “wellness check” on the young woman[9] and met with Taylor Lewan. They warned Taylor Lewan not to threaten the woman again and that he might face criminal charges[10]. No criminal charges were ever filed by the campus police.

This young woman has suffered greatly. Not only was she victimized by her rapist and by his roommate’s threats to rape her again, but the University denied her both protection and justice. At the very least, Brendan Gibbons should have been expelled and Taylor Lewan suspended. Instead, Brendan Gibbons is about to complete a successful football career at the University of Michigan and Taylor Lewan is an All-American.

This is not what Fielding Yost, Fritz Crisler or Bo Schembechler would have call a “Michigan Man”
"This is a lot bigger and faster than what happened in the Nassar scandal," said Grewal. "I think the scope with Anderson is going to be bigger."

From that article:

"The week after sexual misconduct allegations emerged about the late Dr. Robert E. Anderson, several law firms are jockeying to represent alleged victims."

While the michigan football/athletic scandal is real and the place should be burned down to the ground, please take this opportunity to remember that the jockeying law firms have the victims' best interests at heart. We know this all too well.
Posted on 13 hrs, ,
I was talking to my brother this weekend who was a gymnast at U of M. He said he developed an ear infection during one of the seasons he competed and was sent to see Dr Bob. The first thing Dr Bob wanted to do was a rectal exam, of which my brother declined. He said every one on his team and other university team members knew about Dr Bob's reputation as did the whole athletic department. When my brother graduated, his number came up for Vietnam and was loaded up on a bus and sent to get a physical. Who do you think was at the front of the line checking for hernias, Dr Bob.
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Press conference scheduled for Thursday with new victims.


That photo could be a meme given that bo actively covered up for handerson. Idiots who didn’t understand Joe’s proper role in the sandusky mess used a picture of him at a press conference with his arms up as if to say, “I don’t care.”
That photo could be a meme given that bo actively covered up for handerson. Idiots who didn’t understand Joe’s proper role in the sandusky mess used a picture of him at a press conference with his arms up as if to say, “I don’t care.”

Joe Paterno: told second hand of a "weird situation" in the Lasch showers of a former employee (who Joe had previously tried unsuccessfully to keep off the campus) by McQuery, who didn't go to the police about it. McQuery told his dad and a doctor, who was a mandatory reporter. All didn't think McQuery had to go to the police. Joe took the meeting with McQuery and passed the info up the line to his AD. Did his job. Sandusky found "Not Guilty" of the shower incident, victim said nothing happened. Joe is destroyed in the national media.

Bo Schembechler (so far): as head football coach, and AD for a number of years, employed team doctor who sexually assaulted perhaps hundreds of athletes on campus, on his team and other teams. When told a female doctor was doing "rectal exams", told female doctor he only wanted the male doctor to do the rectal exams. Rectal exams are completely not necessary for 18-22 year old athletes unless there is a specific problem in that area of the undercarriage.

Let's see how Bo makes it out of this compared to Joe.
Joe Paterno: told second hand of a "weird situation" in the Lasch showers of a former employee (who Joe had previously tried unsuccessfully to keep off the campus) by McQuery, who didn't go to the police about it. McQuery told his dad and a doctor, who was a mandatory reporter. All didn't think McQuery had to go to the police. Joe took the meeting with McQuery and passed the info up the line to his AD. Did his job. Sandusky found "Not Guilty" of the shower incident, victim said nothing happened. Joe is destroyed in the national media.

Bo Schembechler (so far): as head football coach, and AD for a number of years, employed team doctor who sexually assaulted perhaps hundreds of athletes on campus, on his team and other teams. When told a female doctor was doing "rectal exams", told female doctor he only wanted the male doctor to do the rectal exams. Rectal exams are completely not necessary for 18-22 year old athletes unless there is a specific problem in that area of the undercarriage.

Let's see how Bo makes it out of this compared to Joe.

Of course, bo is dead. Nevertheless, I’m sure the real handerson scandal will not stain bo’s legacy the way the false narrative about sandusky stained Joe’s (much better) legacy. No one outside of ann arbor or columbus really ever cared about bo one way or the other. By contrast, Joe was endeared or hated for decades by fans and the media across the country. It was fun for many to tear down Joe’s legacy. Few can be bothered with bo, even though it’s deserved in his case.
Of course, bo is dead. Nevertheless, I’m sure the real handerson scandal will not stain bo’s legacy the way the false narrative about sandusky stained Joe’s (much better) legacy. No one outside of ann arbor or columbus really ever cared about bo one way or the other. By contrast, Joe was endeared or hated for decades by fans and the media across the country. It was fun for many to tear down Joe’s legacy. Few can be bothered with bo, even though it’s deserved in his case.
You’re right. It’s upsetting. So many parallels and so many gigantic differences in facts, narratives, etc. I still suspect history will play out kindly for Joe. He did a lot of good and he did a lot right in this situation. One of the things that was out of his control was the cult of personality factor and how that played into the gravity of buzz and attention.

There was much to be learned from what happened at PSU, how it happened, how people should have handled things differently.

One of the things Joe might have been able to control and that made me cringe then (and every time I think about it) was the fella on his porch leading students in chanting his name amidst the fallout. Ugh. Not the nail in the coffin but talk about thumbing the nose and fanning the flames at the worst possible time—in front of TV cameras.

Best we can hope for is that Penn State, the community, the Paterno family and Joe’s legacy will recover. If that can’t happen, the next best thing would be for SOMETHING concrete to be revealed that justifies the unjust tarnish on the man’s life’s work.
One of the things Joe might have been able to control and that made me cringe then (and every time I think about it) was the fella on his porch leading students in chanting his name amidst the fallout. Ugh. Not the nail in the coffin but talk about thumbing the nose and fanning the flames at the worst possible time—in front of TV cameras.

Of all the despicable things done by Corbett, Fina, etc in this situation, THAT'S what you focus on? Good, chant his name. He was a good man and had his reputation ruined to protect a bunch of Second Mile fat cats.
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It's kind of funny, because I was the furthest thing from a "Joe Bot" when he was the coach. I pissed off people on this board because I wanted him gone for about 10 years before he was forced out. He stopped recruiting, brought in his son to run the offense (that he was not near qualified to handle), and stuck around far past when he should have been retired out of selfishness.

But it is criminal what Corbett's crew did to him. Staggering to see what a concerted media campaign can do to an honorable person.
Harbaugh definitely got it. He looks like a guy that gets his poop shoot inspected on the reg'.

F him and Bo and all the fans... who's laughing now assholes? Not me, this is terrible.
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Funny how all of the comments from the Michigan fans about how Penn State was a uniquely terrible institution supported by uniquely terrible fans have dried up when Michigan is the location of historic sexual abuse. NOW, it's all about how this is a societal problem. Jackasses.


MGoBlog has a thread. 1/3 about how widespread this is, 1/3 of how they're handling it so much better than everyone, and 1/3 self righteous outrage. 100% BS.

Right in the headline it says 1997 and they’re still talking about 50 years ago and the people who knew are probably dead.

Not 1 acknowledgment that the 2-1/2 months before contacting police is damning and should cost people their jobs. Not 1 mention of the 19 months they were mute when they didn’t have to be, and they only spoke when a survivor went to the media.