Body cam footage is out:
And Simpson says on freaking tape that Univ of Michigan provides cars to the basketball and football team.
"This is a lot bigger and faster than what happened in the Nassar scandal," said Grewal. "I think the scope with Anderson is going to be bigger."
Press conference scheduled for Thursday with new victims.
That photo could be a meme given that bo actively covered up for handerson. Idiots who didn’t understand Joe’s proper role in the sandusky mess used a picture of him at a press conference with his arms up as if to say, “I don’t care.”
Joe Paterno: told second hand of a "weird situation" in the Lasch showers of a former employee (who Joe had previously tried unsuccessfully to keep off the campus) by McQuery, who didn't go to the police about it. McQuery told his dad and a doctor, who was a mandatory reporter. All didn't think McQuery had to go to the police. Joe took the meeting with McQuery and passed the info up the line to his AD. Did his job. Sandusky found "Not Guilty" of the shower incident, victim said nothing happened. Joe is destroyed in the national media.
Bo Schembechler (so far): as head football coach, and AD for a number of years, employed team doctor who sexually assaulted perhaps hundreds of athletes on campus, on his team and other teams. When told a female doctor was doing "rectal exams", told female doctor he only wanted the male doctor to do the rectal exams. Rectal exams are completely not necessary for 18-22 year old athletes unless there is a specific problem in that area of the undercarriage.
Let's see how Bo makes it out of this compared to Joe.
You’re right. It’s upsetting. So many parallels and so many gigantic differences in facts, narratives, etc. I still suspect history will play out kindly for Joe. He did a lot of good and he did a lot right in this situation. One of the things that was out of his control was the cult of personality factor and how that played into the gravity of buzz and attention.Of course, bo is dead. Nevertheless, I’m sure the real handerson scandal will not stain bo’s legacy the way the false narrative about sandusky stained Joe’s (much better) legacy. No one outside of ann arbor or columbus really ever cared about bo one way or the other. By contrast, Joe was endeared or hated for decades by fans and the media across the country. It was fun for many to tear down Joe’s legacy. Few can be bothered with bo, even though it’s deserved in his case.
One of the things Joe might have been able to control and that made me cringe then (and every time I think about it) was the fella on his porch leading students in chanting his name amidst the fallout. Ugh. Not the nail in the coffin but talk about thumbing the nose and fanning the flames at the worst possible time—in front of TV cameras.
What Titles? The worst bowl team in history title?Take away the victories. Take away the titles. They ALL knew.
Harbaugh definitely got it. He looks like a guy that gets his poop shoot inspected on the reg'.
F him and Bo and all the fans... who's laughing now assholes? Not me, this is terrible.
Michigan and assholes will be forever intertwined now.