I'll be honest, I had the same thoughts.. just didn't have the balls to ask. Lol. Really though, the more I think about this and learn, I like J even more than I did before. I'm sure I'm in the minority with that thinking but I feel if he kept each parent in the loop, worked with them during the entire process in how to protect and help the boys, then I may have handled things in the same way.This may not be appropriate time to ask(sorry if offended)but I'll be honest as its on my mind, Does this increase our chances with Gable Steveson?
If a much smaller amount, I'd probably feel the same way - not 1400-2500 pills. That needs to be nipped in the bud, stat.I'll be honest, I had the same thoughts.. just didn't have the balls to ask. Lol. Really though, the more I think about this and learn, I like J even more than I did before. I'm sure I'm in the minority with that thinking but I feel if he kept each parent in the loop, worked with them during the entire process in how to protect and help the boys, then I may have handled things in the same way.
One kid sells off the last 5 pills of his own prescription? Clean the stadium and don't do it again.I'll be honest, I had the same thoughts.. just didn't have the balls to ask. Lol. Really though, the more I think about this and learn, I like J even more than I did before. I'm sure I'm in the minority with that thinking but I feel if he kept each parent in the loop, worked with them during the entire process in how to protect and help the boys, then I may have handled things in the same way.
If you answered a. or b., you are probably fit to coach Division I wrestling. If you answered c., you’re probably Minnesota Coach J Robinson, who reportedly did exactly that. (Yes, that’s his real first name.)
Let's remember, that was 2,500 pills still left after supposedly selling it for nine weeks.I'd like to know who the former wrestler was and how he came across 2500 pills, then thought it a good idea to contact current members of team to set up a network of distribution?
Gee, thanks Mr Alumni for your post grad contribution back to the program [smh]
I saw a post of yours over on HR mentioning a Coach Scuttlebutt. Was wondering who you were referring to when you said that. If have asked there but I was banned. LolIf a much smaller amount, I'd probably feel the same way - not 1400-2500 pills. That needs to be nipped in the bud, stat.
State and federal drug laws run more or less parallel to each other; the most common factor dictating which system you wind up in is who arrested or investigated you. A key growing exception to this is states legalizing marijuana, despite it being Schedule I (same as heroin) on the fed side. That aside, the state and fed statutes themselves are mostly similar. If the drugs crossed state lines, or involve other offenses that have no state parallel, federal jurisdiction will likely trump, but that's all a conversation btwn state and fed investigators. Here, if all the actors are in MN I think it'll be unlikely the feds will bother, especially if it all took place at U of M. Really hinges on facts we don't know and who wants it more (or less).You also have to think Federal for the sender and recipient of the drugs.
I missed that, thanks. That could be a factor heightening fed interest, yeah, especially if mailed from outside the state. If mailed inside MN, state statutes could conceivably account for all offenses, but MN couldn't prosecute mailer if mailer was in, say, Wisconsin, so fed jurisdiction would be more appropriate. But my larger point was that federal jurisdiction always exists for I'm guessing all drug offenses; the feds could prosecute buy and busts in East Brooklyn if they wanted. Obviously not an efficient use of resources but unlike other offenses, drug sale and possession always amounts to "interstate commerce" whether it's crossing state lines, using the mail, etc., or not.Tikk...they said a former teammate sent the drugs through the mail...thats why I was thinking federal.
You won't go shot-for-shot, xan-for-xan with me, though... Last one responding to others wins. Loser has to donate $100x # of Xans/shots taken by winner to winner's favorite program.I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
Ugh. Hang in there Jammenz.I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
If I send you my one page essay, will that cheer you up?I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
If I send you my one page essay, will that cheer you up?![]()
I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
When I heard that it doesn't fit a crime I figures it was because it is all hearsay. Nobody was caught with anything, it's all based off a player telling a reporter about it. Unless I misses something.Was curious about the related MN criminal statute, so here is the relevant summary:
The Star Tribune article reports that University police concluded that per their investigation whatever they found "Doesn't fit any [crime]." Not easy to square that statement away with the above statutes and what else has been reported, but perhaps the police will dive back in there now.
- Minnesota §152.02 defines Alprazolam (Xanax) as a Schedule IV drug.
- Minnesota §152.024, 4th Degree Controlled Substance, makes illegal the sale of a Schedule IV drug to persons under 18. A conviction under the sale statute carries a 15-year max sentence, no minimum. [if sales were to MU students, it's unlikely this applies, but who knows]
- Minnesota §152.025, 5th Degree Controlled Substance, makes illegal the sale of a Schedule IV drug to another person. A conviction under the sale statute carries a 5-year max sentence, no minimum.
- §152.025 also makes illegal the unlawful possession of a Schedule IV drug, and comes with a 5-year max sentence, no minimum for a conviction.
For all I've busted on you, that was all in good fun. This isn't fun for anyone, and it hits a lot closer to home for you than for us (although we certainly can relate). Wish you weren't going through this.I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
That'd be one reason. But that call should really be the DA's. Another possible reason is that these were University police not trying very hard to make a case for reasons easy enough to imagine.When I heard that it doesn't fit a crime I figures it was because it is all hearsay. Nobody was caught with anything, it's all based off a player telling a reporter about it. Unless I misses something.
I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
From the hints dropped on the Guillotine, I'm thinking I know who one of them is.I'm getting pm's about who the drug sellers are that leaves me sick to the stomach. Too incredible to be true, yet reliable sources. I blame it on the millennials who've developed their own set of standards. It may be time to go dark, I can't take this.
Found it funny that the Guillotine is running ads for Suboxone.From the hints dropped on the Guillotine, I'm thinking I know who one of them is.
Neither do I - mine is an ad for Gamblers Anonymous and Romanian Online Brides^you sure that isn't the add that is based off your computer history? I see no such add.