MN vs IA

Steveson taking him down at will. Just wish he'd shoot more. He just looks so nonchalant. No fire.
It's how he wrestles. He always keeps the match in front of him, so to speak. He obviously has the tools, but he never goes nuts.
Full Steveson experience. Gives up a point for smacking /clubbing Cassiopi like a jerkstore. Takes Cas down every shot... only shoots 3 times. Gets the decision.

10-6 after 4 matches. (Minny forfeits 125).
Did DeSanto wear a knee brace before RBY almost pinned him, or is the brace for show (or maybe just some peace of mind)?
Iowa must have the best training staff in the country. To get Desanto back from that devastating knee injury this fast... amazing.
No Ill effects at all. I haven’t been on the fake train, but yeah.

I’ve had 5 significant knee injuries. The only one I came back from in 2 ish weeks was a rinky dink grade 1 sprain. Certainly didn’t leave me whining on the field when it happened
No Ill effects at all. I haven’t been on the fake train, but yeah.

I’ve had 5 significant knee injuries. The only one I came back from in 2 ish weeks was a rinky dink grade 1 sprain. Certainly didn’t leave me whining on the field when it happened

Obviously RBY, the dirty wrestler that he is, didn't try hard enough to hurt DeSanto.
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