"Mom/Dad, Meet my new Boyfriend, Bill Belichick."


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Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
72 is the new 27!

Gronk made a joke on the Tom Brady roast saying Belichick used to joke that the local high school team could beat the Patriots that day. Gronk wondered how he would know that. Now he knows Bill was cruising the high school looking for cheerleaders.

It would seem to be a bit of a red flag. She's an adult, of course, but one has to wonder about his taste in women. The rage, now, is to hammer Hugh Hefner for exploiting women in their 20's. They were duped and taken advantage of. If Bill still wants to coach he has to know that any owner has to consider the risk and exposure of the franchise when hiring a HC. BB may be the best NFL coach of all time but I wouldn't tough him at this point.


We've got some jealous posters.
LOL...I think you are joking.

If it is about sex, that is one thing. But he is in the serious "predator" range. But I can understand the sex angle but not at age 72. At age 72, it is just weird. At 42? Check.

If it is about companionship, what do they talk about? Unless she is prepared to be his nurse, it won't end well. I've got know people that married gals 20 or more years younger than them and its always a nightmare. She wants to go see CardiB and he wants to see BonJovi. They are in just different places mentally, socially and physically. A very good friend of mine, age 67 just married a professional athlete who is 53. He is in great shape, walks 8 miles a day and probably doesn't have more than 10% body fat. But he knows his body will begin to wear out in the next 5 to 10 years. That's what most men do. Her probability will be to be vibrant well into her 80s or more. So from a relationship standpoint, they have to know going into it that it is a 5 to 10 year gig. Then she is mostly on her own. Will she stick with him? We'll see.
It would seem to be a bit of a red flag. She's an adult, of course, but one has to wonder about his taste in women. The rage, now, is to hammer Hugh Hefner for exploiting women in their 20's. They were duped and taken advantage of. If Bill still wants to coach he has to know that any owner has to consider the risk and exposure of the franchise when hiring a HC. BB may be the best NFL coach of all time but I wouldn't tough him at this point.



There's a giant gap between Hefner and Bill.

The comparison doesn't even make sense.

Hefner drugged, raped and sold women to wealthy people effectively. For self benefit financially.

Bill is dating a younger woman.
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There's a giant gap between Hefner and Bill.

The comparison doesn't even make sense.

Hefner drugged, raped and sold women to wealthy people effectively. For self benefit financially.

Bill is dating a younger woman.
I don't agree with you. And almost any guy I know can be convicted of getting a gal drunk/high before taking them to bed. Those women were adults, models and knew where their money was coming from. There wasn't any pretense. It was "OnlyFans" before the internet. Nobody complained until their money makers no longer made money.

Now, I think HH was a despicable guy. But at least he was an "honest liar", as Chappell would say. Belichick is smart enough to know why she is with him and it isn't his good looks, charming wit, and sexual proclivity.
I don't agree with you. And almost any guy I know can be convicted of getting a gal drunk/high before taking them to bed. Those women were adults, models and knew where their money was coming from. There wasn't any pretense. It was "OnlyFans" before the internet. Nobody complained until their money makers no longer made money.

Now, I think HH was a despicable guy. But at least he was an "honest liar", as Chappell would say. Belichick is smart enough to know why she is with him and it isn't his good looks, charming wit, and sexual proclivity.

Comparing Bill to HH is laughable.

You didn't answer the question.

She finds Bill attractive. What's your issue with that?

She can date whoever she wants and dated him.

Please let me know when Bill rapes, drugs and rapes, puts his girlfriends into porn for financial gain or sells them to powerful friends. When he does you can compare him to Hefner.

She finds Bill attractive. What's your issue with that?

She can date whoever she wants and dated him.

Please let me know when Bill rapes, drugs and rapes, puts his girlfriends into porn for financial gain or sells them to powerful friends. When he does you can compare him to Hefner.

LOL. Riiiight.

let me know when Hefner is convicted.
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LOL...I think you are joking.

If it is about sex, that is one thing. But he is in the serious "predator" range. But I can understand the sex angle but not at age 72. At age 72, it is just weird. At 42? Check.

If it is about companionship, what do they talk about? Unless she is prepared to be his nurse, it won't end well. I've got know people that married gals 20 or more years younger than them and its always a nightmare. She wants to go see CardiB and he wants to see BonJovi. They are in just different places mentally, socially and physically. A very good friend of mine, age 67 just married a professional athlete who is 53. He is in great shape, walks 8 miles a day and probably doesn't have more than 10% body fat. But he knows his body will begin to wear out in the next 5 to 10 years. That's what most men do. Her probability will be to be vibrant well into her 80s or more. So from a relationship standpoint, they have to know going into it that it is a 5 to 10 year gig. Then she is mostly on her own. Will she stick with him? We'll see.
Come on Obli, didn't you participate in the "Who is the hottest" polls?

I wouldn't date any girl because I'm married. Even if I wasn't married I'd probably look for a woman within 10 years of my age. Jordan Hudson is still good eye candy.
The lead headline on the NY Post website:

“Shirtless Bill Belichick seen sneaking from 24-year-old gal pal's home in newest dating twist” LOL !!!!!
I forgot to mention there’s a couple of blurry pictures of Belichick fleeing the scene. Or at least going out the back door.
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Come on Obli, didn't you participate in the "Who is the hottest" polls?

I wouldn't date any girl because I'm married. Even if I wasn't married I'd probably look for a woman within 10 years of my age. Jordan Hudson is still good eye candy.
Dating or looking? clearly don't know me very well. But it is obvious you never went to college.
It wouldn't be an Obli post if it didn't contain a lie or inaccurate statement.

So, now your stance is, because I didn't rape anyone, I didn't go to college? How many women can you be convicted of raping?
It would seem to be a bit of a red flag. She's an adult, of course, but one has to wonder about his taste in women. The rage, now, is to hammer Hugh Hefner for exploiting women in their 20's. They were duped and taken advantage of. If Bill still wants to coach he has to know that any owner has to consider the risk and exposure of the franchise when hiring a HC. BB may be the best NFL coach of all time but I wouldn't tough him at this point.


Or is he exhibiting his energy and vitality to coach again?
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It wouldn't be an Obli post if it didn't contain a lie or inaccurate statement.

So, now your stance is, because I didn't rape anyone, I didn't go to college? How many women can you be convicted of raping?

PeePee the multiple bans disbarred Whale shark of the small mind, please head to the kids table. The adults are talking here.
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LOL...I think you are joking.

I've got know people that married gals 20 or more years younger than them and its always a nightmare. She wants to go see CardiB and he wants to see BonJovi.
My wife and I go to a lot of rock & roll concerts with performers from the 60s and 70s. We also listen to local artists playing that music at local restaurants & bars. I'm always telling her that I don't know what our kids are going to do when they get old because their music sucks.

BTW we recently went to see John Fogerty from CCR. He's 79 yrs old and the show was fantastic.
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My wife and I go to a lot of rock & roll concerts with performers from the 60s and 70s. We also listen to local artists playing that music at local restaurants & bars. I'm always telling her that I don't know what our kids are going to do when they get old because their music sucks.

BTW we recently went to see John Fogerty from CCR. He's 79 yrs old and the show was fantastic.
I told my sister that they just don't make good music anymore. The artists aren't really as talented or creative. They steal a lot of riffs, lines, and entire songs from more talented musicians that came before them, or they use auto-tuners (because they aren't as talented), or they just make songs that suck.

In fact, I don't know hardly any music beyond 2000. I enjoy the 50s through the 80s (some 90s) but the earlier music is probably better than what they put out when I was growing up in the 70s/80s.
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My wife and I go to a lot of rock & roll concerts with performers from the 60s and 70s. We also listen to local artists playing that music at local restaurants & bars. I'm always telling her that I don't know what our kids are going to do when they get old because their music sucks.

BTW we recently went to see John Fogerty from CCR. He's 79 yrs old and the show was fantastic.

A PSU buddy of mine is retired in South Carolina and is a frequent customer at a few restaurant/bars in his town. He was in sales and can talk with anyone- and at one establishment he has his own stool- think "Norm" from Cheers.

He also gets a charge out of debating folks- often taking sides which may not be his personal opinions just to spar. One night he happened to be in the company of a bunch of young 20 somethings on a bachelorette party. They were from the Midwest somewhere - and he was buying some drinks for the group and playing "old guy local."

Eventually one of the servers- who is living with his son- alerted him to the fact that one of the girls was hitting on him. He claims to have had no clue- not thinking it possible. When he got home he asked his 24 year old daughter and she confirmed that bagging older guys was "a thing" online for some in her generation. I guess a "Reverse Cougar?"

My buddy has been the straightest arrow that a travelling salesman can be. He learned that night to tone down his act a bit as the improbable in our old minds may not be impossible....
Got to give it to Bill. Even in retirement he can still crank it up! He’s got a lot of time on his hands so no better way to pass that time then working it out with a young pup who you know is pretty active being in her mid twenties.
A PSU buddy of mine is retired in South Carolina and is a frequent customer at a few restaurant/bars in his town. He was in sales and can talk with anyone- and at one establishment he has his own stool- think "Norm" from Cheers.

He also gets a charge out of debating folks- often taking sides which may not be his personal opinions just to spar. One night he happened to be in the company of a bunch of young 20 somethings on a bachelorette party. They were from the Midwest somewhere - and he was buying some drinks for the group and playing "old guy local."

Eventually one of the servers- who is living with his son- alerted him to the fact that one of the girls was hitting on him. He claims to have had no clue- not thinking it possible. When he got home he asked his 24 year old daughter and she confirmed that bagging older guys was "a thing" online for some in her generation. I guess a "Reverse Cougar?"

My buddy has been the straightest arrow that a travelling salesman can be. He learned that night to tone down his act a bit as the improbable in our old minds may not be impossible....
OMG, there is hope for me yet!😵‍💫