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I don't mind Nomad on FRL and appreciate his takes. But while everyone's dumping on him, I'll mention that at the EIWAs in March, Nomad ran over to me after Columbia's Joe Manchio upset Brandon Paetzel with a pin. He wanted a photo since everyone else had missed it. I said, sure, just credit me. I processed it fast, emailed him the photo along with my name and within 15 minutes from the pin Flo tweets it out... without crediting me. And I know that stuff like this happens unintentionally, and from my vantage it was no big deal. But I've been around long enough now to know that everyone has a story like that about Flo, so I'm less forthcoming with the benefit of the doubt.
That stuff is such chickenshit bullshit. I almost have more respect when people do more major stuff. It’s like Spiro Agnew as VP taking bribes in the 1000s. That’s a dick move
Is it just me or does it seem like the talent pool for Flo was just the guys who got to the race first. Willie has talent, he’s very similar to Mark Madden if you listen to Pittsburgh Sports Radio. The rest of them seem like a college radio broadcasters.
I don't mind Nomad on FRL and appreciate his takes. But while everyone's dumping on him, I'll mention that at the EIWAs in March, Nomad ran over to me after Columbia's Joe Manchio upset Brandon Paetzel with a pin. He wanted a photo since everyone else had missed it. I said, sure, just credit me. I processed it fast, emailed him the photo along with my name and within 15 minutes from the pin Flo tweets it out... without crediting me. And I know that stuff like this happens unintentionally, and from my vantage it was no big deal. But I've been around long enough now to know that everyone has a story like that about Flo, so I'm less forthcoming with the benefit of the doubt.
Where have I seen this story recently?

Is it just me or does it seem like the talent pool for Flo was just the guys who got to the race first. Willie has talent, he’s very similar to Mark Madden if you listen to Pittsburgh Sports Radio. The rest of them seem like a college radio broadcasters.

I have more talent in my left nut than @smalls103 has had his whole 5' life.

I mean.. He is a Nebraska fan:confused:.. nuff' said!:D
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I have more talent in my left nut than @smalls103 has had his whole 5' life.

I mean.. He is a Nebraska fan:confused:.. nuff' said!:D
He has a unique talent. He can remain in the circle of news and have relevancy there. He also has originality with some his thought. He’s not a afraid of someone not liking him personally, because he’ll bet that person wants his access/news. That’s my take. The rest of them are lame and have no showmanship. They all seem like great guys who want to move wrestling forward, but that doesn’t make you entertaining. They got the most buzz when they hired a 10 year old to call matches. That should tell them something.
Is it just me or does it seem like the talent pool for Flo was just the guys who got to the race first. Willie has talent, he’s very similar to Mark Madden if you listen to Pittsburgh Sports Radio. The rest of them seem like a college radio broadcasters.

This seems exactly the opposite of what is true. They're all either former super fan wrestling message board and social media warriors (Pyles, Spey, Nomad) or former wrestlers and coaches (Askren, Mike Mal, Bader, Bratke, Bray). Say what you will about their knowledge levels, but the primary interest of all of them seems to be more related to wrestling than media.

When I think of the college radio broadcaster types, I think of dudes who would hire on at Flo Wrestling because they want a media job, even though they don't know the difference between a mat return and an illegal fist to the back.
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This. I don’t get why Flo does not at least give a rundown (plus credit to the media outlet) if an event happens outside their purview. Others do.

On the Inside Trip podcast they say that Flo wants to be the ESPN for wrestling. Well ESPN doesn't ignore everything that is not broadcast on their network (except for maybe hockey). I hate ESPN with a passion but they cover all events whether they are being broadcast on ESPN/ABC or not. If Flo wants to be ESPN then ignoring everything that isn't brought to the public by Flo is just silly.

Although wanting to be the ESPN of anything is stupid if you ask me. Wanting to be the absolute trash in the industry is not something they should strive for although if they truly want to be as bad as ESPN is then I guess ignoring wrestling events and pretending they don't exist is a good start.
Is it just me or does it seem like the talent pool for Flo was just the guys who got to the race first. Willie has talent, he’s very similar to Mark Madden if you listen to Pittsburgh Sports Radio. The rest of them seem like a college radio broadcasters.

Comparing anyone to Mark Madden is an insult. The guy is awful and a shit human.
Well......another FRL with no Nomad and not a single mention of Nomad. At one point though.....while talking about certain wrestlers' Instagram prowess.....Ben Askren laughed and said "People need to realize that there can be consequences to what they post......Bratke laughed and said...."A lot of people have been finding that out recently".........MMmmm.....Go On :)
Imagine a morbidly obese blowhard who constantly tells everyone he is a genius. Then add another 100lbs and that's Mark Madden.

I saw Mark Madden in a restaurant one time. I'm just glad I ordered before him.

I tried listening to him but when I found out he knew more than God, I gave up.

I also love these sports talk show hosts that once you veer from the four major sports, they don't have a clue.
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I saw Mark Madden in a restaurant one time. I'm just glad I ordered before him.

I tried listening to him but when I found out he knew more than God, I gave up.

I also love these sports talk show hosts that once you veer from the four major sports, they don't have a clue.

There's four major sports??
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I saw Mark Madden in a restaurant one time. I'm just glad I ordered before him.

I tried listening to him but when I found out he knew more than God, I gave up.

I also love these sports talk show hosts that once you veer from the four major sports, they don't have a clue.
He talks more about hockey and soccer than most other sports and he’s had the number 1 sports radio show in Pittsburgh since the beginning of radio. Say what you want about his appearance and some of his controversy, but people totally disagree with him, but listen every single day. I’d say the controversy, the ratings are enough to justify the comparison, but hey, you clearly aren’t a fan. His genius thing is a schtick, part of the act. Full disclosure, he once called me an a$$ clown for my opinion on something so I’ve got no reason to stick up for him.
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I am a Flo subscriber and like it for the most part. But, I have always believed that Flo has not decided what they want to be. They are not journalists, but sometimes act like they are. Pick what you want to be and make it clear to everyone who visits their site.
I am a Flo subscriber and like it for the most part. But, I have always believed that Flo has not decided what they want to be. They are not journalists, but sometimes act like they are. Pick what you want to be and make it clear to everyone who visits their site.
They are a content provider. That's what the have always been. But they like to try on the journalist hat to see how it looks when it is convenient to them. Then they remove it when they have to make business decisions.
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Did FRL have that CBD sponsor for only 2 weeks or so? They had a few awkward commercial spots and then “poof”.
I haven't been able to follow this thread from the beginning. It appears to have something to do with a dispute between Julia Salata and Flo. But, when I try to look at Salata's tweets, all I find is a huge pile of retweets. I gather there is some problem with flo not booking a women's match for their upcoming event. But then there is a suggestion of a sexual abuse issue buried in there somewhere. Completely puzzling to me as to what anyone is talking about.
according to Pyles Flo did try and get women on the card and were unsuccessful