N.C. state Nebraska

I hope Pop can keep his depth under wraps....never know when someone(s) will start saying his program is dirty and start calling the compliance office.
Hopefully NCST wrestling room depth gives Rutgers a new, yet untested recruiting area.
Here's my take from the G board:
Venz-Renda was the highlight of the night. After Berger and Breske had listless losses to more aggressive opponents, Venz came out to change the tone.
In the first 15 seconds there was a Venz TD, Renda reversal, Venz reversal, Renda reversal to a turk for four back points. Venz escaped late in the period to make it 8-5 Renda.
Renda chose down to start the 2nd and Venz pounded him. Renda earned a stall warning and then got hit with a stall point as he was ridden out. 8-6 Renda.
Pops then charged the scorers table trying to give his tired wrestler a break. After jawing with the ref for a while he did get a bench warning, but accomplished what he intended.
Venz was fired up and feeling it so he ran to the middle of the mat and stayed in the DOWN position while this was going on. A relieved Renda said ok and promptly threw the boots in again and rode him out. Final 9-6.
I often talk about he importance of match strategy. Even though Tyler was "feelin it" the coaches should have instructed him to go on his feet.
The only other highlight was Kevin Jack cruising to a major with an 8-0 lead, riding time, and 13 seconds left. Jack decided to showboat and cut Red, who promptly double-legged him for two and then threw a hard crossface to end the match. Jack was plenty fired up but no major, 9-3 final.

The Wolfpack were very muscular and aggressive, completely dominating the hapless Huskers.
Their upper weights are so strong that Michael Boykin is a backup. Underrated Hidley is a strong AA this year.
Look at their loaded roster; rjr starter Sean Fausz left at home, neither Morris twin (Jamal, Jamel) starting, sophs Thomas Bullard and Nick Reenan on the bench.
Who the hell are you and what have you done with our own personal troll?

Damn man. Well done. I had no idea you could actually engage in wrestling conversation.