National Emergency declared in Texas

They had to pay someone $6000/mwatt. That means some power generator somewhere got huge money.

And nat gas pipelines don’t freeze. It’s a gas. Pumping stations lose power. Metering stations fail. But lines don’t freeze. And these didn’t freeze as people still had gas to the cooking equipment. Nat gas dual system generators froze because they use water for cooling and to generate steam.

All systems failed!!!!

All systems failed!!!

All systems failed!!!!!

Got it yet?

All systems failed!!!!

And if wind is so winderful why was it only expected to produce a mere 7% when it is 22% of the power grid? Why do it produce only 4% instead of the expected 7%?
You seem to know more than what I have seen.

yeah, pipelines don’t freeze, but gas going through orifices or choke points can ice up the equipment such as meters. Was that the problem? Or did the various motors involved simply fail to start due to the cold? If the former, were the metering stations overloaded due to sudden demand? If the latter, starting the motors before the cold would have prevented failure.
So you think we should be looking at what happened before the dinosaurs? Earth was a very different place back then with a lot more volcanic activity and no recognizable continents in the locations that we have today. Anything that gets us to that state in less than hundreds of millions of years would have to be considered drastic and severe climate change resulting in mass extinctions, maybe even mass human die offs.
You do realize man (a very early version of man according to the fossil record) has only been on this planet for 5 million years? You want the climate to be what it was 400 million years ago?
A sensible focus would be on a much shorter duration, like since the last ice age. But sure throw out your what-about nonsense. You really are an obfuscater.
Why would someone select a very small fraction of the available data range, particularly when that portion of the range has seen

1) proven manipulation of the data set by "scientists" to skew temperatures higher (many have been caught doing this Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate ( ) and

2) significant systematic measurement error by placing temperature gauges more predominantly in urbanized areas that read consistently up to several degrees warmer than their nearby rural counterparts?

Thank you so much for educating me on how long man has been around. That was immensely helpful. Basing it off of our interaction, I thought perhaps it was yesterday. Specifically, when you came to be.
They had to pay someone $6000/mwatt. That means some power generator somewhere got huge money.

And nat gas pipelines don’t freeze. It’s a gas. Pumping stations lose power. Metering stations fail. But lines don’t freeze. And these didn’t freeze as people still had gas to the cooking equipment. Nat gas dual system generators froze because they use water for cooling and to generate steam.

All systems failed!!!!

All systems failed!!!

All systems failed!!!!!

Got it yet?

All systems failed!!!!

And if wind is so winderful why was it only expected to produce a mere 7% when it is 22% of the power grid? Why do it produce only 4% instead of the expected 7%?
Maybe you didn't understand this but the gas pipelines froze because they don't contain pure gas. All kinds of stuff including water is in those gas lines.
The letter from the DoE is red herring that some internet nutcases are using as an invented excuse. Even ERCOT isn't claiming this.
Maybe you didn't understand this but the gas pipelines froze because they don't contain pure gas. All kinds of stuff including water is in those gas lines.
The letter from the DoE is red herring that some internet nutcases are using as an invented excuse. Even ERCOT isn't claiming this.
"The letter from the DoE is a red herring"
Send this to the Test Board now
Why would someone select a very small fraction of the available data range, particularly when that portion of the range has seen

1) proven manipulation of the data set by "scientists" to skew temperatures higher (many have been caught doing this Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate ( ) and

2) significant systematic measurement error by placing temperature gauges more predominantly in urbanized areas that read consistently up to several degrees warmer than their nearby rural counterparts?

Thank you so much for educating me on how long man has been around. That was immensely helpful. Basing it off of our interaction, I thought perhaps it was yesterday. Specifically, when you came to be.
For a large fraction of the graph you used, Earth was not inhabitable by humans, the atmosphere would have been toxic. Why would you want to include anything prior to 10,000 years ago??? Just so you can ignore the climate crisis. I get it.
My power and internet finally came back online and I come back to this thread which I see has now fallen into the usual BWI bickering and pointless sh!tshow so I guess I can stop reading it now.

I hope those Texas posters that were impacted are safe and are getting somewhat back to normal. Water is now the #1 issue in Austin, it's shut off for some and city wide we are boiling. Many have burst pipes and damage to sort out. Fortunately mine is up and running and my pipes are intact. Boiling is a minor inconvenience and I'm in a pretty good spot right now which is more than I can say for many others.
Ok, this is my last response to you because I agree with another poster in that you're clearly just going to continue to spew whatever MSNBC is telling you is wrong here. I"m willing to bet that most Houstonians that live on the north side of town around the IAH area don't have a clue that their homes are built on top of a GIANT storage field with a capacity of about 120 Bcf. This would be the "intermediate storage" that you're trying to tell me would have helped in this situation. Well guess what sport, it takes piping and compression to get it back out of the ground so your argument is BS. If the power plant was even a few miles away, it would still face similar issues getting gas to it. Hell, if it was right on top of it, the electric compression we installed in the late 90's obviously wouldn't work and the conventional compression may have frozen up as well because it's been sitting there on Bammel Rd longer than I've been alive and I'm getting old. I'm not even sure if it's still there to be honest as they might have gone all electric.

So if we're relying too much on fossil fuels, what is the answer? Your Swedish windmills only work when the wind blows so that is clearly not reliable either. I've been in Amarillo in August when the wind wasn't blowing and used to have video of the windmills just sitting there doing nothing. Solar only works when the sun is out. Please enlighten me all-knowing one.
Simple. In a place like Texas, if you install enough wind turbines and solar and you have some kind of pump (gas or hydro) storage you will always have a dependable amount of renewable power. The wind is always blowing somewhere and Texas has a very strong average solar intensity.
Germany with a much less favorable solar intensity gets 50% of its power from renewables right now (35% comes from wind 5% from solar and the rest from hydro, biomass, geothermal...). Texas could certainly do better.
For a large fraction of the graph you used, Earth was not inhabitable by humans, the atmosphere would have been toxic. Why would you want to include anything prior to 10,000 years ago??? Just so you can ignore the climate crisis. I get it.
You are confusing a few things.

1) You brought up a correlation of greenhouse gases to temperature. That proposed correlation would have zero to do with humans. If such a correlation existed, it would have existed before and after humans. Are humans in little gerbil wheels converting greenhouse gases into heat in your mind? The greenhouse effect is one thing but the Earth is a much more complex system than greenhouse effect acting in isolation with no other system feedbacks. The graph that I posted clearly shows that at any time in the Earth's living history that atmospheric CO2 is UNCORRELATED with temperature. You'd need to be a complete moron or totally graphically illiterate to not understand this.

2) Because humans did not yet exist on this Earth does not mean that conditions were inhabitable by humans. Not that it is germane to the failed point you were attempting but the Earth's atmosphere was in fact hospitable to humans for much of the graph. Mammals existed on Earth for about 320 million years and are thought to have first originated in the Carboniferous Period. I'll permit you to ignore the first third of the graph if you aren't capable of understanding point 1 above.

3) Wanting to include the vast majority of the available data IS BEING AS TRANSPARENT AND COMPLETE AS POSSIBLE. It is what real scientists do. Even posters who have been propagandized into global cooling global warming climate change aren't naïve enough to not catch on to why you want to only look at 0.001% of the data.
Maybe you didn't understand this but the gas pipelines froze because they don't contain pure gas. All kinds of stuff including water is in those gas lines.
The letter from the DoE is red herring that some internet nutcases are using as an invented excuse. Even ERCOT isn't claiming this.
Boring. There are water separators and desiccants to minimize water in the system. Freezing will occur where fluids pass through an orifice in the system. However the freezing is frosting on the outside of the pipe while the fluid warms. The frosting could screw things up. Basic air conditioning physics. If there enough water laying in the system to cause problems it would be because the system had not been active for awhile.

Again. Why didn’t he systems get fired up earlier?
Another climate denier. Obfuscation is what you do best.
Too bad the science and public record contradict everything you say.
Global warming due to greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by humans has been an established theory since at least the 70s.
More frequent extreme weather events are a well studied and predictable consequence of this warming.

Is global warming now synonymous with climate change? Because I was told they were different.
Maybe you didn't understand this but the gas pipelines froze because they don't contain pure gas. All kinds of stuff including water is in those gas lines.
The letter from the DoE is red herring that some internet nutcases are using as an invented excuse. Even ERCOT isn't claiming this.

A slug of water froze in the pipe? 🤣 🤣
Simple. In a place like Texas, if you install enough wind turbines and solar and you have some kind of pump (gas or hydro) storage you will always have a dependable amount of renewable power. The wind is always blowing somewhere and Texas has a very strong average solar intensity.
Germany with a much less favorable solar intensity gets 50% of its power from renewables right now (35% comes from wind 5% from solar and the rest from hydro, biomass, geothermal...). Texas could certainly do better.

Germany is trying to build a gas line from Russia.

"Blowing somewhere" is pretty useless if the windmill can't move to always go get it.
I just want to know when the hole in the ozone layer of going to kill us all. Should be any day right?
I hope not till Bergy hoists the cup😉

I read your post about power grids near a hospital. I live about 2 blocks from a hospital. I don’t think I’ve lost power in 13-14 years. Except for one circumstance. We had a mini microburst in my neighborhood. Trees down everywhere. Neighbors told transformers blew up. Sounded like fireworks. 2 trees down in my yard. I got home about an hour afterwards and power was already back on. You could see and smell smoke. Looked like a bomb went off
Maybe you didn't understand this but the gas pipelines froze because they don't contain pure gas. All kinds of stuff including water is in those gas lines.
The letter from the DoE is red herring that some internet nutcases are using as an invented excuse. Even ERCOT isn't claiming this.

you are an idiot if you think a natural gas line can freeze. that right there shows you know nothing. there is not 'all kinds of stuff" nor water in any natural gas line. a gas fired large power plant can have the water lines it freeze if not freeze protected properly, which could easily be the case in Texas as they were not built to withstand single digit temperatures and sub freezing for 3-4 straight days. but i can assure you not natural gas line 'froze.
For a large fraction of the graph you used, Earth was not inhabitable by humans, the atmosphere would have been toxic. Why would you want to include anything prior to 10,000 years ago??? Just so you can ignore the climate crisis. I get it.

Last 10,000 years:


Figure 37. Holocene global temperature change reconstruction. a. Red curve, global average temperature reconstruction from Marcott et al., 2013, figure 1. The averaging method does not correct for proxy drop out which produces an artificially enhanced terminal spike, while the Monte Carlo smoothing eliminates most variability information. b. Black curve, global average temperature reconstruction from Marcott et al., 2013, using proxy published dates, and differencing average. Temperature anomaly was rescaled to match biological, glaciological, and marine sedimentary evidence, indicating the Holocene Climate Optimum was about 1.2°C warmer than LIA. c. Purple curve, Earth’s axis obliquity is shown to display a similar trend to Holocene temperatures. Source: Marcott et al., 2013.
Last 10,000 years:


Figure 37. Holocene global temperature change reconstruction. a. Red curve, global average temperature reconstruction from Marcott et al., 2013, figure 1. The averaging method does not correct for proxy drop out which produces an artificially enhanced terminal spike, while the Monte Carlo smoothing eliminates most variability information. b. Black curve, global average temperature reconstruction from Marcott et al., 2013, using proxy published dates, and differencing average. Temperature anomaly was rescaled to match biological, glaciological, and marine sedimentary evidence, indicating the Holocene Climate Optimum was about 1.2°C warmer than LIA. c. Purple curve, Earth’s axis obliquity is shown to display a similar trend to Holocene temperatures. Source: Marcott et al., 2013.

That graph needs a good hockey stick.
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To be honest I am kind of agnostic on climate change. Climate will always change. Is man accelerating it is the first question.

I cringe every time someone tells me 99% of scientists agree. Scientists all agreed that Newton was right. Until Einstein proved him wrong or at least only approximately correct. I saw someone who mans a weather station in the US who said the temps were going up but then showed his station had been surrounded by a strip mall in the last 20 years. I don’t know enough to agree or not.

The second is how to cure. Some say that we can simply adapt like mankind has always done. The quickest way to cut fossils is to end air conditioning. How many people would agree to that? Without AC Miami would be uninhabitable. With AC Miami gets flooded. Same outcome.

Many people posit many effects global warming may have. Some have been proven wrong or minimal. Some will happen no matter what. The goalposts keep changing so how do you do the calculus without wasting trillions and killing many when the long term effects aren’t certain.

I am not an ideologue but I also don’t believe everything I hear. Remember the PSU prof got caught cooking the books with his ”hockey stick” analysis of data.
Why would someone select a very small fraction of the available data range, particularly when that portion of the range has seen

1) proven manipulation of the data set by "scientists" to skew temperatures higher (many have been caught doing this Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate ( ) and

2) significant systematic measurement error by placing temperature gauges more predominantly in urbanized areas that read consistently up to several degrees warmer than their nearby rural counterparts?

Thank you so much for educating me on how long man has been around. That was immensely helpful. Basing it off of our interaction, I thought perhaps it was yesterday. Specifically, when you came to be.
With regard to your point number one there's a guy whose son I coached in baseball who was given a huge severance package to retire early because he was one of the scientist who consistently would not go along with the information that you posted. He said anybody who disagreed with their agenda was paid handsomely to retire early.
Last 10,000 years:


Figure 37. Holocene global temperature change reconstruction. a. Red curve, global average temperature reconstruction from Marcott et al., 2013, figure 1. The averaging method does not correct for proxy drop out which produces an artificially enhanced terminal spike, while the Monte Carlo smoothing eliminates most variability information. b. Black curve, global average temperature reconstruction from Marcott et al., 2013, using proxy published dates, and differencing average. Temperature anomaly was rescaled to match biological, glaciological, and marine sedimentary evidence, indicating the Holocene Climate Optimum was about 1.2°C warmer than LIA. c. Purple curve, Earth’s axis obliquity is shown to display a similar trend to Holocene temperatures. Source: Marcott et al., 2013.
Yeah. This shows a total difference of 1 deg C over 10,000 years. We are on the road to a 2.5 deg rise by mid 21st century. QED
you are an idiot if you think a natural gas line can freeze. that right there shows you know nothing. there is not 'all kinds of stuff" nor water in any natural gas line. a gas fired large power plant can have the water lines it freeze if not freeze protected properly, which could easily be the case in Texas as they were not built to withstand single digit temperatures and sub freezing for 3-4 straight days. but i can assure you not natural gas line 'froze.
The entire gas line didn't "freeze" but enough water was in the lines that in the locations where they needed to flow quickly through small openings (that's called an orifice), the kinetic energy induced temperature drop caused freezing. (Does that make it simple enough for you?) Of course if the lines had been insulated the way they are further north, none of this would have happened. Also the gas suppliers and ERCOT ignored the advice they were given 10 years ago to winterize their equipment.
Germany is trying to build a gas line from Russia.

"Blowing somewhere" is pretty useless if the windmill can't move to always go get it.
You are always good for some absolute nonsense. I bet you fell out of your chair. What does a German company wanting to make money off of natural gas have to do with their getting 35% of their power from wind turbines???
Boring. There are water separators and desiccants to minimize water in the system. Freezing will occur where fluids pass through an orifice in the system. However the freezing is frosting on the outside of the pipe while the fluid warms. The frosting could screw things up. Basic air conditioning physics. If there enough water laying in the system to cause problems it would be because the system had not been active for awhile.

Again. Why didn’t he systems get fired up earlier?
The freezing happened. ERCOT couldn't get gas to power plants and they are blaming it on freezing. There is definitely different levels of water in the system. If the frosting was the issue, so be it. ERCOT blamed the issues on frozen gas pipe lines. Clearly it doesn't matter whether it was on the outside (around orifices where interior temp drop could cause frosting on the outside) or not.
You are always good for some absolute nonsense. I bet you fell out of your chair. What does a German company wanting to make money off of natural gas have to do with their getting 35% of their power from wind turbines???
A. It’s a Russian company. B. Germany is buying huge amounts of nat gas becaus they know wind ain’t gonna cut it.

So Texas has 1500 wind turbines now. ERCOT expected wind to supply only 7% of needed power. But half of them failed so wind supplied somewhere around 4%. So if wind is to replace evil, terrible, destructive, killing-the-planet fossil fuels Texas would need to build 36,000 more windmills.

Yeah, sounds like a plan....
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The freezing happened. ERCOT couldn't get gas to power plants and they are blaming it on freezing. There is definitely different levels of water in the system. If the frosting was the issue, so be it. ERCOT blamed the issues on frozen gas pipe lines. Clearly it doesn't matter whether it was on the outside (around orifices where interior temp drop could cause frosting on the outside) or not.
Let us set the parameters. Wind failed. Fossil failed. The grid failed. Ercot failed. Fossil management failed. The DOE failed. Agree?

How do we fix going forward:

1. Wind. Winterize the current wind turbines. Several million. Build thousands more turbines to have sufficient capacity for spikes. Tens or hundreds of millions to build. My opinion is this is outlandishly expensive and may not prevent a similar fiasco. Your position is the turbines will pay off in the long term financially and help the planet.

2. Fossil. Proper maintenance including winterization. The cost should not be too much as it should have happened but didn’t for reasons which are unknown now. Call this a million a year, but it should already be in the budget. Power plants around the world work fine with this maintenance, including Siberia. Do you disagree?

3. Ercot. Ercot talked about winterization in a zoom call. Apparently that was all they did. Further, they tried to maximize wind while cutting way back on fossil and nuclear. I say they did so without proper planning For weather and fossil capacity availability.

4. DOE. Can we agree that the memo regarding waiving emissions standards is legit? If so the DOE said Ok but placed restrictions which delayed response. I know you wish to place blame purely on fossil but the delay meant the fossils weren’t fired up until after it got cold. If all the equipment had been started before it got cold, failures would likely have been minimal—in my uneducated guess. We will see after the future investigations.

What does Texas do now? Fix their fossil problems or wind problems? One million or hundreds of millions? Just my opinion but the basic outline is fairly accurate although some details will be wrong.
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You are always good for some absolute nonsense. I bet you fell out of your chair. What does a German company wanting to make money off of natural gas have to do with their getting 35% of their power from wind turbines???

Yes, what indeed.
Disclaimer: Unlike the rest of you, I am not an expert on power generation, transmission, or grid management- nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn last night.

But it does seem to me that if a state is going to choose to not be a part of even a regional grid that that state should make sure that it's grid is built, maintained, and managed well enough to handle not only the usual but also the unusual. Otherwise, one might make the observation that the people in charge are "all hat, no cattle".
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A. It’s a Russian company. B. Germany is buying huge amounts of nat gas becaus they know wind ain’t gonna cut it.

So Texas has 1500 wind turbines now. ERCOT expected wind to supply only 7% of needed power. But half of them failed so wind supplied somewhere around 4%. So if wind is to replace evil, terrible, destructive, killing-the-planet fossil fuels Texas would need to build 36,000 more windmills.

Yeah, sounds like a plan....
Since we know that wind turbines work fine in Manitoba and Germany all winter long, maybe they just need turbines that have been winterized. Or maybe they need a combination of turbines and solar and nuclear with some storage based on compressed air or pump storage or both.
No, you keep to your factually challenged story that renewables can't be a reliable part of the grid. The entire world has already woken up to the fact that it can be and will.
Let us set the parameters. Wind failed. Fossil failed. The grid failed. Ercot failed. Fossil management failed. The DOE failed. Agree?

How do we fix going forward:

1. Wind. Winterize the current wind turbines. Several million. Build thousands more turbines to have sufficient capacity for spikes. Tens or hundreds of millions to build. My opinion is this is outlandishly expensive and may not prevent a similar fiasco. Your position is the turbines will pay off in the long term financially and help the planet.

2. Fossil. Proper maintenance including winterization. The cost should not be too much as it should have happened but didn’t for reasons which are unknown now. Call this a million a year, but it should already be in the budget. Power plants around the world work fine with this maintenance, including Siberia. Do you disagree?

3. Ercot. Ercot talked about winterization in a zoom call. Apparently that was all they did. Further, they tried to maximize wind while cutting way back on fossil and nuclear. I say they did so without proper planning For weather and fossil capacity availability.

4. DOE. Can we agree that the memo regarding waiving emissions standards is legit? If so the DOE said Ok but placed restrictions which delayed response. I know you wish to place blame purely on fossil but the delay meant the fossils weren’t fired up until after it got cold. If all the equipment had been started before it got cold, failures would likely have been minimal—in my uneducated guess. We will see after the future investigations.

What does Texas do now? Fix their fossil problems or wind problems? One million or hundreds of millions? Just my opinion but the basic outline is fairly accurate although some details will be wrong.

1. I would like to see where you get your price tag on winterizing turbines. It's a cost that has been absorbed in most of the rest of the world, Colorado, Canada, Germany, Sweden, etc. All of those places have thriving economies and aren't rationing energy the last I checked.

2. Fossil fuels are the primary culprit in our ongoing climate crisis (aka global warming). The climate crises that is going on right now. We need to reduce usage of fossil as much as possible.

3. ERCOT. Where is the data showing that ERCOT cut way back on fossil and nuclear while trying to maximize wind??? This is a made up backstory being circulated by politically motivated hacks.
ERCOT always planned to use whatever resources they had, and that included about 7% of their expected load from wind. The reality is that when you have wind turbines on-line, you use them because thats the economy of installed wind power. However, ERCOT always planned to backfill energy need with gas since gas turbines can be started up very quickly (although this time, not so much). When the weather came, the load increased to the HIGHEST IN THE HISTORY of ERCOT a level they did not predict. The same wind turbines that were expected to produce 7% of course produced less (that's how percentages work). However ERCOT SPOKESMAN SAID THE TURBINES PRODUCED MORE kW*hr THAN EXPECTED. So, they produced more energy than expected. (I assume this low expectation is because they didn't winterize).

4. DOE letter. This is a red herring. The only thing clear from that letter is that the DoE agreed to ERCOT's request to waive clean air standards in the event they needed to do so in response to the winter storm. There's no evidence that ERCOT delayed start-up of any power plants due to this agreement. The only known significant price changes occurred this week due to a huge jump in market price on natural gas. Thousands of consumers in Texas are getting stuck with huge bills due to this (unregulated energy market). The DoE never collected any fees related to this speculated effect.
1. I would like to see where you get your price tag on winterizing turbines. It's a cost that has been absorbed in most of the rest of the world, Colorado, Canada, Germany, Sweden, etc. All of those places have thriving economies and aren't rationing energy the last I checked.

2. Fossil fuels are the primary culprit in our ongoing climate crisis (aka global warming). The climate crises that is going on right now. We need to reduce usage of fossil as much as possible.

3. ERCOT. Where is the data showing that ERCOT cut way back on fossil and nuclear while trying to maximize wind??? This is a made up backstory being circulated by politically motivated hacks.
ERCOT always planned to use whatever resources they had, and that included about 7% of their expected load from wind. The reality is that when you have wind turbines on-line, you use them because thats the economy of installed wind power. However, ERCOT always planned to backfill energy need with gas since gas turbines can be started up very quickly (although this time, not so much). When the weather came, the load increased to the HIGHEST IN THE HISTORY of ERCOT a level they did not predict. The same wind turbines that were expected to produce 7% of course produced less (that's how percentages work). However ERCOT SPOKESMAN SAID THE TURBINES PRODUCED MORE kW*hr THAN EXPECTED. So, they produced more energy than expected. (I assume this low expectation is because they didn't winterize).

4. DOE letter. This is a red herring. The only thing clear from that letter is that the DoE agreed to ERCOT's request to waive clean air standards in the event they needed to do so in response to the winter storm. There's no evidence that ERCOT delayed start-up of any power plants due to this agreement. The only known significant price changes occurred this week due to a huge jump in market price on natural gas. Thousands of consumers in Texas are getting stuck with huge bills due to this (unregulated energy market). The DoE never collected any fees related to this speculated effect.
1. A Technician earlier this thread mentioned some of the things that would have to be done which I would guesstimate to cost some significant coin. Otherwise it would be part of the base model. 1500 turbines times ?? $1000 $50,000 $100,000??

2. If that is your only calculus, then skip all other discussion and throw away your air conditioner. Then kick back and watch how many people die in this And any subsequent event.

3. Ercot planned poorly. This has been discussed. But if wind was only expected to supply 7% then it is irrelevant to a solution for next year. How much will it cost to make it relevant? By the way, wind miserably failed in the initial spike in demand.

4. OK the DOE letter is legit. The DOE set the prices before any spikes in demand or gas prices. You say that the exorbitant price was offset by the gas price spike. DOE didn’t know that price beforehand, so again you make something up.
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Since we know that wind turbines work fine in Manitoba and Germany all winter long, maybe they just need turbines that have been winterized. Or maybe they need a combination of turbines and solar and nuclear with some storage based on compressed air or pump storage or both.
No, you keep to your factually challenged story that renewables can't be a reliable part of the grid. The entire world has already woken up to the fact that it can be and will.

I would posit that if you go nuclear you don't need all the rest of that worthless and environmentally harmful crap.

BTW, Germany disagrees about how well windmills work. In case you haven't figured it out yet, it's why they want that gas line from the worst country and greatest threat to US democracy on this earth.
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I would posit that if you go nuclear you don't need all the rest of that worthless and environmentally harmful crap.

BTW, Germany disagrees about how well windmills work. In case you haven't figured it out yet, it's why they want that gas line from the worst country and greatest threat to US democracy on this earth.
Germany is already at 50% renewables and is committed to go to 100% by 2050. I don't know how the pipeline figures into anything but as another poster pointed out, it's a Russian company that wants to build it.
Germany is already at 50% renewables and is committed to go to 100% by 2050. I don't know how the pipeline figures into anything but as another poster pointed out, it's a Russian company that wants to build it.
It’s a Russian company that is building it.......because Germany has contracted to buy huge amounts of nat gas. Man you are truly ignorant of reality.
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1. A Technician earlier this thread mentioned some of the things that would have to be done which I would guesstimate to cost some significant coin. Otherwise it would be part of the base model. 1500 turbines times ?? $1000 $50,000 $100,000??

2. If that is your only calculus, then skip all other discussion and throw away your air conditioner. Then kick back and watch how many people die in this And any subsequent event.

3. Ercot planned poorly. This has been discussed. But if wind was only expected to supply 7% then it is irrelevant to a solution for next year. How much will it cost to make it relevant? By the way, wind miserably failed in the initial spike in demand.

4. OK the DOE letter is legit. The DOE set the prices before any spikes in demand or gas prices. You say that the exorbitant price was offset by the gas price spike. DOE didn’t know that price beforehand, so again you make something up.

1. Whatever the technician quoted, I would like to see the actual numbers to Texas from a legit quote. Since other places are doing it economically, in fact most places using wind turbines are in northern latitudes all year round. So your numbers must be off base.

2. Yeah the climate crisis is real. It's the biggest challenge of the 21st century.

3. Repeat: Wind delivered what ERCOT expected. The actual demand dwarfed what they had hoped for. Their own spokesperson said wind actually over-delivered. And if they had winterized, it would have been the only thing delivering. Of course they ignored the recommendations from a decade ago and didn't require anyone to winterize. That's what happens when the fox runs the henhouse.

4. The DOE letter is a red herring that only right wing hacks are using as a diversion. There's zero evidence or even a comment from ERCOT that the pricing in the letter drove any decisions. Of course it didn't because the way a grid works is you provide power on-demand. There's no storage on the grid! There's no evidence that ERCOT told the gas or coal plants not to operate during the storm because of higher rates.

In fact Texas customers are getting bills of over $1000s right now because of the natural gas pricing. (Some folks got $200K bills but they were told it was in error). This wasn't a DoE price control (which in fact doesn't exist since nobody has paid it) it was market driven.
It’s a Russian company that is building it.......because Germany has contracted to buy huge amounts of nat gas. Man you are truly ignorant of reality.
Nonsense, the purpose of the pipeline is to offset oil and coal use, but it is definitely controversial in Germany.
So you're either ignorant or just lie for the hell of it.
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4. OK the DOE letter is legit. The DOE set the prices before any spikes in demand or gas prices. You say that the exorbitant price was offset by the gas price spike. DOE didn’t know that price beforehand, so again you make something up.

Despite some "facebook posts"

To get a simple explanation of what happened.

And if you think ERCOT is run by wild-eyed windmill loving liberals:
Despite some "facebook posts"

To get a simple explanation of what happened.

And if you think ERCOT is run by wild-eyed windmill loving liberals:
You cite some fact checker who doesn’t address the issue we have talked about since the memo leaked. DOE waived the emissions only so far and so long as needed. DOE didn’t expressly state power up now. Further any such power would be charged at sky high rates designed to discourage use of the waiver.
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1. Whatever the technician quoted, I would like to see the actual numbers to Texas from a legit quote. Since other places are doing it economically, in fact most places using wind turbines are in northern latitudes all year round. So your numbers must be off base.

2. Yeah the climate crisis is real. It's the biggest challenge of the 21st century.

3. Repeat: Wind delivered what ERCOT expected. The actual demand dwarfed what they had hoped for. Their own spokesperson said wind actually over-delivered. And if they had winterized, it would have been the only thing delivering. Of course they ignored the recommendations from a decade ago and didn't require anyone to winterize. That's what happens when the fox runs the henhouse.

4. The DOE letter is a red herring that only right wing hacks are using as a diversion. There's zero evidence or even a comment from ERCOT that the pricing in the letter drove any decisions. Of course it didn't because the way a grid works is you provide power on-demand. There's no storage on the grid! There's no evidence that ERCOT told the gas or coal plants not to operate during the storm because of higher rates.

In fact Texas customers are getting bills of over $1000s right now because of the natural gas pricing. (Some folks got $200K bills but they were told it was in error). This wasn't a DoE price control (which in fact doesn't exist since nobody has paid it) it was market driven.
The only number I actually quoted was 1500 turbines. I ask what a retrofit would cost. I would guess $1000 is lowball and that is $1.5mm. I would recommend jumping all over that but I would guess the real number is much higher.

Again, if climate your only issue you don’t need to discuss anything. You just need trillions of $ to implement the green new deal whether it works or not.

management screwed up the grid plan. So how do you fix it? How many turbines do you need to build? You can do the math because you don’t believe anyone else.

DOE discouraged using the waiver by using a huge number for the price. I don’t know if that drove decisions by ercot any more than you do.