Coach Eggum's complaint loses some credibility when he completely makes up things. PPG Paints Arena has a seating capacity of 18,387 for hockey games. I'm not sure what it will be for wrestling but it will be a lot closer to 18,300 than it will be 16,000.
The NCAA is finally holding the NCAA Championships in the center of wrestling's popularity. How can Coach Eggum be surprised that there has been an overwhelming demand for tickets and that some of the allocations have to be reset? No one is happy about it because EVERYONE'S demand exceeds their allocation. The program that receives the most tickets to this year's Championship will not have enough tickets to meet the demand from their fans. There have to be at least 30 Division I programs (including the past 8 NCAA Championship-winning programs) and five of the top high school wrestling states in the country (PA, OH, NJ, NY, MI) located within an 8-hour drive of Pittsburgh - of course demand will be greater than it is in St. Louis or anywhere else!
It's about time that the NCAA starts to change their ticket allotments. Although Minnesota probably sells all of their tickets every year, long gone are the days when Minny was one of the top teams- in both performance and fan following- in the country. Penn State, Ohio State, Cornell are three programs that definitely deserve the "formula" to be updated from what is was 20 years ago. NC State, Va Tech, Rutgers are three more programs that have ratcheted up both performance and attendance in the past 10 years and they should be rewarded. Look at what Cary Kolat is doing at Campbell or what Bono- and now Hahn- have done at SDSU. Even the resurgence that Scott Moore is leading at Lock Haven. Programs that are growing the sport as evidenced by increased attendance and promotion should be rewarded with an increase in their allotment. That can only be done by recalibrating the allocation. Unfortunately, some of those teams that have benefitted over the past two decades from the lack of updating to the formula will end up losing some of their NCAA tickets. Just as these programs have dropped off in dual meet attendance and NCAA performance, their NCAA ticket allotment should drop, too.
This is one way for the NWCA and NCAA to "make duals matter" if the programs that are the ones promoting duals and promoting the sport and getting fans in seats are actually rewarded with their NCAA ticket allocation reflecting their accomplishments.
I empathize with the Minnesota and Stanford fans. But, a reallocation of the distribution of NCAA tickets is long overdue.