NCAA to present findings and (only) recommend post-season ban for Cheaters of the West. No vacated natty or wins per report

Meat Chicken pokes fun at the upper Midwest accent. You're saying that is the same as Ped State? 😳😳😳😳😳

Keep digging this hole Lando
Saying anything other than Michigan is childish and pathetic
Meat Chicken or scUM
Same level--no Still unacceptable--yes
How is it dumb? The NCAA ruled and we ignored it
You consider it to be a title and don't care what the NCAA says re: 1994
How is that different? It's the exact same thing. You just want the NCAA to validate how you feel--but why? Who cares? You're not going to count it anyway. Those that only care about what happened will count it regardless.

You have a strange mind. UM cheated yet you want to dismiss it as the past. If NCAA removes it then it is not on the books. UM can believe whatever they want but the official stance is that it was removed. It is exacty like the Michigan basketball scandal. Remove the wins and remove the banners
You have a strange mind. UM cheated yet you want to dismiss it as the past. If NCAA removes it then it is not on the books. UM can believe whatever they want but the official stance is that it was removed. It is exacty like the Michigan basketball scandal. Remove the wins and remove the banners
Again, so when Paterno's victories were removed did that impact how many wins he had in your mind?
Removing banners and it being written doesn't change anything. Do you think USC don't think they won the title because of the NCAA's ruling? If we won a title and the NCAA failed to recognize it I wouldn't care and for generations we would talk about it, the game exists on video, there's endless evidence of it. And they'll say "the NCAA was wrong for doing what they did" just like anyone.
Pretending the NCAA's decision means anything is strange. They have no real power--again, we killed them.
And you already don't consider it to be legit so if the NCAA doesn't vacate it will you stop saying they didn't earn it? Of course you won't
Again, so when Paterno's victories were removed did that impact how many wins he had in your mind?
Removing banners and it being written doesn't change anything. Do you think USC don't think they won the title because of the NCAA's ruling? If we won a title and the NCAA failed to recognize it I wouldn't care and for generations we would talk about it, the game exists on video, there's endless evidence of it. And they'll say "the NCAA was wrong for doing what they did" just like anyone.
Pretending the NCAA's decision means anything is strange. They have no real power--again, we killed them.
And you already don't consider it to be legit so if the NCAA doesn't vacate it will you stop saying they didn't earn it? Of course you won't
Arguing with you is the proverbial boxing a ghost. The NCAA still has power otherwise why suspend Jim for 3 games for recruiting cheats and lies? Take it away...I don't care if fans believe otherwise. Officially they cheated..horribly, There is no argument.
Arguing with you is the proverbial boxing a ghost. The NCAA still has power otherwise why suspend Jim for 3 games for recruiting cheats and lies? Take it away...I don't care if fans believe otherwise. Officially they cheated..horribly, There is no argument.
Michigan allowed them to suspend Harbaugh. If Michigan wants to end the facade of the NCAA they can. The NCAA knows this. We've seen what sanctions are likely and that is probably even more than what will happen.

Thinking there's no argument is interesting
Arguing with you is the proverbial boxing a ghost. The NCAA still has power otherwise why suspend Jim for 3 games for recruiting cheats and lies? Take it away...I don't care if fans believe otherwise. Officially they cheated..horribly, There is no argument.

The imbecile you're arguing with is a raving scUM apologist who has zero real argument outside his logical fallacy after logical fallacy. I've had him on ignore for over a year - and would recommend you do the same. I can only see some of his asinine responses because they are quoted when you respond to them. His compounding of clear "strawman and bandwagon argumentation" is utterly comical (it's his signature style and demonstrates how truly imbecillic he is).

Let's take his claim that all PSU fans want the NCAA eliminated (or had the NCAA eliminated). This is an utterly specious argument - the NCAA's primary function is to define the rules of Collegiate Sports (including CFB) as to the on-field Rulebook, student-atlete eligibility, etc.... and protect the integrity of Collegiate Athletic Competitions and interests of participants. I have never seen a PSU poster say that they do not want clear violations of the NCAA Rules or Rulebook - i.e., "cheating" - (be it the on-field Rulebook, eligibility rules, recruiting rules, etc...) to be punished. Yet how many times have you seen dip$hit, king of bullshit argumentation claim that PSU fans don't want the NCAA to enforce bonafide RULES VIOLATIONS???

PSU has NEVER been found in violation of NCAA Rules governing the administration of Collegiate Sports Competitions - the NCAA acted unilaterally and outside their purview in regards to the matter dip$hit keeps referencing, which is why they were challenged. But no PSU fan has ever said that they do not want the NCAA to exist and act within their primary purview - to protect the integrity of Collegiate Athletic Competitions and to severely punish cheaters, and cheating, to act as a dissuassion.

He then compounds his complete strawman argument by claiming some analogy to scUM blatantly, and wantonly, violating the NCAA Rulebook for years relative to rules of play - i.e., "CHEATING". How on earth is blatantly, and wantonly, trampling the NCAA Rulebook for years to gain unfair competitive advantage on the field of play (i.e., smack-dab directly in the middle of the NCAA's primary purview) anywhere remotely similar to PSU acting against the NCAA when they were acting well outside their legal rights, and purview, and were violating PSU and PSU's legal rights???

His whole stack of lame arguments in defense of the indefensible are nothing but a series of strawman and ad populum bullshit argumentation. The poster is not only a complete a$$hole, but is an arrogant-without-cause imbecile - and like most of his kind is proud of his imbecilic, wrong (and provably wrong) arguments and never tires of repeating them over, and over and over again regardless of how provably stupid and wrong they are.
The imbecile you're arguing with is a raving scUM apologist who has zero real argument outside his logical fallacy after logical fallacy. I've had him on ignore for over a year - and would recommend you do the same. I can only see some of his asinine responses because they are quoted when you respond to them. His compounding of clear "strawman and bandwagon argumentation" is utterly comical (it's his signature style and demonstrates how truly imbecillic he is).

Let's take his claim that all PSU fans want the NCAA eliminated (or had the NCAA eliminated). This is an utterly specious argument - the NCAA's primary function is to define the rules of Collegiate Sports (including CFB) as to the on-field Rulebook, student-atlete eligibility, etc.... and protect the integrity of Collegiate Athletic Competitions and interests of participants. I have never seen a PSU poster say that they do not want clear violations of the NCAA Rules or Rulebook - i.e., "cheating" - (be it the on-field Rulebook, eligibility rules, recruiting rules, etc...) to be punished. Yet how many times have you seen dip$hit, king of bullshit argumentation claim that PSU fans don't want the NCAA to enforce bonafide RULES VIOLATIONS???

PSU has NEVER been found in violation of NCAA Rules governing the administration of Collegiate Sports Competitions - the NCAA acted unilaterally and outside their purview in regards to the matter dip$hit keeps referencing, which is why they were challenged. But no PSU fan has ever said that they do not want the NCAA to exist and act within their primary purview - to protect the integrity of Collegiate Athletic Competitions and to severely punish cheaters, and cheating, to act as a dissuassion.

He then compounds his complete strawman argument by claiming some analogy to scUM blatantly, and wantonly, violating the NCAA Rulebook for years relative to rules of play - i.e., "CHEATING". How on earth is blatantly, and wantonly, trampling the NCAA Rulebook for years to gain unfair competitive advantage on the field of play (i.e., smack-dab directly in the middle of the NCAA's primary purview) anywhere remotely similar to PSU acting against the NCAA when they were acting well outside their legal rights, and purview, and were violating PSU and PSU's legal rights???

His whole stack of lame arguments in defense of the indefensible are nothing but a series of strawman and ad populum bullshit argumentation. The poster is not only a complete a$$hole, but is an arrogant-without-cause imbecile - and like most of his kind is proud of his imbecilic, wrong (and provably wrong) arguments and never tires of repeating them over, and over and over again regardless of how provably stupid and wrong they are.

Lol...this is you still being delusional and you talk about me as much as anyone.

If we still counted Paterno's wins, which we did, we don't care what the NCAA says. That's a fact.

Those that don't count Michigan's title now still won't regardless of what the NCAA does. Those that do will continue to. It's a simple concept but you all can't accept that reality.

It's like trying to explain bowl games are irrelevant. Eventually some will get it. Others never will because they don't want to deal with what is.
The excuses people have made about this remind me of the coaches who say I am not leaving x university : all a bunch of flack blabber. UM cheated and they are simply going to try to avoid accountability by any means possible. That's what you get in this society that is losing morals . Win at any cost . I got kicked off the other premium board for going to the UM site when this happened and reporting (cause I couldn't comment there ) all the posts that defended their cheating . Unreal how some defend blatant cheating . Notice how much Lando's comments weight its all in the past instead of it was wrong ?
The excuses people have made about this remind me of the coaches who say I am not leaving x university : all a bunch of flack blabber. UM cheated and they are simply going to try to avoid accountability by any means possible. That's what you get in this society that is losing morals . Win at any cost . I got kicked off the other premium board for going to the UM site when this happened and reporting (cause I couldn't comment there ) all the posts that defended their cheating . Unreal how some defend blatant cheating . Notice how much Lando's comments weight its all in the past instead of it was wrong ?
The fact you went to their board to report "the defense of cheating" is insane.
No program is clean. Including ours. Michigan cheated. That happens. Just like I think Bonds should be in the HOF.
Again, those that believe it's not legitimate will always believe that. See you and your holier than thou take. Those that don't care never will. So, why does anyone care what the NCAA says? We all think the NCAA is a joke but now we care how they rule on something.
This is just ridiculous. I have no problem with anyone saying they don't consider the talent legit. I have a problem with anyone needing the NCAA to validate that opinion.
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The fact you went to their board to report "the defense of cheating" is insane.
No program is clean. Including ours. Michigan cheated. That happens. Just like I think Bonds should be in the HOF.
Again, those that believe it's not legitimate will always believe that. See you and your holier than thou take. Those that don't care never will. So, why does anyone care what the NCAA says? We all think the NCAA is a joke but now we care how they rule on something.
This is just ridiculous. I have no problem with anyone saying they don't consider the talent legit. I have a problem with anyone needing the NCAA to validate that opinion.

Show me where Penn State hired a guy to go to games and steal signs ..................
Perfection and imperfetions are both matters of degree.
If you want to approach it that way but the degree or level doesn't alter the reality all programs are far from perfect.

Again, this entire discussion centers around caring what the NCAA does which is irrelevant. To me and others, they won on the field after everything was exposes without an advantage. They're the champs. Many teams, including our team could have prevented that and failed. To you and many others, the title is a sham and invalid.

Nothing changes no matter what the NCAA decides.
If you want to approach it that way but the degree or level doesn't alter the reality all programs are far from perfect.

Again, this entire discussion centers around caring what the NCAA does which is irrelevant. To me and others, they won on the field after everything was exposes without an advantage. They're the champs. Many teams, including our team could have prevented that and failed. To you and many others, the title is a sham and invalid.

Nothing changes no matter what the NCAA decides.

Listen, I would agree that UM's offense was really well designed, strong OL, fast RB and good QB game manager who could make the throws. Certainly, you can't argue the clutch catches against Alabama that allowed them to tie and win in OT. They had to execute and they did. On the defensive side, they cheated their a%%es off and knew the plays that other side was running. They were good defense but certainly not other-worldly liked they played in 2023. That was the cheating and why you get stripped of title. There is footage of Conor on sidelines calling out the O plays to Harbaugh. Knowing the depths of scandal, they are not the champs. They cheated on D tremendously.
Just read a interesting fact about mich. They were booted out of their league in 1907 for rules violations. They were finally allowed back in 1916.

Seems they have a long history of being less than perfect.

I guess rules used to mean something. Seems today anything goes. Win at all cost and forget the consequences if caught cheating as long as you win.
Perfection and imperfetions are both matters of degree.

Well given that PSU is the only remaining DIA program with zero major infractions, it really isn't a matter of degrees.... zero infractions is a perfect record. Meanwhile you have dipshit still spouting his bullshit strawman and ad populum arguments saying nobody wants the NCAA to perform their seminal purview - protecting the integrity of the game against cheaters looking to gain a competitive advantage on the field via violation of core NCAA Rules. Utter nonsense that anyone wants this, let alone claiming "everyone wants it" via completely horseshit and utterly false argumentation known as "ad populum argumentation" (claiming everyone supports what he is arguing despite zero evidence for the claim, which is diametrically opposite of actual reality).
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Show me where Penn State hired a guy to go to games and steal signs ..................
Funny..there is a whole UM reddit site where delusional fans have asked where Conor got the money for all the tickets, games, payoffs over 3 years on 55k yr salary. They have convinced themselves that 1. He could do it on his own as 55K is "alot" of money 2. His home sale garnered enough to do it 3. His wealthy parents.

Just a huge UM fam who spent family wealth to help bring UM to glory..a true martyr..tears. UM is clean from entire incident
Listen, I would agree that UM's offense was really well designed, strong OL, fast RB and good QB game manager who could make the throws. Certainly, you can't argue the clutch catches against Alabama that allowed them to tie and win in OT. They had to execute and they did. On the defensive side, they cheated their a%%es off and knew the plays that other side was running. They were good defense but certainly not other-worldly liked they played in 2023. That was the cheating and why you get stripped of title. There is footage of Conor on sidelines calling out the O plays to Harbaugh. Knowing the depths of scandal, they are not the champs. They cheated on D tremendously.
Okay you're just not being rational with this.
"As a result of the agreed upon..."
Kentucky allowed this

So, are you saying that if Kentucky did not agree to the punishment the NCAA would just say "ok, never mind, nothing to see here"? Perhaps they "agreed" to avoid harsher penalties. Sound familar?
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So, are you saying that if Kentucky did not agree to the punishment the NCAA would just say "ok, never mind, nothing to see here"? Perhaps they "agreed" to avoid harsher penalties. Sound familar?
You're still pretending we agreed to it to avoid harsher penalties? Let's be real.
At that point in time the NCAA still had some power and our "story" was national news in which no one (especially those in power at Penn State) were able and/or willing to defend us. Including the Big Ten.
The Big Ten will destroy the NCAA if they try to vacate the title--we all know that. You all complain constantly about how Michigan and Ohio State are the only two teams the Big Ten care about. Kentucky football has no meaning to the SEC. They won't touch anyone that matters in the SEC or Big Ten without those schools agreeing to whatever penalty they recommend. This isn't rocket science.
You're still pretending we agreed to it to avoid harsher penalties? Yes, of course. At the time the death penalty was threatened. What would any school that values all school sports do given that option? Then when the NCAA realized they got involved in something that was not NCAA business they backtracked. Too late for PSU's reputation. That is the reality. Let's be real.
At that point in time the NCAA still had some power and our "story" was national news in which no one (especially those in power at Penn State) were able and/or willing to defend us. Including the Big Ten.
The Big Ten will destroy the NCAA (do you speak with any knowledge about what the B2G might or might not do) if they try to vacate the title--we (do you have a mouse in your pocket) all know that. You all complain constantly about how Michigan and Ohio State are the only two teams the Big Ten care about. Kentucky football has no meaning to the SEC. Sort of how the B2G views PSU. They won't touch anyone that matters in the SEC or Big Ten (who might those schools be?) without those schools agreeing to whatever penalty they recommend (so I guess at least the NCAA thinks Kentucky does matter since Kentucky agreed). I really don't think any school will not agree to a punishment that is potentially less than that what might be dictated. Is this your logic? This isn't rocket science. No, it's politics but you know that.
I can't even quote the most absurd reply ever. You realize the NCAA didn't have jurisdiction which is why the consent decree even existed. The death penalty was never in play or threatened. It was all a combined effort so Penn State leaders could try to spin it.

The NCAA will always try to get the other school to sanction themselves or agree to avoid a longer process which is why Kentucky had an opportunity to agree.

The Big Ten cares about us when we care about us.

There is no "dictating a penalty" The NCAA no longer has that authority which is why stuff is being floated for Michigan as they determine the possibility of acceptance to avoid a war. A war they can't win because of Penn State.
How is it dumb? The NCAA ruled and we ignored it
You consider it to be a title and don't care what the NCAA says re: 1994
How is that different? It's the exact same thing. You just want the NCAA to validate how you feel--but why? Who cares? You're not going to count it anyway. Those that only care about what happened will count it regardless.
Actual Photo of Lando after making yet another triumphant internet message board post

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I can't even quote the most absurd reply ever. You realize the NCAA didn't have jurisdiction (then why was Emmert involved?) which is why the consent decree even existed. The death penalty was never in play or threatened. Really? Better review some history. It really is not hard. Not rocket science. It was all a combined effort so Penn State leaders could try to spin it. What does this even mean?

The NCAA will always try to get the other school to sanction themselves or agree to avoid a longer process which is why Kentucky had an opportunity to agree. Of course. Make our life easy and we will make yours easy.

The Big Ten cares about us when we care about us. Is this some new age word salad?

There is no "dictating a penalty" The NCAA no longer has that authority (they most certainly do. where is this stated otherwise) which is why stuff is being floated for Michigan as they determine the possibility of acceptance to avoid a war. A war they can't win because of Penn State. I would not bet your next week's allowance on that. The mich violations created a definite on field competitive edge. The PSU affair had nothing to do with on the field competition, unless you think keeping Joe on the field created a PSU competitive edge.
Actual Photo of Lando after making yet another triumphant internet message board post

Dude is a blithering moron, it isn't even funny. The NCAA has NEVER made a finding that PSU violated NCAA Rules - the incident he keeps referencing had ZERO to do with NCAA Rules Violations (i.e., intentional CHEATING and violation of NCAA Rules to gain a competitive advantage on the field) - it had to do with the NCAA acting outside their purview and outside their contractual relationship with PSU (precisely what the court found and why the NCAA packed their bags and went home). Yet dipshit is still here repeating his asinine clear "strawman argument" claiming some comparability to scUM blatantly cheating, and violating NCAA rules, for many years to gain competitive advantage on the field of play to what happened at PSU which had ZERO to do with the NCAA's actual mandate and authority.
Actual Photo of Lando after making yet another triumphant internet message board post

I mean @GSPMax can't even quote something for someone to reply accurate but these childish attacks that you're making here are just further evidence you can't argue it. Like @GSPMax can't comprehend Penn State was only punished because we allowed it. That's the only reason the NCAA was involved. But keep crying over Michigan beating all need to believe it was only because they cheated which is just pathetic.
Face it folks .... lando is a troll .

He defends ANYTING agianst Penn State football. I would be curious what his/her 'nics' hav been before the powers that be get sick of his $#!t. Would not bother me to be done with these hidden trolls. Either stop being a SCUM troll or get out lando. Your story is tired. Time is up and you are pathetic . Get lost
Face it folks .... lando is a troll .

He defends ANYTING agianst Penn State football. I would be curious what his/her 'nics' hav been before the powers that be get sick of his $#!t. Would not bother me to be done with these hidden trolls. Either stop being a SCUM troll or get out lando. Your story is tired. Time is up and you are pathetic . Get lost
How is this "against Penn State"?
Unlike you all I'm consistent. When Penn State had wins vacated I still counted them. I will still count them for Michigan as well.
The tired story here is those of you who think being a Penn State fan means you have to hate everyone else and pretend we're perfect. It's the holier than thou nonsense that was the reason people enjoyed Paterno's fall from grace.
How the NCAA rules on this is irrelevant. Those or you who don't value Michigan's title will continue not to. Those that count it will continue to do so. If you think that logic is "trolling"then you're the problem.
Face it folks .... lando is a troll .

He defends ANYTING agianst Penn State football. I would be curious what his/her 'nics' hav been before the powers that be get sick of his $#!t. Would not bother me to be done with these hidden trolls. Either stop being a SCUM troll or get out lando. Your story is tired. Time is up and you are pathetic . Get lost

He continues to make the clear Strawman Argument that the NCAA's illegitimate actions against PSU (which had ZERO to do with NCAA Rules Violations and were completely outside the NCAA's purview, fundamental mandate and legal agreement with NCAA Member Institutions - and found to be illegitimate by the Court) are analogous to scUM wantonly trampling the Rules of Competition for years to gain competitive advantage on the field of play (i.e., CHEATING). He keeps spouting the same bullshit "Strawman Argument" to claim that PSU fans are against the NCAA fulfilling their fundamental mandate and enforcing the Rules of Competition against CHEATING aimed at gaining a competitive advantage on the field of play. I have never seen a single PSU fan say they don't want the NCAA to fulfill their fundamental mandate of protecting the integrity of the game against willful cheating and violation of NCAA Competition Rules aimed at getting a competitive advantage on the field of play and enforcing the Competition Rules to dissuade other would be cheaters - let alone all PSU fans saying any such thing! Yet asshat keeps saying it using his logic fallacy strawman arguments.
Dude is a blithering moron, it isn't even funny. The NCAA has NEVER made a finding that PSU violated NCAA Rules - the incident he keeps referencing had ZERO to do with NCAA Rules Violations (i.e., intentional CHEATING and violation of NCAA Rules to gain a competitive advantage on the field) - it had to do with the NCAA acting outside their purview and outside their contractual relationship with PSU (precisely what the court found and why the NCAA packed their bags and went home). Yet dipshit is still here repeating his asinine clear "strawman argument" claiming some comparability to scUM blatantly cheating, and violating NCAA rules, for many years to gain competitive advantage on the field of play to what happened at PSU which had ZERO to do with the NCAA's actual mandate and authority.