New information on Scandal Trials...


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2013
Just kidding.

Penn State #1 in 2018 recruiting. Spring practice just a month or so away. Team returning 17 of 22 starters, including nations number one running back. Ready to defend Big Ten East Championship and Big Ten Title overall!

Nobody named Sandusky anywhere near the program, and should be preseason top 10, possibly top 5.

The past is dead and gone. Long live the present and the future under Coach Franklin and staff.
This university has no future as long as it ignores Joe Paterno and his legacy - there would be no PSU without Joe Paterno and thus no football team or James Franklin for you to root for. If you and your attitude is what represents psu's future then I want nothing to do with psu. By the way, did you graduate from psu?

[The past is dead and gone. Long live the present and the future under Coach Franklin and staff.]
This university has no future as long as it ignores Joe Paterno and his legacy - there would be no PSU without Joe Paterno and thus no football team or James Franklin for you to root for. If you and your attitude is what represents psu's future then I want nothing to do with psu. By the way, did you graduate from psu?

[The past is dead and gone. Long live the present and the future under Coach Franklin and staff.]

I have been called a Paterno apologist for at least the last 15 years. But having said that, I think you actually diminish him when you wildly overstate his impact on the university like you did here. His impact on the football program and the university is admittedly enormous. But there is no need to engage in the hyperbolic statement of "there would be no PSU without Joe Paterno..." That's just factually inaccurate. I will say that the football program likely would look very different had Paterno never come to State College. But the idea that the university itself would have ceased to exist without him being there is just patently silly. And again, you demean his legacy by attaching that totally unsupportable claim to it.
Really? Okay - then add PSU as we came to know it would not exist without Paterno. Happy now? It doesn't change my point - of course PSU existed but just because it existed doesn't mean many cared about it. And how did my comment diminish Paterno when compared to the comment from the OP that basically discounted Paterno's existence?

I have been called a Paterno apologist for at least the last 15 years. But having said that, I think you actually diminish him when you wildly overstate his impact on the university like you did here. His impact on the football program and the university is admittedly enormous. But there is no need to engage in the hyperbolic statement of "there would be no PSU without Joe Paterno..." That's just factually inaccurate. I will say that the football program likely would look very different had Paterno never come to State College. But the idea that the university itself would have ceased to exist without him being there is just patently silly. And again, you demean his legacy by attaching that totally unsupportable claim to it.
Really? Okay - then add PSU as we came to know it would not exist without Paterno. Happy now? It doesn't change my point - of course PSU existed but just because it existed doesn't mean many cared about it.

Oh simmer down. Your hyperbole invites trolls and just turns the legacy of a great man into that of a cartoon character. You think you're helping but you're not.
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