More stats for Nick Lee:
Takedowns 66
4 NF 12
2 NF 4
Reversals 7
Escapes 7
Stall Points 9
RT Points 7
Pins 4
His 7 Tech Falls have ended in 5 different ways: 4 NF, Riding Time, Stall point, TD, Reversal.
Some stats that stick out to me, he has as many reversals as escapes and even more stall points. Any match that hasn't ended in a TF or Fall, he has earned the riding time point. Also, he's given up just 1 takedown. All other points by his opponents have been escapes.
Takedowns 66
4 NF 12
2 NF 4
Reversals 7
Escapes 7
Stall Points 9
RT Points 7
Pins 4
His 7 Tech Falls have ended in 5 different ways: 4 NF, Riding Time, Stall point, TD, Reversal.
Some stats that stick out to me, he has as many reversals as escapes and even more stall points. Any match that hasn't ended in a TF or Fall, he has earned the riding time point. Also, he's given up just 1 takedown. All other points by his opponents have been escapes.