Keep in mind, that lame-brains thinks that Mike McQueary sending e-mails to the prosecutors on 11/11/2011 immediately after the Presentment and its accompanying Indictments were issued is confirmation that he "eyewitnessed" what the OAG claimed in their Presentment???:
McQueary confirms right there in this WRITTEN COMMUNICATION TO THE OAG that he was, and always has been, SPECULATING and CONJECTURING as to what was going on in the shower - it is unequivocal, there is no need to interpret a weak phrase that is then even further qualified with "IN MY OPINION"!
If somebody really saw sodomy would they describe it as follows to the highest-ranking Prosecutor in the land: "It was sexual and/or way over the line in my opinion, whatever it was."????? LMFAO, that lame-brains has gone on-and-on and polluted this board with endless claims that McQueary was the DIRECT EVIDENCE "eyewitness" that the OAG claimed he was in their Presentment and accompanying Indictments, which is clearly A FALSE CLAIM by Mike McQueary's own lips and pen, but this guy still has not been banned despite his proven TROLL DISREGARD FOR FACTS or THE TRUTH!?!?!?