Ten years later.
Ten years later.
After 98 it was clearly more than just boundary issues.Not if the problem was 'boundary issues'! They would feel compelled to involve DPW only if he denied having a problem. Not if he admitted having one, which is what Schultz's notes suggest.
Here's where I disagree. First of all, it was never characterized by anybody as acceptable behavior. But, if it was more than boundary issues, CYS would have indicated Sandusky. Forget the political reality that Gricar wasn't going to take him on in court for being creepy. If that incident was the red flag in 2001 as some people's self righteous, 20/20 hindsight think it is today, Jerry would have been indicated and his guest privileges would have been a moot point. That no restrictions were placed on Sandusky's access to children following the '98 investigation was more of a seal of approval than a red flag.After 98 it was clearly more than just boundary issues.
IMO you don't go through all that and come out thinking it's acceptable behavior. More importantly I don't believe Schultz thought it was simply boundary issues.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I respectfully disagree with you. I do appreciate the civil response as things have gotten heated ITT.
I respectfully disagree.Here's where I disagree. First of all, it was never characterized by anybody as acceptable behavior. But, if it was more than boundary issues, CYS would have indicated Sandusky. Forget the political reality that Gricar wasn't going to take him on in court for being creepy. If that incident was the red flag in 2001 as some people's self righteous, 20/20 hindsight think it is today, Jerry would have been indicated and his guest privileges would have been a moot point. That no restrictions were placed on Sandusky's access to children following the '98 investigation was more of a seal of approval than a red flag.
I think Schultz, more than the others, was concerned with the lawsuit waiting to happen aspect of this. The guy wrote "Tell JS to avoid bringing children alone to Lasch". I know I keep making this point, but it is not reasonable to conclude that Schultz was willing to allow Jerry access to the facilities at all if he thought molestation was involved. His main concern was the risk inherent in a he said/he said situation. It was the "alone" part of this that had them worried.
I respectfully disagree.
As long as Sandusky wasn't left alone with a kid there was no risk. Jerry wasn't going to sexually abuse a kid with a witness present.
IMO that's why it was Schultz focus. To be clear I'm not arguing that Schultz believed Sandusky was abusing kids. I'm arguing he knew Sandusky couldn't, even if he wanted to, as long as there were others present.
Unrelated to the discussion we're having about C/S/S:
It's a sad reality of CSA. It's an avoidable issue for people that are in a compromised position. You can safely have contact even though you'd much rather not.
Say if you're the mother of V6 for example. As long as her son isn't alone with Sandusky he's safe and involved in something positive, TSM.
Of course Ziegler and Sandusky want to pretend like she was just out to get whatever she could from him. The idea that the child feeling genuinely uncomfortable wouldn't prevent him from wanting to be a part of all the things Jerry was offering is ignored. The pressure that would put on his mother, ignored. After all, Jerry really didn't do anything wrong....
This is reality. Sandusky was prevented from going beyond grooming with V6 because a parent was paying attention. She allowed her child to remain involved with him because she had limited options and knew where the risk was: leaving your child alone with Jerry Sandusky.
Again, this has zero to do with C/S/S, Joe, or PSU other than highlighting how Sandusky hid from them in plain sight.
I'm not sure the part about V6 is accurate. In 2011, that boy was a man. And that man texted Jerry Sandusky on Father's Day and told him how blessed he was to have him in his life.
Look, Jerry, TSM and PSU would be toast if a kid accused Sandusky of something and they're alone at the time. It doesn't have to be actual abuse for PSU to be vulnerable in a civil suit. The accusation is all that would matter. Settling out of court would be a slam dunk.
You're arguing that Schultz's concern about one on one situations was based on the possibility that Jerry might abuse a child. I'm arguing that Schultz's concern was based on the possibility that a child might accuse Jerry with nobody there to back Jerry up.
Thought we were on ignore? Nobody here has ever said don't look at TSM. You're just a baby and can't handle people saying people at PSU did in fact make some mistakes. They at least had an idea something was wrong with Jerry and then failed to follow through properly in 2001. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying woe is me hasn't changed that yet. Keep thinking it will though.to this day, I am still mystified why the focus is on college admins, who witnessed nothing, and made decisions that appear more like they are discussing potential future liabilities than a current molestation . . . but the restricted access SHOULD HAVE come from the organization handing these kids to Sandusky.
And the reason these organizations have set guidelines about one on one contact is to prevent either abuse by an elder or false allegations by a youth, like you stated.
Bottom line, there was a state licensed agency that was permitting this improper access. and it wasn't Penn State. the obfuscation from trolls like La Jolla and gmj and coveydidn'tlearntothink is telling.
That doesn't really answer the point made. Jerry continued to work football camps at other PSU facilities with kids. The only stipulation was that he needed sign a personal injury waiver in the event that he got hurt, he could not sue PSU. There was no "supervision isolated access clause"
We don't have to pretend. It's in writing.
Misdirection blame game. That's rich! That's what this whole mess is about and it's your buddies playing the game.
How many times do I need to say that JR should have been indicted before you stop believing that I am somehow running a misdirection campaign for him? It seems that you only want to read what you believe.to this day, I am still mystified why the focus is on college admins, who witnessed nothing, and made decisions that appear more like they are discussing potential future liabilities than a current molestation . . . but the restricted access SHOULD HAVE come from the organization handing these kids to Sandusky.
And the reason these organizations have set guidelines about one on one contact is to prevent either abuse by an elder or false allegations by a youth, like you stated.
Bottom line, there was a state licensed agency that was permitting this improper access. and it wasn't Penn State. the obfuscation from trolls like La Jolla and gmj and coveydidn'tlearntothink is telling.
How many times do I need to say that JR should have been indicted before you stop believing that I am somehow running a misdirection campaign for him? It seems that you only want to read what you believe.
This is an amusing line of thought by Tener. What has he done to try and make Dr Jack pay? Did he meet with anyone at the OAGs office? File a complaint against Jack's license? Try to work with victims of Jack's nefarious activity to have him held accountable?
It's not even true. Read any one of several statements in testimony by Curley and Schultz, they had no effective manner of enforcing any such "ban". So it was just window dressing. It never had any ability to stop JS, and all parties knew it. It was their "look we did something" excuse.
Well their "window dressing" was all they could do from their end short of involving legal over altering JS' retirement agreement. Good luck with that since JS was never convicted of anything yet (and the only witness never even so much as filed a written statement with UPPD)!
If, as you insist, Curley and Schultz knew there was something hinky about JS, then who else knew? Jackass Rayko, Heim, other admins at TSM, some BoT members, Ric Struthers? Why did MBNA (Struthers) throw a retirement party for JS in '02, iirc? Why did MBNA and others keep funding TSM if 'they' thought JS might be hinky? Corbett, Noonan and their motives? These and others are the WTF questions I'd like answered. Maybe you do as well.Thought we were on ignore? Nobody here has ever said don't look at TSM. You're just a baby and can't handle people saying people at PSU did in fact make some mistakes. They at least had an idea something was wrong with Jerry and then failed to follow through properly in 2001. Sticking your fingers in your ears and saying woe is me hasn't changed that yet. Keep thinking it will though.
If more deserve to go down, I'm all for it. It still doesn't mean TC and Schultz didn't screw up. Who is saying don't look at TSM on this site?If, as you insist, Curley and Schultz knew there was something hinky about JS, then who else knew? Jackass Rayko, Heim, other admins at TSM, some BoT members, Ric Struthers? Why did MBNA (Struthers) throw a retirement party for JS in '02, iirc? Why did MBNA and others keep funding TSM if 'they' thought JS might be hinky? Corbett, Noonan and their motives? These and others are the WTF questions I'd like answered. Maybe you do as well.
JS has been out of focus for me for a long time. I want to know who really let all this happen and why, regardless of the expense to lives and careers. F 'em all. Suicides are wecome as long as they come with a written or recorded confession.
That is what Ms Baldwin feared and stated.Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that JS would have sued if his "retirement agreement" was unilaterally altered to stop access to facilities? Meaning that 1998 & 2001 would become public knowledge & litigated? Come on?!? That's just silly.
Shhhh. If they can't say that we are shilling for TSM/JR, they quickly run out of explainations for our "trolling."If more deserve to go down, I'm all for it. It still doesn't mean TC and Schultz didn't screw up. Who is saying don't look at TSM on this site?
If more deserve to go down, I'm all for it. It still doesn't mean TC and Schultz didn't screw up. Who is saying don't look at TSM on this site?
wow I really riled up the relentless losers with that post, eh?
Do you honestly expect anyone to believe that JS would have sued if his "retirement agreement" was unilaterally altered to stop access to facilities? Meaning that 1998 & 2001 would become public knowledge & litigated? Come on?!? That's just silly.
Exactly. It confuses them that you can think folks inside and outside of PSU messed up. In their heads, it's one or the other.Shhhh. If they can't say that we are shilling for TSM/JR, they quickly run out of explainations for our "trolling."
Yep. Because to them, everyone has to pick a side. If you think the PSU admin screwed up, then you hate everything about PSU and Joe Paterno!!!!Exactly. It confuses them that you can think folks inside and outside of PSU messed up. In their heads, it's one or the other.
Well their "window dressing" was all they could do from their end short of involving legal over altering JS' retirement agreement. Good luck with that since JS was never convicted of anything yet (and the only witness never even so much as filed a written statement with UPPD)!
Nevertheless MM testified that after 2001 he never once saw JS around the program again with kids. So apparently their directive to JS was viewed as more than just "window dressing" by JS/TSM.
Now, that didnt stop him from accessing kids but we can thank "swim trunks" Raykovitz for that.
Wrong, his retirement package couldn't stop them from calling DPW.
Exactly. It confuses them that you can think folks inside and outside of PSU messed up. In their heads, it's one or the other.
Exactly. It confuses them that you can think folks inside and outside of PSU messed up. In their heads, it's one or the other.
Not me. I think people inside and outside Penn State made mistakes and have said so on multiple occasions. In hindsight that is obvious. The problem is that only people inside PSU were singled out for these mistakes, innocent mistakes or not. They have paid an enormous price. Problem not solved.
So who are these people who think no mistakes were made inside Penn State? I guess it's too long of a list to provide.
wow I really riled up the relentless losers with that post, eh?
Far points.I'm not sure the part about V6 is accurate. In 2011, that boy was a man. And that man texted Jerry Sandusky on Father's Day and told him how blessed he was to have him in his life.
Look, Jerry, TSM and PSU would be toast if a kid accused Sandusky of something and they're alone at the time. It doesn't have to be actual abuse for PSU to be vulnerable in a civil suit. The accusation is all that would matter. Settling out of court would be a slam dunk.
You're arguing that Schultz's concern about one on one situations was based on the possibility that Jerry might abuse a child. I'm arguing that Schultz's concern was based on the possibility that a child might accuse Jerry with nobody there to back Jerry up.
In this case, the reason I don't think it does is because each time the option of contacting DPW was mentioned, it was in the context of an if/then scenario. It was always contingent upon what Sandusky would do.Far points.
I was using V6 as an example of how complex CSA can be more than anything. I believe him, but I understand skepticism.
You're absolutely right Schultz motivation is a matter of opinion. If this were a court of law my argument shouldn't hold weight on it's own.
Would that be the same guy who spent a year with two others helping you write and edit your "blog posts"? Why yes, yes it would.It really hurts my feelings when the anonymously named dorm building alien head calls me a moron.
I don't believe I will be saying anything. 10 years is cutting it close for me, the Actuarial Life Tables give me 11.5 years. Anyone know the % error?The same thing we'll be saying about this thread ten years from now.
Don't pay attention to no stinkin' tables MAN!I don't believe I will be saying anything. 10 years is cutting it close for me, the Actuarial Life Tables give me 11.5 years. Anyone know the % error?
On the bright sideDon't pay attention to no stinkin' tables MAN!
Whose blog are you talking about, Nellie? I must have the poster you're responding to on ignore. Thanks.Would that be the same guy who spent a year with two others helping you write and edit your "blog posts"? Why yes, yes it would.![]()
No1Lion99. Called Tener an "Alien moron head". LOL! I think there's a reason 3 people stopped helping with the blog about the TSM/Arrow Ministries situation. Some Lion head started claiming they "did more" because they "met with people", but they were never here in TX with us sounding the alert with the AG's office, child advocate groups and the Houston media, helping stop the TSM to Arrow Transfer, now were they? No, I don't recall seeing them here.Whose blog are you talking about, Nellie? I must have the poster you're responding to on ignore. Thanks.
What is the Latin phrase for "We are the most corrupt @ssholes, ignoring our fiduciary duties, that you'd ever hope to find on a single Board". Not sure if the "@" translates well...