Official Pitt - Penn State Game Thread...

Excuse me, but has anyone seen Justin Shorter?? Has he vanished? Did they take his name off the jersey? I do not like this offense. I do not care how many points they scored against lesser teams. No screen plays. No throws on slants over the middle. Same garbage. Get Rahne out.
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But look at the stable of backs, all studs per Rivals right? U have a small Vince Davis who was the main guy in the air raid offense in high school blocking as a freshman in collge.
Been saying this for awhile besides the in game adjustments we seemed to lack, where is the toughness?

Can we score in two minutes? Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio state probably would.
Excuse me, but has anyone seen Justin Shorter?? Has he vanished? Did they take his name off the jersey? I do not like this offense. I do not care how many points they scored against lesser teams. No screen plays. No throws on slants over the middle. Same garbage. Get Rahne out.
Yes, they definitely took the name off his jersey.
Hard to get more than 1 yard in a quarter when you only have it for 3 plays.

We got one more chance...
I’ll say this, I don’t see many other teams struggle to move the ball like PSU does. Something is wrong with this staff, it just seems the offense moves very slow in execution
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This team is terrible, no pass rush at all. 4.5 speed at DE or LB does you no good if you can't get off blocks. I know Trace made it work big time, but I hate the RBO, you can't run the quick pitchout, quick pops or screen passes within that system. I don't understand why you have to run the RPO every play and not mix in some other stuff.
Better change our defensive signals!! Doozi must have found them out....
I sensed that as well. Whether it’s a coincidence or they are actually picking up the signals, either way the Pitt O-Line is firing out and trap blocking perfectly on every play.
Sorry, but you cannot take a half every single week to figure things out. Outside of one big run...two weeks in a row his offense has been completely shut down by a lesser talented team.


They keep playing with fire and will get burned.
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Reactions: nits74’s obvious that their pass rush is much more effective than ours...
...whatever happened to screens?...
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Just got home; watching a couple of plays and Pitt seems really motivated (hit on Brown on the KR was iffy). That said - SLADE!!!