No more than the RPO to Gesicki being a "broken play". Claiming that McSorley flipping the ball to a wide-open eligible receiver when defensive backs
McSorley = Is the bloom off the rose??
Loved Mason calling out Honig. "Wish there were reviews when Honig was reffing." Beautiful.
Yea, bloom clearly off the rose as McSorley is only 11/15 for 237 yards and 3TD passes.... LMAO!
That it simply overly reasonable!Not really, it's a great way to watch the game with a bunch of other PSU fans. But some of these guys are just ridiculous.
Counter point!Why do you and others equate criticism as weakness? If you think that our O line is playing well, or that our running game is going well, then why don't you or others provide a counter point to our criticism?
really... these threads are useless bitch fests
Why do you and others equate criticism as weakness? If you think that our O line is playing well, or that our running game is going well, then why don't you or others provide a counter point to our criticism?
Glov is pure comedy
Loved Mason calling out Honig. "Wish there were reviews when Honig was reffing." Beautiful.
I like Sanders in as the 2nd back behind #26. Speed kills.
That play clock was 00 for 3 seconds before they called TO.
That was a designed pass play to #2!Broken play interception by Marcus Allen.
Sanders would get more playing time if he didn't put so many balls on the ground.....hopefully that tendency will lessen as he matures.
LOLI forgot Tommy's legs and true grit.
Facts can be very funny at times.