Your obsession and hatred for UM and OSU is only matched by the venom that I have seen spewed against JoePa and PSU on nearly all other teams' message boards since 2011.
Your head is going to explode when the final decision is made and he returns to the sideline.
I don't Ohio St or Michigan but that is hardly unique amongst Penn Staters or other conference fans. But when it comes to Meyer, it is more about doing the right thing and he clearly hasn't. Not just once. Not twice. But Meyer seems to very consistently do the wrong things.
This seems to be in both his professional and personal life. He's cheated on his wife with teenagers while his own daughters were teenagers. He's ignored his own wife's tweet that Zach Smith scared her.
He's very consistently made decisions at Florida and at Ohio St that put the product on the field above all else including playing criminals including a guy who at least a couple years later turned out to be a murderer, including a coach who admitted in writing to choking his wife, has a record of stalking his ex, criminal trespass, a DUI, screwing a secretary at work, making sex tapes at work, ordering $2200 in sex toys and having them delivered to work, keeping pictures of his penis at the white house on his work phone.
Look, I'm not going to say I'm sorry for opposing someone who consistently sides with evil to win games. I am not sure with all of the evidence out how anyone not wearing scarlet and grey facepaint doesn't conclude that Meyer is a horrible person.
Now, it does appear that Ohio St is a perfect fit for Meyer. With their hundreds of student athletes sexually abused in wrestling, diving, and the band, Meyer and his abuse scandal coordinators and Zach Smith fit right in.
But that is what they chose to be as an organization. They protect those who abuse and protect abusers. In the name of winning. In the name of football. Dotting the eye apparently means selling your soul to ignore evil. When they make their choice on Meyer it will only cement their abusive culture and legacy.