Anthony Spinelli gets Oct 22 court date to argue that the OAG should file charges based on his allegations
ok, here's where I am having the disconnect, in light of the bogus PSU campus victims . . .
he went to law enforcement with his allegations in 2011. according to the OAG, they found his testimony "credible and compelling"
he was allegedly groomed from a PSU football camp and molested on campus.
why would the OAG take a pass on this guy? Seems like he would have been the perfect "victim" to tangibly connect Sandusky's crimes to Penn State. weird . . .
ok, here's where I am having the disconnect, in light of the bogus PSU campus victims . . .
he went to law enforcement with his allegations in 2011. according to the OAG, they found his testimony "credible and compelling"
he was allegedly groomed from a PSU football camp and molested on campus.
why would the OAG take a pass on this guy? Seems like he would have been the perfect "victim" to tangibly connect Sandusky's crimes to Penn State. weird . . .