Olympics: trans athletes, without surgery, can compete

The East German women’s teams just took doping to a ridiculous level, inasmuch as the testosterone levels essentially rose to the level of a mans and they started to resemble men. I don’t think they were trans. I might be mistaken.


Oh yeah, they doped they hell out of them. Supposedly many of the women didn't know they were being doped by their government. They even sounded like men according to the linked article.
well, we are moving to an area where men and women are considered the same. This is the basis for things like eliminating gender specific bathrooms, constructs in title IX and the ERA constitutional amendment.

At some point, it comes down to a simple question: Are men and women different? If they are not, we don't need teams for girls and equal participation. Just have a sport and let men and women compete. If the they are different, what are the differences and what guidelines need to be put in place? Then, you've got the edge cases like Trans, who's rights need to be considered as well. I am not smart enough to make the final calls but ut us clear that this could end up being quite a mess.
The fact that we are even asking this question is beyond absurd in my view.