OT: Annual post for me. It was 8 years ago this morning that I had surgery

Allow me to share more since I have the time to type now..............

My son was 7 at the time. Father and son wrestling, and he caught me in the jewels. Two weeks later, still swollen and hurting. Called the urologist and make an appointment.
Ironically I took the full day off on Wednesday March 14, but only needed 1/2. He immediately sends to his Toledo office following my 10:00 appointment for an ultrasound. I return to his office on the 16th and get told I have cancer.
Tuesday the 20th I get the surgery.

Absolutely no sign of any illness prior to my son taking a shot at the nads.

Doctors concur that my son likely saved my life with the punch.

Thanks for letting me share and for all the replies to my OP.

Serendipity is a wonderful thing

Over the years I have seen a lot of cancers diagnosed by chance. Abdominal CT scan for an auto accident and there is a kidney tumor, etc. Many time the cancers are at an early stage with a chance for a complete cure.

This post was edited on 3/20 9:44 AM by Big 0
Dude! Your now-homeless testicle is paying the price,

sitting alone in some lab jar, while you and your healthy testicle are living la vida loca.

Actually More Accurately -1, Fantastic Ohio Lion!

Tough way to lose some weight.....but this Board is better with you here!
Re: Serendipity is a wonderful thing

Currently having radiation/hormone therapy for recently diagnosed PROSTATE ca...had normal DREs, slight elevated PSA and negative X2 PCA3 tests...yet bx was positive...guess us guys have about a 1in5 chance to get ca of the prostate.
Doing very well thus far...still working and working out...
Nice to hear stories like the OP.
Re: Serendipity is a wonderful thing

Happened to my 44-yo wife last year. Noticed a lump that turned out to be nothing but the mammogram turned up invasive cancer on the other breast. That benign lump saved her life.