OT: FYI, JZ says Newsweek article is still a go. (edit: Story now spiked)

Here's a link to both parts of the interview JZ did with @WRSC1390.

Both are worth the listen.


I don't know what I think about the date thing with MM. It certainly speaks to Mike's credibility.

In the end, if what he walked in on was enough for Dr. Dranov to be told and it was enough for C/S/S to go so far as to revoke Jerry's guest privileges, then JR should have reined Jerry in. His behavior was putting TSM, not to mention PSU, at risk. Instead, Captain Swim Trunks encouraged that behavior to continue. To their credit, C/S/S wanted no part of that. Odd that Bruce Heim didn't share their concern.

I'm really curious about the medical condition Jerry is alluded to have. It could explain a lot.

The people who are so self righteously protecting the privacy of the victims are misguided at least, and possibly disingenuous. Once a "victim" hires an advocate and seeks $ millions in damages from another party through the courts, they have invited whatever scrutiny they receive. That doesn't mean they have to get dragged through the mud or harassed. When there's corroborating evidence, less scrutiny is necessary. But it also shouldn't mean they can't get dragged through the mud or harassed when it looks like they might be committing some sort of fraud. To adopt this holier than thou, hands off approach only invites fraudulent claims. It's wrong when we see it here. It's negligence when we see it employed by PSU.

I'm not naive. I understand the financial trade off between paying these people to go away as opposed to enduring the negative publicity, if they had decided to fight it. But what it appears we have here is collusion between the university, the OAG and the lawyers for these victims to commit fraud. And it also appears that PSU has attempted to commit insurance fraud.

JZ gets a lot of grief. He brings much of it on himself. But he also deserves a lot of credit. He came into this because his instincts told him that Joe was wronged. It took six years for his work to take him where he is today.

What may be more significant than any of us realize is the influence David Jones had on Scott Paterno.

I really think the two who should collaborate on a story are Snedden and Cipriani. Let the focus be on PSU rather than Sandusky.
Snedden wasn’t called at Spanier’s trial because his work was exposed as unreliable by Schultz’ testimony.

The fact those two still trumpet Snedden is a joke.
Wait a minute LaJolla, I thought you have repeatedly said we can not question the victims.
Funny how some rush to lash out at the planted fake accuser, but shrug their shoulders when confronted with the likelihood that millions went to fake accusers.
The variance in payouts is pretty remarkable. I understand post-1998-2001 and severity guidelines and such, but $20 mill to V9 but only a few hundred thousand to Matt? Just seems odd.
My apology if this has already been discussed but I hadn't seen any mention of this excerpt from Ziegler's article:

"This was just one of several leaks from the Attorney General's office to the Freeh Group. In another email sent on October 31, 2012, Paw wrote Omar McNeill, another senior investigator at the Freeh Group, spilling the details of how Fina was pressuring former Penn State general counsel Cynthia Baldwin into becoming a cooperating witness, even though she was the lawyer who had represented Spanier, Schultz, and Curley when they appeared before the grand jury probing Sandusky.

"The ever-colorful Fina said yesterday that he has told Baldwin's counsel that he was comfortable putting '12 people in a box' and being able to convict her," Paw wrote. "[Fina] also said [Baldwin] was 'looking at a bullet.'”

Emails showed that Fina had long targeted Baldwin, as well as Spanier. In a June 6, 2012 email, written a month before Freeh released his report on Penn State, Paw informed the other members of the Freeh Group that Fina had told him he “still looked forward to a day when Baldwin would be ‘led away in cuffs,’ and he said that day was going to be near for Spanier.”"

What would Fina be trying to charge Baldwin with? Has it ever been suggested she engaged in criminal conduct as opposed to simple negligence/ignorance? I recall some discussion that she might be obstructing by not complying with the subpoenas but that would tough to prove in court wouldn't it?
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My apology if this has already been discussed but I hadn't seen any mention of this excerpt from Ziegler's article:

"This was just one of several leaks from the Attorney General's office to the Freeh Group. In another email sent on October 31, 2012, Paw wrote Omar McNeill, another senior investigator at the Freeh Group, spilling the details of how Fina was pressuring former Penn State general counsel Cynthia Baldwin into becoming a cooperating witness, even though she was the lawyer who had represented Spanier, Schultz, and Curley when they appeared before the grand jury probing Sandusky.

"The ever-colorful Fina said yesterday that he has told Baldwin's counsel that he was comfortable putting '12 people in a box' and being able to convict her," Paw wrote. "[Fina] also said [Baldwin] was 'looking at a bullet.'”

Emails showed that Fina had long targeted Baldwin, as well as Spanier. In a June 6, 2012 email, written a month before Freeh released his report on Penn State, Paw informed the other members of the Freeh Group that Fina had told him he “still looked forward to a day when Baldwin would be ‘led away in cuffs,’ and he said that day was going to be near for Spanier.”"

What would Fina be trying to charge Baldwin with? Has it ever been suggested she engaged in criminal conduct as opposed to simple negligence/ignorance?

A co-conspirator?
A co-conspirator?

That's what it sounds like, but has that ever been made clear before? I wasn't aware that Baldwin was that close to being charged with C/S/S. Again I know they were pressuring her about the subpoenas and such but this seems like stronger language.
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Payouts are mindboggling
Feinberg controlled the $. Incredible.
Feinberg said more than the merits of an allegation was considered in determining a case's settlement value.

One factor was: "Will Penn State be able to defend the case in court?" Another was the quality of the accuser's lawyer and the court where the case was to be heard, he said.

Rozen, Feinberg's law partner, has previously cited the severity of the abuse, location, time, and the accuser's credibility also as factors. He described three areas of claims: those from before 1998, when the first report of abuse by Sandusky was investigated and dismissed; those between 1998 and the 2001 incident in which former graduate assistant Michael McQueary said he reported seeing Sandusky assault a boy in the shower; and those after McQueary said he alerted Penn State administrators.

Assaults before 1998 were assigned the lowest value because of little if any evidence that Penn State should have known at that time, Rozen said.

The mediators hardly ever met with the actual victims, Feinberg said. He and Rozen met with their lawyers, then met with Penn State lawyers to update them on progress.

"This mediation process was done almost entirely between lawyers," Feinberg said.

Penn State's board of trustees gave members on its legal subcommittee authority to oversee the process and apprise the rest of the board.

Feinberg said he met with the subcommittee in Philadelphia and gave them details on individual cases. He said settlement values of individual cases were discussed, as well as demands.

It took months to resolve some cases. The point of contention, he said, typically was the amount - not whether abuse had occurred.

About a half-dozen cases were not settled either because the claims appeared to be "fraudulent" or an amount could not be agreed upon, Feinberg said. One case is still pending in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.

The first multimillion-dollar settlement was announced in August 2013, that of a 25-year-old man who said that he was a child when Sandusky abused him in a campus shower. Two months later, Penn State said it would pay nearly $60 million to resolve claims with him and 25 other Sandusky accusers. In April 2015, the university approved more settlements, with one trustee calling the payout "an extraordinary" sum.
Payouts are mindboggling

Feinberg controlled the $. Incredible.
Feinberg said more than the merits of an allegation was considered in determining a case's settlement value.

One factor was: "Will Penn State be able to defend the case in court?" Another was the quality of the accuser's lawyer and the court where the case was to be heard, he said.

Rozen, Feinberg's law partner, has previously cited the severity of the abuse, location, time, and the accuser's credibility also as factors. He described three areas of claims: those from before 1998, when the first report of abuse by Sandusky was investigated and dismissed; those between 1998 and the 2001 incident in which former graduate assistant Michael McQueary said he reported seeing Sandusky assault a boy in the shower; and those after McQueary said he alerted Penn State administrators.

Assaults before 1998 were assigned the lowest value because of little if any evidence that Penn State should have known at that time, Rozen said.

The mediators hardly ever met with the actual victims, Feinberg said. He and Rozen met with their lawyers, then met with Penn State lawyers to update them on progress.

"This mediation process was done almost entirely between lawyers," Feinberg said.

Penn State's board of trustees gave members on its legal subcommittee authority to oversee the process and apprise the rest of the board.

Feinberg said he met with the subcommittee in Philadelphia and gave them details on individual cases. He said settlement values of individual cases were discussed, as well as demands.

It took months to resolve some cases. The point of contention, he said, typically was the amount - not whether abuse had occurred.

About a half-dozen cases were not settled either because the claims appeared to be "fraudulent" or an amount could not be agreed upon, Feinberg said. One case is still pending in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas.

The first multimillion-dollar settlement was announced in August 2013, that of a 25-year-old man who said that he was a child when Sandusky abused him in a campus shower. Two months later, Penn State said it would pay nearly $60 million to resolve claims with him and 25 other Sandusky accusers. In April 2015, the university approved more settlements, with one trustee calling the payout "an extraordinary" sum.

The thing I like best about you jerot is that I can call you a douche and you won’t get angry with me or report me. You’ll probably just respond with an article about female hygiene :D
When he made written statement yes but that’s not the first time he talked to investigators.

I believe at least a couple folks on record about mikes first meeting with investigators ... including guido who mike alerted before first meeting that the Sandusky mess was coming down.
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Whether Jerry’s junk worked or not is irrelevant to whether or not he sexually assaulted any boys. I assume his hands and mouth still worked. He admitted to hugging a boy in the shower. I’m not sure how far you need to stretch your mind to think he didn’t do anything to any of these boys, but I can’t do it.
When he mDe written statement yes but that’s not the first time he talked to investigators.
ok, my understanding was he indicated he didn't want to speak with Rossman and Sassano (about the incident)until he spoke to counsel.
When he mDe written statement yes but that’s not the first time he talked to investigators.

Here's what Moulton said in his report in the timeline section. Is this accurate?
  • November 10, 2010. Tpr. Rossman and Agent Sassano meet with McQueary, who states that he is willing to cooperate but wants to schedule the interview after he has a chance to speak with counsel.

  • November 22, 2010. Tpr. Rossman and Agent Sassano interview McQueary at the office of his attorney.
When he made written statement yes but that’s not the first time he talked to investigators.

I believe at least a couple folks on record about mikes first meeting with investigators ... including guido who mike alerted before first meeting that the Sandusky mess was coming down.
Did you watch the movie last night? Must be nice for some of the folks who were directly involved in this disgusting saga to see Joe take all the shots for you.
I guess another lesson in this story is if you want to make out like you saw a crime - report it to the F-ing police - not a football coach.
I also read a book called Paterno, and on page 276 good old Dr. Dranov is quoted as saying Mike said he didn't see anything. He said he didn't see anything three times and all three agreed there wasn't enough to go to the police with. Hmmm. Oh well, as long as the old ball coach is the one being destroyed all is well.
That looks accurate. First meeting was before Mike had counsel, as I stated. I don’t believe mike ever had atty attend any of the grand jury proceeding or during js trial testimony or Spanier trial...

One of the biggest wrong theories out there is that mike was squeezed, manipulated etc... 100% did not happen...
That looks accurate. First meeting was before Mike had counsel, as I stated. I don’t believe mike ever had atty attend any of the grand jury proceeding or during js trial testimony or Spanier trial...

One of the biggest wrong theories out there is that mike was squeezed, manipulated etc... 100% did not happen...
How come Mike told your dad and the doc he didn't see anything that night? Was repressed memory therapy used to get to get to what he really saw. Thanks.
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I also read a book called Paterno, and on page 276 good old Dr. Dranov is quoted as saying Mike said he didn't see anything. He said he didn't see anything three times and all three agreed there wasn't enough to go to the police with. Hmmm. Oh well, as long as the old ball coach is the one being destroyed all is well.
Your own thread. Glad BWI archives these threads now.
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I saw on Twitter that Towny (Joe) is taking great glee in LJ Jr.'s assertion that everyone knew about McQ getting the Asst. Coach job as a direct result of a deal he struck with someone - presumably JVP - to not go to police with what he witnessed. LJ is getting hot over any challenge to that assertion, including from Scott Paterno, no matter how illogical his assertion comes across. And LJ Jr. is pissed that someone asked about LJ Sr. being included in that backwash. Yeesh.

So Towny picked up on it and happily implicated that Joe was unethical and covered up something as a result. He ignores that McQ said no one ever told him to be quiet, and more importantly, that the entire McQ family therefore had to sit on that information for the entire time! So, by rushing in to drive another nail into JVP, he buries his entire family by his statements that no one who had at least as much if not more info than Joe went forward, either.

Again, laws must have been re-written that say that serious crimes need to be reported to the local football coach and not to LE. And if LE is involved, it is still up to the local football coach to swoop in and oversee all aspects of the investigation and charges to be filed.
Just my opinion, but MM either got no advice or very poor advice about what allowing the OAG (as illustrated by his email to Eshbach) to embellish his testimony would do to Joe, Tim, Gary and ultimately Spanier. Again using his own words.....Tim Curley is a good man..... Dukie insists Mike wasn't squeezed....I'd feel better about him if he were.
I saw on Twitter that Towny (Joe) is taking great glee in LJ Jr.'s assertion that everyone knew about McQ getting the Asst. Coach job as a direct result of a deal he struck with someone - presumably JVP - to not go to police with what he witnessed. LJ is getting hot over any challenge to that assertion, including from Scott Paterno, no matter how illogical his assertion comes across. And LJ Jr. is pissed that someone asked about LJ Sr. being included in that backwash. Yeesh.

So Towny picked up on it and happily implicated that Joe was unethical and covered up something as a result. He ignores that McQ said no one ever told him to be quiet, and more importantly, that the entire McQ family therefore had to sit on that information for the entire time! So, by rushing in to drive another nail into JVP, he buries his entire family by his statements that no one who had at least as much if not more info than Joe went forward, either.

Again, laws must have been re-written that say that serious crimes need to be reported to the local football coach and not to LE. And if LE is involved, it is still up to the local football coach to swoop in and oversee all aspects of the investigation and charges to be filed.
I hope Towny doesn't in any way represent the McQ family. Dukie is a gentleman....Towny is a joke.
Marshall I am no better no worse than townie. Given some of the attacks on mike and family, I think townies approach is understandable.

Pride to address dranov... I suggest you read trial testimony vs just a book.

Going to watch golf.
Marshall I am no better no worse than townie. Given some of the attacks on mike and family, I think townies approach is understandable.

Pride to address dranov... I suggest you read trial testimony vs just a book.

Going to watch golf.
One thing that is unambiguous, whenever Mike told Dr. Dranov what he one called police or CYS. Why?
There is no way- I mean absolutely none- for Mike McQueary not to look horrible in this no matter which way anybody wants to spin it. Honestly. I mean, the family’s defense is that he saw a child being molested but stopped it? Then never approached law enforcement about it but had to wait 10 (9?, 11?) years for them to come to him? And that’s the best he could possibly look. It’s disgraceful, really.
Marshall I am no better no worse than townie. Given some of the attacks on mike and family, I think townies approach is understandable.

Pride to address dranov... I suggest you read trial testimony vs just a book.

Going to watch golf.[/QUOTE
I'm watching Golf too. So are you saying the book is a lie relative to what Mike told your dad and dranov. Posnanski is a pretty famous and credible writer. Dranov is quoted - not paraphrased or surmised.
This all very simple. If Mike saw a crime, especially perpetrated against a kid - he should have helped the kid. He didn't.
The next step is to call the police. He didn't do that either. And based on what he told dranov and your dad they didn't think he should go to the police either.
Actions tell the story of what Mike saw and what he reported. You all can delude yourself until the cows come home and sit back and let Joe take all the blame.
I think that's disgraceful too but that path is equivalent to slamming the locker shut while a so-called child rape is going on.