Perhaps we mean different things when we say "tainted jury pool." I'm not implying that there was collusion with jurors. What I mean is that a majority of potential jurors had pre-existing opinions (based on false information) on C/S/S that would have made getting a fair trial very, very unlikely.
This is supported by the results of a telephone survey, which can be found on page 229 (Exhibit G-149) of this document: 21 2013Curley and Schultz JT Mot to Quash Present w Exh.pdf
in which 47 to 62% (varies by county) of respondents said that "Even if Penn State officials, like Curley and Schultz, did nothing illegal, they should still be punished."
That's a) super messed up and b) information that screams "take a plea bargain if you are promised no jail time"
FINALLY....somebody get it!!! This is what the REAL Penn State Scandal is about...or more accurately...THE STATE OF PA SCANDAL.
It doesn't matter WHAT Sandusky did or did not matters NOTHING what C/S/S and Paterno did or should have done -
The criminal corruption is just this...How easy it is in PA to abuse political office influences and officials to reward/protect the "privileged" .....and the Hell with right & wrong, the Law and who is damaged by the public misinformation that a corrupt government creates!
There is NO JUSTICE or TRUTH when in PA the courts all laws are applied when it is convenient - when "suspicious legal interpretations and processes" go unchallanged - when some people are required to strictly adhere to the law while others designated by the State of PA are permitted to "skate". WHAT COUNTRY ARE WE IN.....????
Don't give me BS that this is because "Sandusky is guilty as sin" and that is why all these abnormal things had to happen. Something MUCH DARKER than Sandusky's crimes are involved here and THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED.
I am amazed that we have more than 28 pages of debating "Rumors, could-have-beens, should-have-beens" and other details about Sandusky and Paterno, etc. But these are all "Bright shiny objects"...diversions from the real problem. THE THEFT of $250M by way of a PA court process and suspicious court actions....all FOR WHAT REASON???
Forget the Paterno, C/S/S, Sandusky and every other person the press has promoted misinformation about!
Start by answering this....
- How did TSM get to have the ability to destroy all its records with the full knowledge of the OAG?
- How did Tommy Corbett get to target Penn State and Paterno for Criminal Cover-up when his own investigator Fran Fina stated publicly that no evidence supported these allegation (only allegations that MORALLY more needed to be me anywhere where a high standard of MORAL action is required or expected in ANY US LAW)???
- Based upon Fina's statements, didn't One-term Tommy have a MORAL responsibility to have another "Gala" Presser and use the power of his public office to publicly "protect" the reputation of PSU and PA citizens from this false accusation?? Check his oath of office...he had both the MORAL AND LEGAL responsibility - especially when you consider at least $60M were STOLEN from PSU based on this claim of criminality by the NCAA/B1G.
- Why did our own BOT's actions cost PSU $250M (payments and expenses) by OVERPAYING everyone - regardless of SOL, strength of accuser legal or rationality - AND YET - make sure everyone who settled COULD NOT SUE TSM as part of the PSU settlement.
- 20 more "suspicious" actions are involved here - all involving PA Government, Freeh, NCAA, B1G and the courts and lawyers involved
If these aren't RED FLAGS FOR CORRUPTION....what is???
When you answer these...then this discussion can start to have some value. We need to start to reestablishing a court system in PA that works for JUSTICE....
not some unseen group of "privileged, political elites" playing in their corrupt sandbox of the State of PA.