Immediately loved this episode - even more than last week's crazy Drogon firebombing. So many good, intricate scenes and people getting back to what they're good at (even Jon, who hates what he's good at...). Don't want to do a re-cap per se, but wow - so many good moments:
Dany's Offer
Bend the knee or *fry*!! Sorry Tarley's - get what you deserve. I even liked Tyrion trying to get Dany to dial back her ultimatum a bit but and I like that she rejected it. I also loved Drogon's posturing behind Dany. Sort of a 'YOU HAVE NO CHANCE' stance that was really impressive. Bronn's conversation with Jaime in the beginning 'Dragons are where our agreement ends!' was perfect too. So good and ultimately so satisfying with Drogon frying the Tarley twerps.
Jaime and Cersei and Tyrion
Oooooh!!! A Lannister baby!!! Sort of happy for Jaime and Cersei - she's a terrible person but she's had a lot of awful stuff happen to her. The Jaime/Tyrion conversation was great too - felt a lot for both characters but Jaime has new perspective after his conversation with Olenna and he's easy to root for. Jaime's description of Drogon and the Dothraki was scary - sort of like, 'We're totally f'd,' and I like how some perspective was added - namely that the ballista was ineffective against Drogon and the Dothraki are superior to any fighters in Westeros. Those are both big deals.
Arya and Sansa and Littlefinger
Great to see Sansa showing Arya what she's good at - namely, diplomacy and strategy. Still, Sansa relies way too much on Littlefinger and Arya knows that. Littlefinger knows things too - namely, that Arya is a problem, and it was cool to see him set a trap for her (one she seemingly fell for). The raven message he buried was one Sansa sent feigning loyalty to Joffrey if I read things correctly, so Littlefinger is poised to set sister vs. sister - but, I think he's underestimating Arya. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Dany and Jon
Soooooooo - Drogon likes Jon!! Dany senses something is up. Also, note how she's a bit choked up when Jon says he has to bounce. And a quick word on 'the plan' - basically, that all sides set aside differences until the Army of the Dead is dealt with (sub plan: that Jon and his band of merry killers go north of the wall and bring one back to the two queens as proof of their existence/threat) - not a huge fan; it's so contrived to move things forward but then again, if no one believes Jon, they have to do *something*. This is as good as anything else (save Dany flying Drogon to the wall for a quick peak).
Sam and Gilly
Gilly is the best and her reading is improving! Hey - she totally stumbled upon the fact that Jon is a LEGIT highborn!! Not only that, but as a result he's the true heir to the Iron Throne; wonder how Dany will take that? Good thing Sam gave Little Sam that book to play with - means it's on his carriage, right?
Anyway - great episode. Loved watching things get back to smaller scale mind games and strategy. Can't believe there are only two episodes left!
Dany's Offer
Bend the knee or *fry*!! Sorry Tarley's - get what you deserve. I even liked Tyrion trying to get Dany to dial back her ultimatum a bit but and I like that she rejected it. I also loved Drogon's posturing behind Dany. Sort of a 'YOU HAVE NO CHANCE' stance that was really impressive. Bronn's conversation with Jaime in the beginning 'Dragons are where our agreement ends!' was perfect too. So good and ultimately so satisfying with Drogon frying the Tarley twerps.
Jaime and Cersei and Tyrion
Oooooh!!! A Lannister baby!!! Sort of happy for Jaime and Cersei - she's a terrible person but she's had a lot of awful stuff happen to her. The Jaime/Tyrion conversation was great too - felt a lot for both characters but Jaime has new perspective after his conversation with Olenna and he's easy to root for. Jaime's description of Drogon and the Dothraki was scary - sort of like, 'We're totally f'd,' and I like how some perspective was added - namely that the ballista was ineffective against Drogon and the Dothraki are superior to any fighters in Westeros. Those are both big deals.
Arya and Sansa and Littlefinger
Great to see Sansa showing Arya what she's good at - namely, diplomacy and strategy. Still, Sansa relies way too much on Littlefinger and Arya knows that. Littlefinger knows things too - namely, that Arya is a problem, and it was cool to see him set a trap for her (one she seemingly fell for). The raven message he buried was one Sansa sent feigning loyalty to Joffrey if I read things correctly, so Littlefinger is poised to set sister vs. sister - but, I think he's underestimating Arya. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Dany and Jon
Soooooooo - Drogon likes Jon!! Dany senses something is up. Also, note how she's a bit choked up when Jon says he has to bounce. And a quick word on 'the plan' - basically, that all sides set aside differences until the Army of the Dead is dealt with (sub plan: that Jon and his band of merry killers go north of the wall and bring one back to the two queens as proof of their existence/threat) - not a huge fan; it's so contrived to move things forward but then again, if no one believes Jon, they have to do *something*. This is as good as anything else (save Dany flying Drogon to the wall for a quick peak).
Sam and Gilly
Gilly is the best and her reading is improving! Hey - she totally stumbled upon the fact that Jon is a LEGIT highborn!! Not only that, but as a result he's the true heir to the Iron Throne; wonder how Dany will take that? Good thing Sam gave Little Sam that book to play with - means it's on his carriage, right?
Anyway - great episode. Loved watching things get back to smaller scale mind games and strategy. Can't believe there are only two episodes left!