Been wondering all week what the big 'surprise' will be that turns the tide of this battle back to Dany & Jon..... Is it Jaara Greyjoy showing up with a huge armada of ships? Is it Arya making a huge & devastating strike like taking out Cersei early in the game? Is it more dragons? Is it the Golden Army switching sides?
The way last week went, it seems like all the momentum is on the side of Cersei. We all know something has to be the trigger than changes this momentum. But what is that trigger?
Also. What is Vary's plan on undermining Dany? He definitely is going with Jon, which means he must first undermine Dany.
Yara has to play a role in it. Also Arya heading to King’s Landing with the Hound as well as Jamie on his way. Hmmm. Perhaps a faceless man move vs Cersei, who has been on Arya’s list? Some bad shit gonna go down tonight methinks.
I guess there's one major question that needs to be asked. Was that what I hope it wasn't that Arya was staring at before she got on the horse?
What did you think it was?I guess there's one major question that needs to be asked. Was that what I hope it wasn't that Arya was staring at before she got on the horse?
That’s what I think I saw too.Looked like a pommel of a sword, a wolf's head. Really hope I'm wrong.
You think that was Jon?
I don’t think so.
Really surprised by this. I guess Dany is mad. She had it won and then went crazy. They showed the throne room with no roof and what looked like snow many season ago. Well I thought it was winter when they showed it but nope just ash from a crazy woman. Maybe she wanted to lay waste to the city so no one ever would go there again and she sets up her throne in the east or north. Hmmmm.
Dragonstone certainly make sense and I guess they can move the iron throne but who knows. Really surprised she took it that far-seemed to destroy all she sought. It’s whoevers guess now. But great episode.You think that was Jon?
I don’t think so.
Really surprised by this. I guess Dany is mad. She had it won and then went crazy. They showed the throne room with no roof and what looked like snow many season ago. Well I thought it was winter when they showed it but nope just ash from a crazy woman. Maybe she wanted to lay waste to the city so no one ever would go there again and she sets up her throne in the east or north. Hmmmm.
Stuff I didn't like:
- Cleganebowl. Yawn. Enjoyed this immensely.
- Euron's death (?). Just show him dying already!!! He's kinda a cheap heat villain in that I don't know anyone who likes him, but it played into his Iron-born tradition to survive the ship's burning and make it to the shore. His weakened state made for an even fight with the one armed Kingslayer. But yes, STFU and die already.
- Arya sort of doing...nothing? Boring. I felt like she did a lot. They built her arc up to kill Dany. This isn't a time for swerves. Necessary to continue down this path.
- Dany as Mad Queen. Boooooo!!!!!! She's fulfilling her destiny so to speak. She's always been ruthless, it's just they usually the victims we're so despicable nobody cared. The dark, baggy eyes, her pale skin, her isolation, Varys with his "Everytime a Targ is born, the God's flip a coin"... Destiny. Interesting thing is: she can still win (but people would likely shit on it).
- No Yara? WTF? Unless the plan was for her crew to burn as well, no place for Yara here. I think she plays into the finale. If not, very disappointing loose end not tied up.
That was better than the battle against the Night King. Amazing
Her philosophy is the sacrifice now will be worth it for future generations. And she's not entirely wrong.
Maybe the mountain disobeying those who completely controlled him was foreshadowing. So with Jon’s turn from this new mad dany, maybe drogon follows suit but doesn’t kill him and Arya steps in amidst the drama. But that dragon reveal I’ve been so waiting for would be basically a re-do sine they did much the same with the night king. Clearly she must go, but there are a lot of problems with that-starting with the unsullied and Dothraki. Who controls them if not dany? I don’t see them just deciding to follow Jon. UNLESS he’s got Drogon. Otherwise, It’s like welcoming the Huns INTO Rome and expecting them to behave. Without a ruthless leader, could be a dangerous proposition. I don’t see any of the remaining political types following dany, even if her armies do. So do we have a new mad queen ruling? I don’t see it. And I think. They over-baked her ruthlessness. They just didn’t develop the devil inside enough for her to have gone that senselessly terrible.Except for the truly psychotic, that's what all evil people say. The ends justifies the means.
One has to wonder if Martin leaves Crazy Dany in power to illustrate just how awful those people who wish to hold power are, and how those who "deserve" power, but don't want it, are trampled on ... but I think they'll off Dany as a quasi-positive moral, only to still leave it with foreboding that the circle of death and destruction is inevitable and will continue.
Agreed. Except the siege was done in ten minutes with the surrender. Now she isn’t fit to rule—the charred ashes of what she always wanted and blew up once she had it. She basically did what Jaime stopped her dad from doing, except he was about to lose the kingdom and she’d just won it. Was clumsy. But I did enjoy the episode for what it was. But what it was wasn’t what made the show so great when the directors had a better roadmap—or assuming they still had some roadmap, when they’d followed ithe roadmap.I don't understand the love for this episode. I guess I care too much about strategy. Once the fleet was gone, all they needed was a siege. It would not have lasted long with all the extra mouths to feed. In five weeks I have done from "I can't believe this is the final season" to "Thank God there's only one more episode."
One of my sons summed it up best when he said once they ran out of original material, they reverted to being television writers.
I am now fearful of what will happen in "Deadwood."
Whatever happens, This doesn’t seem consistent with GRRM’s writing... had he written...
and I’d be surprised if he’s needed for anything that remains. He’s had assistant writers for ages and he’s already delivered the manuscripts. Worst case is they might lack some of his magic. And i doubt that. My money is on whatever hand at the table says he could drop dead and it wouldn’t make any meaningful difference.I will be very surprised if Martin finishes the series.
Maybe the mountain disobeying those who completely controlled him was foreshadowing. So with Jon’s turn from this new mad dany, maybe drogon follows suit but doesn’t kill him and Arya steps in amidst the drama. But that dragon reveal I’ve been so waiting for would be basically a re-do sine they did much the same with the night king. Clearly she must go, but there are a lot of problems with that-starting with the unsullied and Dothraki. Who controls them if not dany? I don’t see them just deciding to follow Jon. UNLESS he’s got Drogon. Otherwise, It’s like welcoming the Huns INTO Rome and expecting them to behave. Without a ruthless leader, could be a dangerous proposition. I don’t see any of the remaining political types following dany, even if her armies do. So do we have a new mad queen ruling? I don’t see it. And I think. They over-baked her ruthlessness. They just didn’t develop the devil inside enough for her to have gone that senselessly terrible.
Whatever happens, This doesn’t seem consistent with GRRM’s writing... had he written...
I believe she felt the need to torch the city because it’s the only way to get the people of Westoros to accept her as queen. She knew that they didn’t love her, so they had to fear her. Obviously, it was a dumb choice because now everybody hates her. However, the books and show are big on prophecy, especially the self full filling kind. She thinks the only way to rule is through fear, so she instilled fear. That fear will be her undoing.I don't understand the love for this episode. I guess I care too much about strategy. Once the fleet was gone, all they needed was a siege. It would not have lasted long with all the extra mouths to feed. In five weeks I have done from "I can't believe this is the final season" to "Thank God there's only one more episode."
One of my sons summed it up best when he said once they ran out of original material, they reverted to being television writers.
I am now fearful of what will happen in "Deadwood."