I don't think it's going to take any convincing of Jon. He and Tyrion just had to witness that Varys was right, and they allowed it to happen. Just as Dany told Jon he's as responsible for Varys death as her, he knows he's just as responsible for what happened to everyone in Kings Landing as her.
THIS^^^ His and Arya's experiences will finally convince him it doesn't matter what he wants, just like when he became Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, then quadrupled its power by merging forces with the Free Folk, then was murdered by his own people. Then returned, with a less naiive mind for maintaining control.
Having her snap (just like Greyworm just went back to full militant after he was partially humanized by his "girlfriend") seems more in line with his storytelling, from what I've seen.
In S8; E4 everyone returned to home base and went back to who they were from the start.
I believe she felt the need to torch the city because it’s the only way to get the people of Westoros to accept her as queen. She knew that they didn’t love her, so they had to fear her.
Another prophecy is about being on guard against a perfumed seneschal, an obvious reference to Varys. The only reason she needed to fear him was if she did exactly what she ended up doing. Vary’s letters in the beginning scene will/should be relevant in the final episode.
Definitely. Seneschal has several definitions. Perfumed-Seneschal may have been Varys. But I think more likely its Sansa, who's already done more to undermine Dany in Westeros than anyone (except now maybe Dany). Sansa's role may be political only, but there's also a possible opportunity for Faceless Arya since Sansa doesn't know how to use a dagger. ;-)
Some additional thoughts: Jon finally getting that he doesn't have a choice. It's rule or continue to allow the suffering by a usurper, which is what Dany now knows she is (part of her snapping?). The only way she can avoid that was if they'd have ruled together. He didn't reject her as Queen. He rejected her as a lover, so wife and Queen wasn't an option. But he can't become king by killing Dany himself, or by his sister killing Dany (unless she looks like someone else). "The next time Tyrion fails her will be the last" may have been foreshadowing. Dany doesn't know about Jaime escaping. So while he failed her, he's still hand, can get close and returns to being the most dangerous person on the show to underestimate. He's my plan B as the second king/queenslayer after some form of Arya. But Arya can't do it as Tyrion since he's too small.
Whoever referenced Revelations 6:8 may have been onto something. This is the sort of detail that GRRM has loved playing with. The pale horse... she now rides is ridden by Death, which is the many-faced god, the weirwood face of the Old Gods and the Stranger of the New Gods (the Seven). Combine that with the faceless men being based on the ancient Islamic Order of Assassins. And Hell follows. Seems all roads to the end lead through Arya.
The Dothraki will have to go. They're conquerers who rape and pillage, not a ruling army. The Unsullied could make a good ruling army, if now crazed Grey Worm gets it. who knows which way they go. Remember Jorah's point about the Unsullied being the only ones who can beat the Dothraki? Or Drogon could do it. What if Arya as a faceless Dothraki leads an attack v. the Unsullied, or kills Dany publicly leading to a battle where Drogon wipes some or all them out? She has got a pale horse, rises from the ashes and talk about hell following her.
Then there's Bronn, who had no reason to return,except for his handful of scenes: receiving a huge crossbow, stupidly bargaining for Highgarden and reminding the hookers he nearly killed a dragon. Bronn may be a good candidate to kill Drogon, or maybe faceless Arya acting as Dany to get close.
Then there's who Varys could have been writing to. Doubtful he was just spreading the word. If there's another huge battle, maybe he was building an army to support Jon if the fear became reality (which it now has). Maybe Yaara and her ships carry the largest army(ies) outside of the unsullied and Dothraki, headed by a Jon loyalist-Torrmund and/or Brienne/sansa and Northerners fighting for their King, Jon. And all this ties into uniting the 7 kingdoms, all uniting to topple the new mad tyrant and/or her armies. Varys also seemed to be plotting an assasination by poison on Dany (who wasn't eating) when discussing with the little girl from the kitchen. But she might be dead by now.
Some or none of this might work, but there are a lot of loose ends to tie up. Just thinking how they might come together, other than through silly "where they are now" snippets at the end.