I will say Dany flying straight into the fleet seemed to be strategic - not only was she coming at them at full speed from a steep angle, she seemed to have the sun behind her. Note Euron and others having to squint and shade their eyes when looking up. Additionally, Drogon flying full speed with knowledge of where his targets are is much more effective than getting shot at and circling back. No big issue here for me - once he started blowing everything up, it was over.
My takes coming to the party late.
1) This board is strange at times. Some complained that Dany could have just flown behind Euron's fleet as the scorpions were only on the front of the ships. Another complaint is that Dany doesn't learn from her mistakes. So, she attacks from behind, attacks in front by steep dive, and staying low to the water relegating the scorpion ineffective. She also finally realizes all the bad advice she has been getting as Tyrion tries to serve two masters: her and his family. Previous to Westeros, Dany was the conquering hero, but had no history. Her family has history in Westeros, which is not positive, and since she hasn't lived there, is a feared outsider. Of course, they are going to be skeptical. Thus, what option does she have but to rule by fear. She no longer has any advisers she can trust as everyone in Westeros has divided loyalties.
2) Burning the city to the ground advances the story. If she doesn't, the next episode is pretty much a coronation. Now, Jon has to make a decision about where his loyalties lie: with Dany (his love) or with his family (Starks). Go back to the scene with Arya and Jon reunion where she reminds of being loyal to family.
3) I disagree Arya was useless. The Hound showed Arya the price to be paid for vengeance. He likely not only saved her physically but also emotionally as she was trying to save others. The writers always said she was used to show the destruction through a character we care about. Otherwise, just a bunch of extras dying.
4) Wow, the golden army certainly didn't last long. Surprised that this battle went down so quick.
5) The Mountain turned out to be Frankenstein. He just wouldn't die.
6) We found out the girl was spying for Varys and not Quyborn.
7) Yes, I was entertained. Another great episode. I can understand the criticisms of last episode, but I think this season has been epic.
Some loose ends:
(a) DId Davos deliver on the favor asked by Tyrion? Was it only to have a boat ready for Jaime or something else?
(b) Did Varys send his notes and to whom? He burnt one but not others.
(c) If prophecy is true, Dany will not sit on the throne per her vision. She will die and join Drogo.
(d) Will Bronn and Yara show up? They kind of have been written out of show with Bronn saying this isn't his fight and Yara attacking other lands.
(e) Brienne, Gendry and others still in the North. Does Jon somehow turn the North against Dany? I know the wildlings are heading north of the wall and seemingly out of the picture, but who knows.
(f) What becomes of Greyworm? He doesn't want to remain in a foreign land and stated he will stay until Dany's enemies are defeated. Can't imagine the Dothraki wanting to stay in Westeros either.
(g) Is Bran's and Sam's storyline finished? Or do they have a role in the finale?
My prediction is that Tyrion will rule,with Sansa, and they will introduce some version of democracy. Sam, Yara, Bronn and Gendry will be part of some democratic council as heads in the respective areas.
Jon will either head north or maybe even kill himself with grief. Arya will kill Dany via change of face. She will become a lone crusader for the downtrodden.