Sorry if this has been addressed, but do not feel like scanning thru 180+ posts.
> Does anyone know who Varys was writing those letters to? I had a buddy ask me about this last night and we both got stumped as to who would qualify as "worthy" of receiving a letter..... So who would he think has the power and the will to do something to her, so that Jon takes the throne??
The Wording of the Letter
The letter, Varys was writing, reads as if he was informing someone that: Dany was not the only heir to the Targ dynasty. So most interpret it to mean that he was writing to a Great House that was previously pledged to a Targ King.
It's also evident that Varys was sending many letters, not just one. There's a pile of three of four next to him already scrolled-up.
My Pick
As many houses as he can AND Illyrio Mopatis - part of the ruling class in Pentos - this will be a long one (sorry) - I'll try to be brief - and I may be wrong on some of the facts:
Mopatis ("IM") is a magistar of Pentos - magistars rule Pentos (right across the narrow sea and closer to King's Landing) - Varys and IM are secret allies and have a secret meeting in Season 1, this was the scene that Arya overheard - she doesn't even understand it when she is trying to convey it to Ned.
The gist of the secret meeting between IM and Varys was that Varys wanted IM to move Khal Drogo and the Dothraki to come to KL and overthrow the Lannisters for Vicerys (Dany's brother), thereby showing that Varys and IM want a Targ on the Iron Throne. But, to make this convo even more complex, Varys later spies against Dany to save his own life by telling King Robert about the Targ kids.
Then flash forward to Season 4 or 5: Tyrion escapes KL after killing Tywin. Varys takes Tyrion to IM's palace in Pentos (I think) and Varys reveals to Tyrion that
IM is a trusted friend who also wants to restore power to the Targs/Dany. This is where Varys starts to convince Tyrion to back Dany/Targ.
The first sentence says something to the effect of "Dany is not the only Targ left" - who would really care about that? IM would for whatever reason.
When Varys and Tyrion are discussing Jon's parentage and whether Jon and Dany can rule together, Varys argues that having a King as opposed to a Queen will appeal to the houses and kingdoms' preference for a King.
Ultimately this show is going Lost 2.0 (in a good way IMO) and therefore we won't find out. Varys is basically doing the same thing Jon Arryn and Ned Stark couldn't/wouldn't do, but he's paying the same price for it.
Just the idea of Varys getting the secret out is enough of a betrayal to Dany's reign that it'll be worse than the rumors about Joffrey and Tommen. Although we want to know whether this letter will foreshadow some army/force sweeping in to the aid of Jon Snow, it's more likely that this scene was used to foreshadow Dany's further descent into Mad Queen-dom. I can imagine that early on in Episode 6, we'll see a scene where Dany is discussing these letters and the spread of Jon's parentage and she'll start executing people who know.