OT: How long is your commute?


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?
How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?
Mine is 13 miles and at different times of the day that can be annoying. I would never commute as long as you’re talking about unless it was a dream job with dream money.
I just left a 15 minute three stop sign commute and now have a 45 minute three stop sign and half dozen stop light commute.
20-25 minute bus commute, including the walk to the bus stop and from the bus stop to the office door.
I commute to my basement. I remember back in the day my best friend commuted 2 1/2 hrs. each way to work in the world trade center. Up at 5:30, home at 8:30 rinse and repeat. No thanks. I convinced him he could find similar work in Columbus. Now he lives outside C-Bus on 5 acres and no stress.
1.5 miles.

I walk to/from work most days.

I cannot imagine have a commute of over an hour each way. Even if if it is a passive commute (train/bus/subway), that could be 25% of your waking, non-working hours each day spent commuting.

If other aspects of the job are too good to pass up, see if telework is an option. Even if it is only allowed 2 days a week, that would make a huge difference.
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How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?

Had it for a few years. I lost 3 hours of my day to commuting. What was left of the day was short and I was tired. I am neither young or interested in losing that much time that I can never get back.
How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?
We don't live too, too far from each other. I have 12-15 minutes depending on traffic, mostly through Chesco horse farms.

I think you made a wise decision last time out. I know I couldn't deal with a 75+ minute daily drive. I have to do that once in a while to our other main office. It would kill me to do that daily.

Maybe they want to be flexible this time.
20 miles / 25-35 minutes 4 days a week

95 miles with a border crossing / 1:45 hr (AM) to 2:30 hr (PM) 1 day a week
Walk 200 yards to my business. Can be a blessing and a curse living so close to a retail business. People think I'm available 24/7 for whatever they may need.
1 mile 3 day’s a week, 4 miles the other 2 days. Fifteen years ago I had a 1.5 block commute. Both are/were pretty sweet.
4.3 miles 12 minutes. Go home for lunch most days. Never had to drive more than 20-25 minutes to work.
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50 miles, commute anywhere from 1 1/4 to 2 hours.

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it.
20 mile commuter train ride. 58 minutes door to desk. I’ve been working for 26 years, and have done the car commute for only 14 months total. Walk or public transit.
45 miles, 50 minutes each way. Mostly 81 north.
Been doing it for 28 years. By choice, as my taxes in NEPA are way cheaper than upstate NY. 2 more to go and then Bye bye! Will be retired from NYS Civil service.
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Good day, 40 minutes. Bad day. an hour.

This is by Subway from Brooklyn to Manhattan.
How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?

About 80 round trip; 1 1/2 hr. each way. Yeah, we're moving.
How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?
8 miles - can take anywhere from 35min to an hour.
3/4 mile and I walk. Our office is moving and I’ll have to start taking the subway two stops and then walk 3/4 mile. I’m not happy.
How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?

I commuted 54 miles right before retiring. They were easy western flat miles although at times dicey in the winter. Usually about a 45 minute drive. Wide open on the range
10 seconds from bedroom to home office :)

My high school shop teacher commuted from State College to Newport every day, about 64 miles one way. And that was before the 322 improvements.
13 Miles. 25 minutes in summer, 35 during school. I did the long commute and it is horrible. It Wastes any free time you have, kills your car. And costs money. It would need to be an awesome job for a boatload of cash to have to do that again
I'm rather lucky. When in GA 20 steps (work from home), when in PA about 6 blocks.
Zero seconds. I pretty much have to commute from the bathroom to the kitchen in the morning since I retired a year ago.

I used to have to commute up to 1 hour 5 minutes before depending on where I was assigned to go on the schedule.