OT: How long is your commute?

Somewhere less than 10 miles, about 20 minutes to work and about 25-30 home.
I can’t ever imagine having a long commute to work. Just not worth it to me. I work to provide for my family and so I can enjoy time with them.
15 minutes to my law office. I can drive a mile from there and see downtown Pittsburgh, but it takes me 40 minutes to get there from the office during rush hour if I need to be in court.
It takes me the best part of 45 to 60 seconds to get to work depending if I have to slow down for deer.
I dodge the quail and fight that stop light on 4th St. 10 minutes, the nice thing about a small town where six cars at a light is considered heavy traffic.
25 feet from my bedroom to my home office desk. The only traffic I experience are dogs in the way.
10 minutes up this road (A1A). Sorry everyone.

Not bad.
48 miles/52 minutes each way but since I work 24 hour shifts I only do it twice a week.
Only about 15 miles which translates to anywhere from 1 to 2 hours from Northern NJ to midtown Manhattan. All of the streaming services have made this much more tolerable.
I just switched jobs. I work in lower CT and ironically took a job in same bldg as my previous employer in CT. Took a pay cut to have shorter commute. It is 45m door to door by train. Commute in NYC metro is an octopus of stress. I did not find the economy particularly strong in banking sector. Low ball salaries, high skills expected. Firms are spread out all over. I had several discussions with JPMorgan but they are located in Brooklyn Metrotech, easily 2.5 hours each way if driving via 95 from Westport CT area. All time sitting in traffic. They would not allow work from home at all. I turned down any further discussions. Same for Jersey City from CT. 2 hours each way. Drive to train, ride to GCT, subway down to PATH train, PATH to JC. Pay was not close to making it worthwhile. People do it all time though. My old boss drives from Jackson NJ to Norwalk CT everyday. Insane but he wants to keep job.
How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?

I really lucked out. The company I work for, when I started was about a 30 minute commute. Not bad by most standards.
But they moved closer so now I have about a 7 minute commute.:) If they would have bike lanes it would be awesome.
My partner, on the other hand, has an 1.5+ hour commute by train from Edgewood, MD to DC. and thats if the trains are running on time, which they seldom do from Penn Station to the north. I think the major issue is the passenger trains have to share the track with Amtrak.

Unless you absolutely hate your current job and the other place is offering you mad money, IMO I would stick with the current job.
How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?

26miles, 55 minutes, Northern Virginia
I commute to my basement. I remember back in the day my best friend commuted 2 1/2 hrs. each way to work in the world trade center. Up at 5:30, home at 8:30 rinse and repeat. No thanks. I convinced him he could find similar work in Columbus. Now he lives outside C-Bus on 5 acres and no stress.

I got you beat... for now. I walk from or Master Bedroom on the second floor to the office on the first floor. Been doing the tele-commute routine for 3 years now. Thinking about going back to a commute so I can get a bit of human interaction... hopefully 2 days in the office, 3 days at home.
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Central Jersey Resident:.
In June 1992 Lehman Brothers offered me a job in NYC $36,000. This would have been a 1hr and 30 minute train and subway commute (each way). Two weeks later I was offered a job with my municipal government making $27,000 per year and 2.4 miles from home. I accepted the municipal job.

From 1998-2013 I worked at the NJ Medical School. My commute was 1.8 miles which allowed me to walk and drive to work.

After a hostile take over of the medical school by Rutgers University, a move facilitated by our former Governor Chris Christie my commute is now a staggering 1hr and 20 min each way.
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How far do you commute to work each day? How far would you commute for a job?

I turned down a job offer in July mostly because the office is 50 miles from my home and working remotely really wasn't an option. And it's not an easy 50 miles. It took me 75 minutes to get there for the interview in the middle of the day. Can only imagine what the rush hour commute would be. I used to commute into center city from my home in Chester County, so I have had long commutes before.

So I got a call yesterday from the same company asking if I would talk to them again about joining their firm. So I agreed to meet for lunch near my place to talk to them again. They are coming to see me this time.

I currently have a really easy 12 mile, 20 minute commute mostly on back roads. I can bike it when the weather is nice.

Anyone have a 50 mile commute every day?

I had a 26 mile round trip across Dallas for awhile and I wouldn't go back there no way, no how. If they want you so badly (and it sounds like they do) then see if you can leverage some workdays from home, say Monday or Friday, as well as a company car.
Good luck!
For most of the last 22 years since graduation, the commute has been less than 4 miles. For the past 6, it’s a walk to the living room.
The worse commute I ever had was about 36 (?) miles one way from South Weymouth northbound, all the way through Boston to Lynn, MA every morning. Ugh! A lot of bad roads back then. It was brutal (ESP in winter). This was back in the early 90s.

I finally had enough and got a nice townhouse in Salem, Ma which cut my commute to about seven miles. It still took me about 30 minutes to get to work. Boston area traffic, in general, was a mess. It probably still is, road, bridge, and tunnel "improvements" completed since notwithstanding.

The second worse commute (pure misery as well) was from Burke, Va to Arlington, Va. It required driving to the train station, parking, after the trip by rail, running a block to catch a bus, followed by a brisk two block walk from the bus stop to the office BLDG. It took about an hour.
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