After WWII, my father spent 25 yrs in the Air Force, and 21 yrs as an aerial photographer stationed at various SAC air bases around the country. I absolutely f'n hated the constant relocations and my Slovak grandparents agreed to nest me at their place in Edwardsville, PA., my grandparents essentially raised me from childhood thru high school.
Slovak Tradition....great foods, great memories of celebrating mass & Holy Days.
Fortunately, my grandmother taught my wife Slovak traditional meals. My wife's potato pancakes & perogies are terrific. The potato pancakes are very thin (1/4") with lacy edges and the perogies have thin enough dough to bring out the flavor of the stuffing. She makes Easter cheese (cirak), bobalki, she use to make me calves hearts (my grandmother's red sauce recipe), deviates from original piggy
(halupki) recipe with a red sauce. My grandmother's pagach was very thin and buttery on both sides, that one slipped by my wife's talents. Boy, i'd love to have that again. in closing....TRADITION whether you eat it or not