OT. New to Netflixs and Prime. Need some recommendations

Man in the HIgh Castle progressively got worse from season to season and the final season went the same direction.

I was really disappointed with the new season of Jack Ryan. Really shoddy script.

That seems to be a common problem with a lot of the series that go past season 3.
I guess I qualify as a Luddite when it comes to entertainment.

For years I have seen all types of posts about shows that I could not access so I am assuming that there are some media experts on this site. Hopefully, I can get some ideas on shows/series.

I do have HBO. My tastes range from Sopranos, The Wire, True Blood, Vinyl, The Deuce to The Flight of the Concords and Larry David. I am not a big fan of sci fi.

Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Sorry I didnt see this sooner so I hope your still looking for things...

These are a few of my favorites (in no order)

I'm not sure if the Marvel stuff is still around...I think it is.
If so:

Jessica Jones The first season is terrific season 2 got really whiny Season 3 was better but not nearly as good as season 1.

Daredevil: all the seasons were good

Luke Cage: Again I really liked all 3 seasons and Mike Coltier killed it as Luke Cage.

The Punisher: All good.

The Defenders is ok but you can skip Iron Fist.

The Non-Marvel stuff:
Longmire is one of my all time favorites.

Lucifer is pretty funny

The Umbrella Academy is very good

Raising Dion was pretty decent

Dexter is good but you can stop watching after the John Lithgow season. It really goes down hill quick.

Lost in Space: First season was a lot of fun and the second season just dropped but haven't seen it yet.

Stranger Things: Was a lot of fun. If you liked The Goonies you'll like it.

I Zombie is ok

The Santa Clarita Diet: is pretty funny

V Wars was pretty good

The Spike Lee remake of She's Gotta Have it Season 1 is good I didn't like season 2.

Dear White People: was good as long as your not a snowflake.

The Magicians: Just started watching it and so far I like it.
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Jim, you had recommended Straight Man a year or two ago (maybe more) and based on that I checked it out - LOVED IT! I'm not sure if I ever thanked you but, if not, thank you. BTW, my middle son teaches Philosophy :rolleyes: at a small college in Western Pa so I can imagine that his day-to-day is similar to what Russo described.
You an LSD guy?
Ah, I have spent my share of time in Dewey Beach, not enough. The one fish I have caught in my life was taken at Silver Lake from the dock at the bridge into Rehoboth.

I’m glad you liked it. I can feel Russo’s authenticity in his books. Yes, hilarious.
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I have a Samsung Smart TV. Has anyone ever had issues with their Disney app, and the App Store app, not launching on their Samsung Smart TV? For example, on certain days I will be able to launch the Disney app and the App Store app on my Smart TV with no issues. On other days, the Disney app and the App Store app will not launch, as if those app buttons are dead apps/links on the Smart TV hub. Because of this issue, I will not be able to watch the Disney app for a full day, or two days, or three days. And then miraculously, the Disney app and the App Store app will start working again. The other apps, such as Verizon Fios, Netflix, and Amazon Prime all work fine with no issues at all. I have removed the Disney App button and redownloaded the Disney App button, but the problem persists. Does anyone know how to fix this so that I am able to always access the Disney app button and the App Store app button?
I have a Samsung Smart TV. Has anyone ever had issues with their Disney app, and the App Store app, not launching on their Samsung Smart TV? For example, on certain days I will be able to launch the Disney app and the App Store app on my Smart TV with no issues. On other days, the Disney app and the App Store app will not launch, as if those app buttons are dead apps/links on the Smart TV hub. Because of this issue, I will not be able to watch the Disney app for a full day, or two days, or three days. And then miraculously, the Disney app and the App Store app will start working again. The other apps, such as Verizon Fios, Netflix, and Amazon Prime all work fine with no issues at all. I have removed the Disney App button and redownloaded the Disney App button, but the problem persists. Does anyone know how to fix this so that I am able to always access the Disney app button and the App Store app button?

Only thought is to make sure your tv software is up to date.
Since folks are bringing up Amazon shows - any thoughts on Sneaky Pete? I watched a couple episodes awhile back and gave up on it, but would be willing to go back if folks think it's a worthwhile show.

I liked it. It's not going to win any awards, but the script writing is solid.
i enjoyed this one, hitting season 4 shortly



Is Millennium on Netflix or Amazon? I can't find it and I loved it when it was on regular TV. It's a spin off of the X Files.
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Ah, I have spent my share of time in Dewey Beach, not enough. The one fish I have caught in my life was taken at Silver Lake from the dock at the bridge into Rehoboth.

I’m glad you liked it. I can feel Russo’s authenticity in his books. Yes, hilarious.

Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man mathematics and he will eat for life.
Try Longmire on Netflix. Amazing cinematography and pretty good story lines.
Definitely one of My favorite series. Other good westerns include Godless and Hell on Wheels. I highly recommend these as starters.
I have a Samsung Smart TV. Has anyone ever had issues with their Disney app, and the App Store app, not launching on their Samsung Smart TV? For example, on certain days I will be able to launch the Disney app and the App Store app on my Smart TV with no issues. On other days, the Disney app and the App Store app will not launch, as if those app buttons are dead apps/links on the Smart TV hub. Because of this issue, I will not be able to watch the Disney app for a full day, or two days, or three days. And then miraculously, the Disney app and the App Store app will start working again. The other apps, such as Verizon Fios, Netflix, and Amazon Prime all work fine with no issues at all. I have removed the Disney App button and redownloaded the Disney App button, but the problem persists. Does anyone know how to fix this so that I am able to always access the Disney app button and the App Store app button?
I bought a Samsung Smart TV a couple of years ago (4G, web software, and the works), but I started having the problems you describe about three months ago. Called Hulu (my internet TV source) and, after taking my TV model number and checking, the Hulu customer service rep advised me that Hulu was "no longer supporting" that particular model of TV. My first reaction was "WTF?! Is Hulu inviting me to go elsewhere?" But after asking around a bit, I decided to by a Roku Ultra, which allows me to navigate Hulu, Netflix, Prime, Starz, etc., much more quickly and easily. (It has voice commands and buttons for one touch access to Hulu and Netflix.) Plus, the Roku device will apparently become obsolete much more slowly than my TV. It cost me about $100 at Best Buy. I highly recommend it.
Since folks are bringing up Amazon shows - any thoughts on Sneaky Pete? I watched a couple episodes awhile back and gave up on it, but would be willing to go back if folks think it's a worthwhile show.
I watched all 3 seasons of Sneaky Pete and really liked all of them, fwiw.
I have a Samsung Smart TV. Has anyone ever had issues with their Disney app, and the App Store app, not launching on their Samsung Smart TV? For example, on certain days I will be able to launch the Disney app and the App Store app on my Smart TV with no issues. On other days, the Disney app and the App Store app will not launch, as if those app buttons are dead apps/links on the Smart TV hub. Because of this issue, I will not be able to watch the Disney app for a full day, or two days, or three days. And then miraculously, the Disney app and the App Store app will start working again. The other apps, such as Verizon Fios, Netflix, and Amazon Prime all work fine with no issues at all. I have removed the Disney App button and redownloaded the Disney App button, but the problem persists. Does anyone know how to fix this so that I am able to always access the Disney app button and the App Store app button?
I have a smart tv, and had issues, so I dont go over to the 'smart' side. Instead of have a 1st genny Apple TV box ($40? on ebay) So I download the app to my phone, phone on wifi, and then network it to the apple TV and never have issues. on Apple TV they have different apps, I know netflix for sure, but if you put Disney app on your phone, you shouldnt have any problems
SmartTVs are a waste IMO, when you have devices such as Amazon firestick. The devices will remain current. Manufacturers will drop support fast for updates to their smart TVs.
SmartTVs are a waste IMO, when you have devices such as Amazon firestick. The devices will remain current. Manufacturers will drop support fast for updates to their smart TVs.

And maybe its just my 2yr+ Samsung Smart TV but the "built" in browser is godawful slow.
I have a Samsung Smart TV. Has anyone ever had issues with their Disney app, and the App Store app, not launching on their Samsung Smart TV? For example, on certain days I will be able to launch the Disney app and the App Store app on my Smart TV with no issues. On other days, the Disney app and the App Store app will not launch, as if those app buttons are dead apps/links on the Smart TV hub. Because of this issue, I will not be able to watch the Disney app for a full day, or two days, or three days. And then miraculously, the Disney app and the App Store app will start working again. The other apps, such as Verizon Fios, Netflix, and Amazon Prime all work fine with no issues at all. I have removed the Disney App button and redownloaded the Disney App button, but the problem persists. Does anyone know how to fix this so that I am able to always access the Disney app button and the App Store app button?

All of my TVs are "smart." I have Rokus in all of them anyway. They work 50X better than my TV software. I can't stand the apps on my TVs (Samsungs and LG). For $45 right now you can pick up Roku + on Amazon (Amazon product ASIN B075XLWML4).
SIAP, but FX is putting new IP and nearly all of their back catalog of TV on Hulu. So, you can watch all seasons of:

- Fargo
- The Americans
- Justified
- Sons of Anarchy
- Atlanta
- American Horror Story
- Legion
- Taboo
SIAP, but FX is putting new IP and nearly all of their back catalog of TV on Hulu. So, you can watch all seasons of:

- Fargo
- The Americans
- Justified
- Sons of Anarchy
- Atlanta
- American Horror Story
- Legion
- Taboo

Something that frustrates me. I can get the Disney+ bundle with ESPN+ and Hulu (with commercials). But I can't upgrade to non-commercials Hulu unless I cancel the package and order Hulu separately. Why can't I just pay the exact extra amount Hulu charges to my bundle??
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Black Mirror is a bit scifi, but it proposes how certain technologies can destroy our society.

If you are a true crime fan:
Abducted: taken in plain sight; these parents were some of the worst decision makers on the planet
The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann
Definitely one of My favorite series. Other good westerns include Godless and Hell on Wheels. I highly recommend these as starters.

I just finished Longmire a couple of weeks ago, really enjoyed it.

As I'm watching, I start to the sense that the scenery seemed very familiar, especially outside the Sheriff's cabin. Then I realize it looked like a preserve in New Mexico that we'd driven by to a few years ago, we just stopped at the entrance off HWY 4 to enjoy the beautiful view. So I start googling and confirm that it was in fact Valles Caldera National Preserve in NM. When you find it on google maps you see this.....(I laughed when I saw this),-106.5174152,2672m/data=!3m1!1e3

and this....!1sD3-rHTPYGshxyiH85iZhog!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
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I've lead lots of praise for Black Mirror so I watched the first episode and didn't like it. That episode isn't for you if you have a weak stomach. Since each episode stands alone some online reviews suggest an order to watch it in to view some of the better, and less disgusting, episodes first before getting grossed out. I haven't given up on it yet but it's low down the list in my queue.

Yea when I recommend Black Mirror to folks I always warn them to not start with The National Anthem (season 1 episode 1) as it’s pretty vile and not like any other episode of the series. Nosedive is a decent one to start with and then explore from there.
I just finished Longmire a couple of weeks ago, really enjoyed it.

As I'm watching, I start to the sense that the scenery seemed very familiar, especially outside the Sheriff's cabin. Then I realize it looked like a preserve in New Mexico that we'd driven by to a few years ago, we just stopped at the entrance off HWY 4 to enjoy the beautiful view. So I start googling and confirm that it was in fact Valles Caldera National Preserve in NM. When you find it on google maps you see this.....(I laughed when I saw this),-106.5174152,2672m/data=!3m1!1e3

and this....!1sD3-rHTPYGshxyiH85iZhog!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

LOL. Yea the entire series was shot, beautifully I might add, in New Mexico. Walts office is somewhere along the "square" in Santa Fe Plaza.
If only I could have a cabin inside the Valles Caldera. Its gorgeous.
I've never been to Wyoming but I can't imagine the scenery and terrain being similar.
I loved that series. While I liked Walt my favorite was Standing Bear (Lou Diamond Phillips) I thought he was excellent.
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Since folks are bringing up Amazon shows - any thoughts on Sneaky Pete? I watched a couple episodes awhile back and gave up on it, but would be willing to go back if folks think it's a worthwhile show.
i like all 3 season of Sneaky Pete
LOL. Yea the entire series was shot, beautifully I might add, in New Mexico. Walts office is somewhere along the "square" in Santa Fe Plaza.
If only I could have a cabin inside the Valles Caldera. Its gorgeous.
I've never been to Wyoming but I can't imagine the scenery and terrain being similar.
I loved that series. While I liked Walt my favorite was Standing Bear (Lou Diamond Phillips) I thought he was excellent.

Great series. Loved LDP also.
DSI Banks on Amazon is very good. I’m about 7 episodes into what I think is 6 seasons worth of shows. It’s a British crime solving series often with 2 parts to a crime story. It can be a little graphic. The lead characters are great and as is often the case of BBC produced shows, the actors don’t “look like” actors.
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I just finished The Morning Show on Apple TV. The reviews were pretty bad, but I Iiked it a lot.
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Dexter is good but you can stop watching after the John Lithgow season. It really goes down hill quick.
Ironic that I came across your post today. I just watched the season 4 (John Lithgow) finale yesterday. It has been very, very good to this point.

Thanks for ruining my weekend binge watching plans! :mad: