OT: Rob Manfred's plan to destroy minor league baseball (Williamsport & State College - bye bye)

I don’t have a clue what will happen but I think a team at Medlar would be a great move for the ALPB. It would be a great geographic fit and the league would need a replacement for the Skeeters if their move to affiliated status happens. They’re the geographic oddball anyway.
The initial list was interesting since it obviously failed to consider level of facilities which was one of the alleged criteria listed for the cut and did not consider franchise finances, which admittedly was not a criteria listed.

However, COVID will be a big blessing for the Commissioner as any cancellation will thin the herd a bit for him, it just might not be the teams that he would like.

State College has great facilities for the level they are at. Geography is their biggest foe in my opinion. I was a season ticket holder from the start until last year when I switched to a second shift job.
MLB is slitting their own throat here. They use Williamsport to put on a feel good game w/ Little Leaguers, then stab them in the back - all based on a model the Astros leg-humped. Meanwhile, they just cheated to win.

Here is a complete list of teams that should not be playing baseball this year (it doesn't include the Crosscutters or Spikes):

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MLB is slitting their own throat here. They use Williamsport to put on a feel good game w/ Little Leaguers, then stab them in the back - all based on a model the Astros leg-humped. Meanwhile, they just cheated to win.

Here is a complete list of teams that should not be playing baseball this year (it doesn't include the Crosscutters or Spikes):

I like it....Astros caught a break with the season being postponed or cancelled. Shit was about to rain down on Jose Altuve.
The NY-Penn league may well not even have a season this year anyway, even if MLB does. So the Spikes' last game may have already happened.
The NY-Penn league may well not even have a season this year anyway, even if MLB does. So the Spikes' last game may have already happened.
Yes, I'm afraid its a very real possibility... heck the draft has been moved to July this year and that's where they get most of their players...
I've got an acquaintance who owns a Class A team. He and I took in a game a few years back with Lindor was there. He told me he has zero to do with anything in front of the seats. The dugout, the field, the bases, the food, the water, the sunflower seeds, the umps are all managed by MLB. The stadium was built and owned by the city and he leases it from them. He owns tickets, radio, concessions and parking. He told me that he could not introduce me to any players because he doesn't know them and almost never even speaks to them. He has almost no interaction with anything player or game related. I had no idea and thought it interesting.
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I knew MLB wanted to get rid of minor league teams but creating the COVID pandemic and killing thousands of people all over the world is a bit much.
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Here in Central Florida in Towns like Leesburg there is a league made up of college players for the summer. Admission is free. They take up a donation if you care to give. Didn’t happen this year because of Covid it is often sold out on the weekends so they capacity in Leesburg Florida. Friends say it is pretty good baseball