OT: Security punches female Miami fan

The ground in this case was steep steps and a railing. If it was an ideal situation, or even a manageable one she would have already been in cuffs, preventing the original swings.

Ok, fair enough.
I believe that is exactly what is expected.

The use of force, in the context of law enforcement, may be defined as the "amount of effort required by police to compel compliance by an unwilling subject". She was already being compelled to leave. Do a better job of restraining her and she's not free to swing wildly. But, whatever.
Retired from law enforcement and I would never stand there and let someone slap me repeatedly. If they wanted to get a shot in it had better be a good one because it would be the only one.

I know it's the "in" thing these days to say cops are always wrong. Sure, maybe they could have restrained the woman but their goal was to get her out of there ASAP for her own safety as well as their own. Saying, "Please ma'am, put you hands behind your back. We're going to place you in handcuffs and remove you from the premises", would have been a bad tactical move. The people she was bothering would have had more time to be annoyed with her. Also, anyone who was with the woman would have had more time to give the cops grief for hassling her even though she was the problem. It's not like the cops picked a random woman to drag from her seat. They were called there for a reason.
Retired from law enforcement and I would never stand there and let someone slap me repeatedly. If they wanted to get a shot in it had better be a good one because it would be the only one.

I know it's the "in" thing these days to say cops are always wrong. Sure, maybe they could have restrained the woman but their goal was to get her out of there ASAP for her own safety as well as their own. Saying, "Please ma'am, put you hands behind your back. We're going to place you in handcuffs and remove you from the premises", would have been a bad tactical move. The people she was bothering would have had more time to be annoyed with her. Also, anyone who was with the woman would have had more time to give the cops grief for hassling her even though she was the problem. It's not like the cops picked a random woman to drag from her seat. They were called there for a reason.

Maybe punch her in the face first then if you can't safely restrain her? Dunno. But, it's not like he slapped her back. He punched her HARD (likely knocked her out).

Cops aren't always wrong, but you shouldn't disregard procedure (restrain first, then remove) for the comfort of others.

Not going to respond further. You have your opinion, I have mine. We can agree to disagree without being assholes.
That is such a sad indictment of today's society. As far as I know, cops don't walk on water or crap out gold bars. At a minimum, they should be held to the same standards as regular citizens. In the real world, in a drunk woman slaps you with an open hand and you ball up your fist and knock her unconscious, you will rightly be arrested.

Not even close. Police are actually held to a higher standard and for that reason are given more protections under the law in situations like this. Police are a target for any drunken jerk. The woman got exactly what she asked for and deservd.
Good news! Justice served. That'll learn her....

Police have charged a 30-year-old nurse with felony battery on a police officer for her part in a videotaped altercation with a detective at a University of Miami football game.

Police said Bridget Freitas slapped an officer while being carried out during Miami’s win Saturday over Virginia Tech at Hard Rock Stadium.

The officer then punched her in the face. His full name has not been released.
It's an off campus stadium, so yes. And the woman was 30 years old and legal to buy and consume alcohol. If it had been a Dolphins game, would the situation have been lessened?

Contrary to oft quoted posts on this and other forums, the fact that a football stadium is on or off campus has absolutely zero to do with whether alcohol is served or not. You can find plenty of on campus fields that serve beer at games.
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It's an off campus stadium, so yes. And the woman was 30 years old and legal to buy and consume alcohol. If it had been a Dolphins game, would the situation have been lessened?
NFL games have been a cesspool for bad fan behavior for years. I have to endure plenty of drunks near me in Beaver Stadium, but at least they either leave or sober up by the second half. Just saying here is another reason they should never consider selling alcohol in the Beav.
If he had not have hit her, she would have kept swinging and trying to hit either him, or some other officer.

Exactly. You're taking someone away and they start flailing at you. I don't see a problem with that the cop did.

It's 2017 and we're supposed to be treating women like full fledged adults now. The fact that she's a woman in this situation doesn't matter. The cops were taking someone away for misbehavior and the person started to hit the cops and the cops hit back to stop her. Seems perfectly fine to me.
Real men never hit women. Never.

That's sexist. Maybe we should just put women on a pedestal, hun?

It's 2017. Women are adults with full rights and full responsibilities of any other adult. If a cop did that to a guy nobody would think twice.
Dumb dumb to punch or smack a cop. Most likely you will get put down hard. With that said there was no need to punch her back. A guy like that can do serious damage to fragile girl.
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Contrary to off quoted posts on this and other forums, the fact that a football stadium is on or off campus has absolutely zero to do with whether alcohol is served or not. You can find plenty of on campus fields that serve beer at games.

This. Was at Tulane's new on campus stadium this weekend and that place is overflowing with booze.
Contrary to off quoted posts on this and other forums, the fact that a football stadium is on or off campus has absolutely zero to do with whether alcohol is served or not. You can find plenty of on campus fields that serve beer at games.

True. But I can only think of two - PSU and West Virginia. I am sure there are more.

However, EVERY off campus stadium where college football is played serves alcohol. Not just beer and wine, but real booze too. So games that are played in off campus stadiums allow fans to imbibe more, and with different and stronger types of alcohol.
Bridget Freitas, a 30-year-old nurse who attended the Virginia Tech-Miami game on Nov. 4 at Hard Rock Stadium, had felony battery and disorderly conduct charges dropped, The Miami Herald reported. Freitas was lifted out of the stands by four Miami-Dade police officers, who grabbed her by her legs. As she was being carried out of the seating section, Freitas swung at an officer, who responded by punching her in the face.

In exchange for the charges being dropped, Freitas has agreed to write an apology letter to Miami-Dade police officer Douglass Ross, who was cleared of improper conduct after the department reviewed the video of his punch. The nurse must also serve 50 hours of community service and pay prosecution fees, which total over $100.
Bridget Freitas, a 30-year-old nurse who attended the Virginia Tech-Miami game on Nov. 4 at Hard Rock Stadium, had felony battery and disorderly conduct charges dropped, The Miami Herald reported. Freitas was lifted out of the stands by four Miami-Dade police officers, who grabbed her by her legs. As she was being carried out of the seating section, Freitas swung at an officer, who responded by punching her in the face.

In exchange for the charges being dropped, Freitas has agreed to write an apology letter to Miami-Dade police officer Douglass Ross, who was cleared of improper conduct after the department reviewed the video of his punch. The nurse must also serve 50 hours of community service and pay prosecution fees, which total over $100.

Seems fair. To be clear - a police officer can punch you in the face and/or knock you out if you are resisting, right?
I don't think off campus has anything to do with selling alcohol. They sell beer at Terp games.

And they DON'T sell beer at the B10 Championship Game, at a clearly off-campus stadium (which was very disappointing to me). So you are correct.
If this was my daughter, I would simply ask her if she learned a lesson from this and if not she should have. I would then expect her to contact the officer's and apologize. I would also question my parenting and wonder what wisdom i could give her surrounding this to never get in this situation again that would also allow her to grow as a responsible law abiding person. No lawyer necessary regardless of whether he could have been softer in his approach.
However, EVERY off campus stadium where college football is played serves alcohol. Not just beer and wine, but real booze too. So games that are played in off campus stadiums allow fans to imbibe more, and with different and stronger types of alcohol.

No, not EVERY. Lucas Oil Stadium does not serve beer at the B10 Championship Game.
Seems fair. To be clear - a police officer can punch you in the face and/or knock you out if you are resisting, right?

If you are resisting, the officer can only use appropriate force. He/she cannot shoot you slapping them. It has to be proportional. However, since this young lady swung at the cop, he switched her lights off. In addition, she was drunk (strike two). At the end of the day, she has little recourse.
If you are resisting, the officer can only use appropriate force. He/she cannot shoot you slapping them. It has to be proportional. However, since this young lady swung at the cop, he switched her lights off. In addition, she was drunk (strike two). At the end of the day, she has little recourse.

So, that's a 'yes'? I can't recall if she actually hit him or not. I'm never in favor of resisting law enforcement, but am also not in favor of knocking out drunk women who apparently can't be fully restrained by four fully grown police officers. The 'apology' letter is a nice touch.
So, that's a 'yes'? I can't recall if she actually hit him or not. I'm never in favor of resisting law enforcement, but am also not in favor of knocking out drunk women who apparently can't be fully restrained by four fully grown police officers. The 'apology' letter is a nice touch.
she reached out to slap him. Like it or not, he who gets physical first losses. The fact she was drunk only works against her because she was out of control.

don't shoot the messenger!
she reached out to slap him. Like it or not, he who gets physical first losses. The fact she was drunk only works against her because she was out of control.

don't shoot the messenger!

Ok. No shooting here - best to never put yourself on that position.
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This is what feminists want. Want equal treatment? Then there should be no problem with this idiot womyn getting her ass beat.
And with that, my daughter will never be allowed to date a Kevin, just in case it might be you.

But you’re entitled to your opinion.
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wow, this post had the two biggest forum experts in everything ever known to humankind. i'm surprised this got all the way to a second page. The second a police officer used force against a person, it should have been an open and shut case in public opinion
So if a man walks into a bathroom and his wife is trying to drown his child, he's not allowed to hit her? Gotcha.

Just gonna leave this here....

Edit - may not be safe for work.....and it's someone's comedy does not mean I agree or disagree or have any other thought on the matter....
Dumb dumb to punch or smack a cop. Most likely you will get put down hard. With that said there was no need to punch her back. A guy like that can do serious damage to fragile girl.

Is she a fragile girl? That sounds a little sexist. The feminist if they are being consistent would say men and women are equal AND don’t call her a GIRL. She is a woman and it’s sexist to call her a girl.

Of course i agree and was raised that you never hit a woman. But I’m going to also defend and protect myself.
So if a man walks into a bathroom and his wife is trying to drown his child, he's not allowed to hit her? Gotcha.
No he grabs the child to end the drowning. He gets the child out of harm's way.
No he grabs the child to end the drowning. He gets the child out of harm's way.
And if she won't let the child go and he doesn't want to have the child end up getting hurt by being pulled and yanked around? To absolutely say it should never happen is ridiculous.
And if she won't let the child go and he doesn't want to have the child end up getting hurt by being pulled and yanked around? To absolutely say it should never happen is ridiculous.

Saying to never hit a woman is ridiculous but, I can say without hesitation, that you never ball up your fist and knock out a woman because she hit you with an open hand slap. Try that in front of any cop, and you are getting arrested. Try that in front of any decent man and you'll be eating a fist.
Not seeing why anyone would have a problem with what he did...
What if his punch to the head knocked her out and into a coma? Cops are paid for a job and not to use excessive force. They are suppose to deescalate the situation. This drunk barely touched the officer and posed no threat. He punched her out of anger. Not to control her. She was like a wet noodle.

This is what they are trained for and what they signed up for. Nobody forced them to sign up. Most are good but some are in it for the power and abuse their position. Ion the past they got away with it no cameras and easily covered up by colleagues. The abuse is being uncovered by cell phones. Like yesterday the officer that got 20 years for murdering a suspect running away. Shot dead because the officer didn’t want to chase him down. Easier just to kill him. Unfortunately for him someone filmed his murder. He tried to use the same lame excuse they all use “I was afraid for my life”. Pathetic but it always works for officers when there is no tape.