OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

I haven't tuned into this thread for dozens and dozens of pages.

Let me just simplify it for you all and then tune back out. If you're vaccinated and you get the virus, you don't die (in the overwhelming # of cases). If you're unvaccinated and get the virus (particularly if you're an "older") person - you very well might die... a slow, agonizing, PREVENTABLE death.

Anecdotal, I know, but I personally know of two cases in recent weeks in Central PA involving 2 couples - husbands both vaccinated, and wives not. One wife is dead due to COVID. The other is in the ICU. Husbands are both fine.

Also anecdotal - I personally know hundreds of people who have been vaccinated. Not a single bad reaction, beyond maybe a sore arm.

This isn't hard to figure out. Some of ya'll are just thinking way too much.
More or less right.

The vaccine is about 80-90% effective when measured against death as an outcome.

Less so for infection...
I haven't tuned into this thread for dozens and dozens of pages.

Let me just simplify it for you all and then tune back out. If you're vaccinated and you get the virus, you don't die (in the overwhelming # of cases). If you're unvaccinated and get the virus (particularly if you're an "older") person - you very well might die... a slow, agonizing, PREVENTABLE death.

Anecdotal, I know, but I personally know of two cases in recent weeks in Central PA involving 2 couples - husbands both vaccinated, and wives not. One wife is dead due to COVID. The other is in the ICU. Husbands are both fine.

Also anecdotal - I personally know hundreds of people who have been vaccinated. Not a single bad reaction, beyond maybe a sore arm.

This isn't hard to figure out. Some of ya'll are just thinking way too much.
Well written... I keep thinking back to when I was a kid. I'd be on my way to brush my teeth before bed and my over bearing Italian mother would yell upstairs "BRUSH YOUR TEETH BEFOR BED". I would immediately turn around and go right back in my room as I'd be damned if I am going to be told what to do.

It seems like many people just don't want to take the vaccine because the government (or whatever sanctioned body) is telling them to. The data is overwhelming clear it is the right thing to do. I think we need to force the unvaccinated to pay the full cost of any hospitalizations, or incur some other financial penalty, while giving vaccinated some type of tax break. The "list price" for my recent hip replacement was $337k. Make these people pay list price for medical services.
Well written... I keep thinking back to when I was a kid. I'd be on my way to brush my teeth before bed and my over bearing Italian mother would yell upstairs "BRUSH YOUR TEETH BEFOR BED". I would immediately turn around and go right back in my room as I'd be damned if I am going to be told what to do.

It seems like many people just don't want to take the vaccine because the government (or whatever sanctioned body) is telling them to. The data is overwhelming clear it is the right thing to do. I think we need to force the unvaccinated to pay the full cost of any hospitalizations, or incur some other financial penalty, while giving vaccinated some type of tax break. The "list price" for my recent hip replacement was $337k. Make these people pay list price for medical services.

Everyone should have to pay financial penalties for their sins. If you smoke, the hospitals should be able to charge a surcharge for your medical care. The same with the obese. Give them a surcharge that is related to how much they are overweight. I don't want to pay extra to cover the self inflicted damage fat asses do to themselves.
I thought this was

Well written... I keep thinking back to when I was a kid. I'd be on my way to brush my teeth before bed and my over bearing Italian mother would yell upstairs "BRUSH YOUR TEETH BEFOR BED". I would immediately turn around and go right back in my room as I'd be damned if I am going to be told what to do.

It seems like many people just don't want to take the vaccine because the government (or whatever sanctioned body) is telling them to. The data is overwhelming clear it is the right thing to do. I think we need to force the unvaccinated to pay the full cost of any hospitalizations, or incur some other financial penalty, while giving vaccinated some type of tax break. The "list price" for my recent hip replacement was $337k. Make these people pay list price for medical services.

If you're waiting for a liver transplant and they catch you drinking alcohol, they move you to the bottom of the list. Same for lungs and smoking. They should treat unvaccinated Covid patients the same way.
Well written... I keep thinking back to when I was a kid. I'd be on my way to brush my teeth before bed and my over bearing Italian mother would yell upstairs "BRUSH YOUR TEETH BEFOR BED". I would immediately turn around and go right back in my room as I'd be damned if I am going to be told what to do.

It seems like many people just don't want to take the vaccine because the government (or whatever sanctioned body) is telling them to. The data is overwhelming clear it is the right thing to do. I think we need to force the unvaccinated to pay the full cost of any hospitalizations, or incur some other financial penalty, while giving vaccinated some type of tax break. The "list price" for my recent hip replacement was $337k. Make these people pay list price for medical
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It's a requirement to fly back into the US for one reason. We know there is a portion of this country that doesn't matter what....they don't care. I don't think there are a ton of people out there just deciding to get up and get tested daily without a reason. Maybe some who are hypochondriacs are doing this...really wouldn't be a surprise there either.

It's not a requirement for illegal aliens.
I haven't tuned into this thread for dozens and dozens of pages.

Let me just simplify it for you all and then tune back out. If you're vaccinated and you get the virus, you don't die (in the overwhelming # of cases). If you're unvaccinated and get the virus (particularly if you're an "older") person - you very well might die... a slow, agonizing, PREVENTABLE death.

Anecdotal, I know, but I personally know of two cases in recent weeks in Central PA involving 2 couples - husbands both vaccinated, and wives not. One wife is dead due to COVID. The other is in the ICU. Husbands are both fine.

Also anecdotal - I personally know hundreds of people who have been vaccinated. Not a single bad reaction, beyond maybe a sore arm.

This isn't hard to figure out. Some of ya'll are just thinking way too much.
Right. Now do 20 year olds
Link: Info you won’t find in main stream media sources

More Than 726,000 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS as CDC, FDA Overrule Advisory Committees’ Recommendations on Third Pfizer Shot​

VAERS data released Friday by the CDC included a total of 726,965 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 15,386 deaths and 99,410 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 17, 2021.
Link: Info you won’t find in main stream media sources

More Than 726,000 COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS as CDC, FDA Overrule Advisory Committees’ Recommendations on Third Pfizer Shot​

VAERS data released Friday by the CDC included a total of 726,965 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 15,386 deaths and 99,410 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 17, 2021.
I did a super-quick read in this, but it seems that these 15k deaths aren't necessarily due to the vaccine. It is just people that died after having had the vaccine and includes people that died from other conditions, suicide, etc. Is that correct? And is it 15k deaths among the 185M+ Americans that have been vaccinated?
I did a super-quick read in this, but it seems that these 15k deaths aren't necessarily due to the vaccine. It is just people that died after having had the vaccine and includes people that died from other conditions, suicide, etc. Is that correct? And is it 15k deaths among the 185M+ Americans that have been vaccinated?

You mean the COVID vaccines don’t prevent suicide? Shit. Pharma phail.
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I did a super-quick read in this, but it seems that these 15k deaths aren't necessarily due to the vaccine. It is just people that died after having had the vaccine and includes people that died from other conditions, suicide, etc. Is that correct? And is it 15k deaths among the 185M+ Americans that have been vaccinated?
Important to note that of the "15k deaths" stated in the article, 6,981 deaths were in the US, and the rest were reported from overseas. So, of the 185M+ Americans that have been vaccinated, 6,981 people died after receiving a vaccination, not because of the vaccine.

In this referenced report from the article: Advisory Guide.htm

I found this beauty:

"In some media reports and on some web sites on the Internet, VAERS reports are presented as verified cases of vaccine deaths and injuries. Statements such as these misrepresent the nature of the VAERS surveillance system."
I haven't tuned into this thread for dozens and dozens of pages.

Let me just simplify it for you all and then tune back out. If you're vaccinated and you get the virus, you don't die (in the overwhelming # of cases). If you're unvaccinated and get the virus (particularly if you're an "older") person - you very well might die... a slow, agonizing, PREVENTABLE death.

Anecdotal, I know, but I personally know of two cases in recent weeks in Central PA involving 2 couples - husbands both vaccinated, and wives not. One wife is dead due to COVID. The other is in the ICU. Husbands are both fine.

Also anecdotal - I personally know hundreds of people who have been vaccinated. Not a single bad reaction, beyond maybe a sore arm.

This isn't hard to figure out. Some of ya'll are just thinking way too much.
I had way more than a sore arm and so did everyone I know who got the vaccine. So there’s some more anecdotal evidence.
Everyone should have to pay financial penalties for their sins. If you smoke, the hospitals should be able to charge a surcharge for your medical care. The same with the obese. Give them a surcharge that is related to how much they are overweight. I don't want to pay extra to cover the self inflicted damage fat asses do to themselves.
Smokers already pay a surcharge on their health insurance coverage.
I had way more than a sore arm and so did everyone I know who got the vaccine. So there’s some more anecdotal evidence.
of course the point is whether you only got a sore arm, or felt like crap for 24 or 36 hours, the benefits of the vaccine are so large that the feeling bad for a day is not a valid reason NOT to get the vaccine. in fact, I think there is some mounting empirical evidence that the worse your reaction might have been due to your body fighting harder and therefore having a stronger antibody protection.
It is $$$$ and power. Politicians are literally putting out multi TRILLION dollar spending plans that they get to bury all their pork political pet projects in. Those projects come with large amounts of 'donations' to their re-election campaign and many favors that are owed to them. Politicians are developing generational wealthy with these spending bills being passed. The non-partisan groups estimated that only 10-20% of the last Covid spending bill was actually for Covid.

And then it is about power. They are get to tell people what to do, where they can go, how they have to act. Social engineering is occurring on a scale never seen before. So the idealogues don't want this to end as then that level of social engineering will not be acceptable anymore.

Blaming big Pharma is literally a smoke screen and deception tactic to take your eye away from the real reasons as the politicians know that will get the press and people won't dig any further than that.
I’m quite sure many politicians are also getting a nice pay day from the vaccines. That’s how these people in congress make $170k a year and end up as multi millionaires. Follow the money.
of course the point is whether you only got a sore arm, or felt like crap for 24 or 36 hours, the benefits of the vaccine are so large that the feeling bad for a day is not a valid reason NOT to get the vaccine. in fact, I think there is some mounting empirical evidence that the worse your reaction might have been due to your body fighting harder and therefore having a stronger antibody protection.
But I was responding to a poster who said he knows hundreds of people who got the vaccine and no one had more than a sore arm…I call BS on that.
I’m quite sure many politicians are also getting a nice pay day from the vaccines. That’s how these people in congress make $170k a year and end up as multi millionaires. Follow the money.

it is not the vaccines they are getting money from, it is the TRILLIONS of dollars of spending packages that they are passing. When you have TRILLIONS of dollars that are being spent, a lot of money flows to the politicians from lobbyist's and contractors and industry to get their hands on that money. Again, the vaccines and Covid are just a red herring to get people to fight and focus on that while the politicians make their money on their pork politics pet projects.
it is not the vaccines they are getting money from, it is the TRILLIONS of dollars of spending packages that they are passing. When you have TRILLIONS of dollars that are being spent, a lot of money flows to the politicians from lobbyist's and contractors and industry to get their hands on that money. Again, the vaccines and Covid are just a red herring to get people to fight and focus on that while the politicians make their money on their pork politics pet projects.
I’m sure that’s true, but I’d also bet pharma is funneling money to some politicians to keep the vaccine train rolling.
I did a super-quick read in this, but it seems that these 15k deaths aren't necessarily due to the vaccine. It is just people that died after having had the vaccine and includes people that died from other conditions, suicide, etc. Is that correct? And is it 15k deaths among the 185M+ Americans that have been vaccinated?
Sort of like most of the deaths reported as COVID-19 deaths over the past 1-1/2 years, or per the CDC data, 93% of deaths reported as COVID deaths.
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What does the 93% reference? Genuinely curious. There were 3.4M deaths in the U.S. in 2020, so it is obviously not 93% of all deaths in the U.S.
Only 7% of people that have supposedly died from COVID-19, died only from the coronavirus per the CDC data. The rest, or 93% of the deaths listed as COVID deaths the past 1-1/2 have died from other serious, pre-existing health conditions/comorbidities per the CDC such as; cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, obesity, etc., but also tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus (COVID-19),~ yet were counted as death from the virus by the media. That number in the USA just passed 700,000 since they began tracking early last year. In fact, the average COVID related death had 2.6 other comorbidities (serious pre-existing health issues) when they died. In other words, the media has inflated/exaggerated the # of deaths by coronavirus since the CDC began tracking it, when in fact the number really means those people died from other pre-existing diseases, but happened to have also tested positive at the time of death, so they died with the virus, not from it. The true number is about 50,000 that have died in the USA from the coronavirus only, since January 2020. And the vast majority of those people were the elderly, or over 70 years of age, as is the case with all recorded deaths.
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