OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

In the very recent past they used to pull vaccines from the market for much less. At the very least their use should be more targeted instead of the current case of doing more harm for a lot people. At least that's what they did back when you and I were younger.
Remember they had to change the definition of "vaccine" to make this one believable.

Let’s start with the title “Turbo Cancer”. There is no such thing. This is made up term by antivax agenda people with zero scientific evidence. Another scare tactic bunch of nonsense.

I’m busy today but would be happy to discuss more on this piece with you.
Please do, but given your other posts about the topic, I'll be waiting to see what you count as "scientific evidence" and "scare tactics."

You may be familiar with terms like " safe and effective" and "vaccine hesitancy". BTW, noting that the vax, is not actually a vax by definition, noting that it doesn't stop infection or spread(as we were told repeatedly by the "scientists" ), or noting that there seems to be some potential side effects that should prevent mandates, is not "anti vaccine." It's just reality and logic.
I look forward to the discussion.

P.S. how did you feel about the practice of censoring anything as "misinformation" if it caused, "vaccine hesitancy" even if it was true and accurate?
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Inquiring minds want to know what happens when this gets to one million views...whether the system can register a 7-digit number...and also the whereabouts of cletus, a really fantastic, knowledgeable, and level-headed poster in the thread for well over two years after it was started.

Separately, a couple more stray thoughts: something weird continues to happen with increased death rates, especially in the 15-45 year-old demographic. The insurance companies picked up on this a couple years ago. I'm not blaming the vaccine because I don't know. Neither do the companies. Neither does anyone. It's just sort of a bad way. (Link below.)

That aside, at this point, no reasonable and non-brainwashed person disagrees that the response to the pandemic was spectacularly, disastrously wrong on a number of levels...and did immense damage.

The record is also indisputably clear that those who attempted to point out this insanity early on were censored, ostracized, and demonized while those in power who did the censoring, ostracizing, and demonizing never had to answer for blunders that bordered on the criminal. On the contrary, they've gone about their merry way to the next policy disaster.

I'm not going to blame it on an obesity crisis that was there before covid.

I'm just under 50, live healthy, workout 2X a day (an hour of cardio before breakfast, and another hour or so for a lift after), squat and deadlift over 400 lbs for sets (was over 500 at my peak but am 20 lbs lighter now) and have not submitted to any covid shots.

I did test positive for covid once after staying with my dad on a cot for a week at his inpatient PT after his stroke when they were having issues getting his meds balanced to allow him to sleep. A few patients down the hall tested positive, they "isolated" them in their rooms that shared ventilation with the rest of the building, then after a week dad tested positive, and they forced me to leave after having slept there for a week (like that would have prevented infection). Two days after I left, I tested positive. It wasn't a big deal to me outside of having to leave my dad. Our medical facilities didn't understand basic science of aerosol propagation.

The only major change I made as a result of covid was to buy an entire gym for my basement when the gym I previously was a member of had started making people wear masks WHILE LIFTING. I don't know if you've ever squatted 400 to 500 lbs or not, or if you've run on a treadmill, but it is a significant safety issue to do this while wearing a mask. So I did the math, spent maybe $15k to outfit my basement to be able to do all of the exercises in my exercise plan, and have been slowly recouping the cost by saving on gym memberships since.

So what am I going to do? I am going to continue living my life and make logical, reasonable decisions applying my ability to critically think and not be pressured into insane anti-science nonsense. I have multiple degrees in science (not all in the same field).

And I will continue to call for those that intentionally pushed anti-science and extremely harmful public policy to face justice. They must be held accountable so that their crimes are not repeated.

What are you going to do? Exactly what the media tells you?
I'm going to go on with the test of my life as well. But sans the fantasy that I'm bringing people "to justice. " 😆 🤣
Inquiring minds want to know what happens when this gets to one million views...whether the system can register a 7-digit number...and also the whereabouts of cletus, a really fantastic, knowledgeable, and level-headed poster in the thread for well over two years after it was started.

Separately, a couple more stray thoughts: something weird continues to happen with increased death rates, especially in the 15-45 year-old demographic. The insurance companies picked up on this a couple years ago. I'm not blaming the vaccine because I don't know. Neither do the companies. Neither does anyone. It's just sort of a bad way. (Link below.)

That aside, at this point, no reasonable and non-brainwashed person disagrees that the response to the pandemic was spectacularly, disastrously wrong on a number of levels...and did immense damage.

The record is also indisputably clear that those who attempted to point out this insanity early on were censored, ostracized, and demonized while those in power who did the censoring, ostracizing, and demonizing never had to answer for blunders that bordered on the criminal. On the contrary, they've gone about their merry way to the next policy disaster.

I think it will eventually just go to "billions and billions viewed."
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Hmm, I don't see covid on that list. Let me check again. Nope, still not there.

Also, in the name of completeness, and without getting into the efficacy or reasoning behind requiring them: 1) exemptions are offered for those vaccines, and 2) a lot of those diseases are making a comeback because of unvaccinated people flooding into communities.
Not into schools in NY. These are required.
Apparently condoning blatant government lying and manipulation is a new thing though.
Is this your first rodeo?Remember the Maine. Pearl Harbor was a surprise. The Gulf of Tonkin, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby were lone assassins. Government lie? To hell you say.
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Inquiring minds want to know what happens when this gets to one million views...whether the system can register a 7-digit number...and also the whereabouts of cletus, a really fantastic, knowledgeable, and level-headed poster in the thread for well over two years after it was started.

Separately, a couple more stray thoughts: something weird continues to happen with increased death rates, especially in the 15-45 year-old demographic. The insurance companies picked up on this a couple years ago. I'm not blaming the vaccine because I don't know. Neither do the companies. Neither does anyone. It's just sort of a bad way. (Link below.)

That aside, at this point, no reasonable and non-brainwashed person disagrees that the response to the pandemic was spectacularly, disastrously wrong on a number of levels...and did immense damage.

The record is also indisputably clear that those who attempted to point out this insanity early on were censored, ostracized, and demonized while those in power who did the censoring, ostracizing, and demonizing never had to answer for blunders that bordered on the criminal. On the contrary, they've gone about their merry way to the next policy disaster.

Yes, we miss @Cletus11 and his excellent posts. He followed some excellent sites and analyzed information quite well.

Would be very interesting to go back through the thread to catalogue what was right or wrong, how people reacted, and summarize what we now know.
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Inquiring minds want to know what happens when this gets to one million views...whether the system can register a 7-digit number...and also the whereabouts of cletus, a really fantastic, knowledgeable, and level-headed poster in the thread for well over two years after it was started.

Separately, a couple more stray thoughts: something weird continues to happen with increased death rates, especially in the 15-45 year-old demographic. The insurance companies picked up on this a couple years ago. I'm not blaming the vaccine because I don't know. Neither do the companies. Neither does anyone. It's just sort of a bad way. (Link below.)

That aside, at this point, no reasonable and non-brainwashed person disagrees that the response to the pandemic was spectacularly, disastrously wrong on a number of levels...and did immense damage.

The record is also indisputably clear that those who attempted to point out this insanity early on were censored, ostracized, and demonized while those in power who did the censoring, ostracizing, and demonizing never had to answer for blunders that bordered on the criminal. On the contrary, they've gone about their merry way to the next policy disaster.

So my anecdotal observation of friends in my age group (late 40s) and the number of losses and new cancers diagnosed in 2021 and 2022 was in fact consistent with the national numbers. There is a massive increase in excess deaths of those in their 40s according to that graph relative to earlier years. Hmmm, so what was different about 2021 and 2022?
Inquiring minds want to know what happens when this gets to one million views...whether the system can register a 7-digit number...and also the whereabouts of cletus, a really fantastic, knowledgeable, and level-headed poster in the thread for well over two years after it was started.

Separately, a couple more stray thoughts: something weird continues to happen with increased death rates, especially in the 15-45 year-old demographic. The insurance companies picked up on this a couple years ago. I'm not blaming the vaccine because I don't know. Neither do the companies. Neither does anyone. It's just sort of a bad way. (Link below.)

That aside, at this point, no reasonable and non-brainwashed person disagrees that the response to the pandemic was spectacularly, disastrously wrong on a number of levels...and did immense damage.

The record is also indisputably clear that those who attempted to point out this insanity early on were censored, ostracized, and demonized while those in power who did the censoring, ostracizing, and demonizing never had to answer for blunders that bordered on the criminal. On the contrary, they've gone about their merry way to the next policy disaster.

The wrestling board has a 2 million view thread, it won't change until it hits 3 M.
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Is this your first rodeo?Remember the Maine. Pearl Harbor was a surprise. The Gulf of Tonkin, Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby were lone assassins. Government lie? To hell you say.

You bring up events you view or recognize as bad, and yet seem to be completely oblivious to why or how they were exposed.
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Not into schools in NY. These are required.

Actually, NY does have exemptions for vaccines for various reasons. Fun fact, NY even states the reason a student would ever potentially be excluded from school over vaccines is for their benefit, not society's. Btw, lots of illegals are in school without any or all of the vaccinations. Yeah, the illegals get to skip rules American students don't, and it's the American kids who get put at risk as a result.

Again, the covid vaccine is not and was never required to go to school. You know which countries did not lock children out of schools over covid? All of them.

Personally I think you should drop this vaccine requirement argument since it has been and still is irrelevant for the covid vaccine and children going to school, but if you're going to insist on bringing it up please put in at least a small attemp to get it factually correct.
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Actually, NY does have exemptions for vaccines for various reasons. Fun fact, NY even states the reason a student would ever potentially be excluded from school over vaccines is for their benefit, not society's. Btw, lots of illegals are in school without any or all of the vaccinations. Yeah, the illegals get to skip rules American students don't, and it's the American kids who get put at risk as a result.

Again, the covid vaccine is not and was never required to go to school. You know which countries did not lock children out of schools over covid? All of them.

Personally I think you should drop this vaccine requirement argument since it has been and still is irrelevant for the covid vaccine and children going to school, but if you're going to insist on bringing it up please put in at least a small attemp to get it factually correct.
I'm not arguing at all. Just poking fun at the vitriol spewed by you and others here. Seriously, it's gonna be alright. There will be other windmills to joust with down the road. In the meantime, I'll look forward to another booster this fall to keep me COVID-19 safe
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You bring up events you view or recognize as bad, and yet seem to be completely oblivious to why or how they were exposed.
Worse yet is that he seems to accept more government lies to him because of these events that he recognizes as bad. It seems at this point he not only expects but now wants and cheers on the government lying to him. I guess they own him now. He is whipped.
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I'm not arguing at all. Just poking fun at the vitriol spewed by you and others here. Seriously, it's gonna be alright. There will be other windmills to joust with down the road. In the meantime, I'll look forward to another booster this fall to keep me COVID-19 safe
You should get several and they are pushing paxlovid as well. Be on the lookout for other big pharma pushes that you can get in on.
Actually, NY does have exemptions for vaccines for various reasons. Fun fact, NY even states the reason a student would ever potentially be excluded from school over vaccines is for their benefit, not society's. Btw, lots of illegals are in school without any or all of the vaccinations. Yeah, the illegals get to skip rules American students don't, and it's the American kids who get put at risk as a result.

Again, the covid vaccine is not and was never required to go to school. You know which countries did not lock children out of schools over covid? All of them.

Personally I think you should drop this vaccine requirement argument since it has been and still is irrelevant for the covid vaccine and children going to school, but if you're going to insist on bringing it up please put in at least a small attemp to get it factually correct.
Very true about all of the illegals and not having vaccines. All of those busloads that have been sent to places like New York and Maryland and Chicago, none of those kids are required to get the vaccine to enter school. Matter-of-fact from what we have here in Maryland, most of them don’t have any kind of vaccines for anything. Many of them are probably not the age they claim to be as well but yet our government just accepts that they say they’re 16 and had all of their shots and put them right into public school.
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You do realize that is highly unusual. According to researchers, a new drug typically takes anywhere from 10-18 years to develop and costs between $800 million and over $1 billion. In 2014, the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development reported that the cost for them to develop a new drug is about $2.6 billion, due to the high failure rate of seven out of eight attempts.

Let's examine phase 3 alone (below are details from a white paper on all phases of clinical trials). This phase of clinical trials can take from two to five years. It must combine data from two completed trials (into one paper) before the FDA considers moving the product on to phase IV and marketing.

Were the requirements even to enter phase 3 trials met for covid shots? Did the covid shot phase 3 trial take at minimum 2 years and combine data from 2 completed trials? Or were clinical trial protocols thrown out the window for covid shots? What do you think or are you not a critical thinker?

What Is Clinical Trial Phase 0?​

Clinical trial phase 0 comprises any and all preclinical studies. Preclinical studies must exist prior to the beginning of or even application for any clinical trial. These studies use preliminary data from laboratory work and animal studies. Some of these studies (called in silico studies) even use computer modeling for the drug-target interactions. Toxicology studies are also performed preclinically.

The point of preclinical work is to determine whether an intervention will move to the clinical trial stage. Critics say that the preclinical stage is often misleading as to whether new agents will work, because the stage can yield both false positive and false negative results.

The FDA introduced phase 0 in clinical trials in January 2006. Phase 0 clinical trials, sometimes called proof-of-concept trials or pre-phase-I trials, are not like other phases of clinical trials. Phase 0 in a clinical trial is an exploratory, first-in-human (FIH) trial run, according to the FDA’s guidelines. To obtain approval from the FDA to begin phase 0 studies, you require less preclinical data than you do for phase I studies. Researchers can run phase 0 studies simultaneously with the generation of preclinical toxicology data. These toxicology studies are often called micro-dose studies, because they call for giving only one sub-therapeutic dose to each member of a very small group (10-15) of otherwise healthy people.

Often, companies run phase 0 studies because they are trying to decide between candidates for further research and development. Another typical reason to run a phase 0 study is to expedite the drug approval process for new molecular medications. This phase usually yields the following outcomes: the generation of data about how the drug works in the body and the proof that the product demonstrates the intended drug-target effects. In cancer studies, phase 0 helps keep negative side effects at bay for many study participants, while also determining whether the agent affects cancerous tumors and merits further study.

Phase 0 studies can save organizations time and money by allowing researchers to weed out unrealistic candidates much earlier in the process via the failure of new agents. These preliminary studies can also shorten the phase I study by discovering early on the appropriate therapeutic dosage for novel medications. Phase 0 studies are not common in cancer trials and are rare in vaccine or medical device trials. Phase 0 is not a required part of testing a new intervention.

What Is Clinical Trial Phase I?​

Phase I clinical trials are usually the first real stage of testing on humans. The goal of this study phase is to determine the highest dose of a new treatment that may be administered without serious side effects. Even though at this point, animal testing and laboratory assays have already been completed, testing on humans is not always predictable, as their physiology may react differently and produce unforeseen side effects.

Researchers also use phase I studies to determine the best route of administration. Placebos are not used in phase I studies. Phase I usually tests about 20-100 people with the new intervention; these study participants can either be healthy or afflicted with the illness or condition under consideration. Sometimes, those with said condition can participate because they have tried and failed to improve after being treated with traditional therapies. (This kind of study occurs especially with cases of HIV and cancer.) The people who volunteer in this study phase are usually paid.

Phase I is the stage during which you slowly increase a drug’s dosage in order to study the side effects. You treat the volunteers in a clinic, so you can closely observe them and provide medical attention until a drug’s half-life has passed. A drug half-life is a term in biological science that refers to the exponential rate of removal in the body of a substance. Put simply, the term refers to the body’s ability to repeatedly rid itself of half of a drug. For example, if the dosage is 100 mg, then its half-life is the amount of time it takes until only 50 mg are still present in the blood or plasma. If the half-life is two hours, then the research team calculates how many two-hour intervals it takes until only a clinically insignificant dosage remains in the body. The researchers monitor the participant until this happens.

The goal of phase I is called dose escalation, i.e., getting to the best dose with the fewest side effects. Dose escalation also allows you to determine how often and when people can take a drug. In phase I, one calculates dose escalation based on the dosage that was toxic in the animal studies. During this phase, one also studies the effects of combining food with intervention administration. The study reviews what effect — if any — food has on the body’s absorption of the medication. Groups that eat before the administration of a drug are compared to those that do not eat before the administration of a drug. In phase I vaccine studies, the researchers also study the effect on the immune system. In medical device studies, scientists refer to phase I as the pilot phase. This is the time during which you evaluate the device for safety and performance. In medical device studies, only people with the condition under consideration can be subjects.
You can further divide phase I into phase Ia and phase Ib. The typical phase I study consists of multiple separate trials.

Phase Ia is a single ascending dose study. In this type of study, you give the participant a single dose of an intervention and closely observe them. When there are no adverse side effects and you get confirmation of the expected pharmacokinetic activity, you escalate the dose. Then, you test new participants with this new, escalated dose. You repeat this process iteratively until you reach the maximum tolerated dose (MTD). In the case of adverse side effects, you decrease the dosage and then determine the MTD. You have officially reached the MTD when one third of participants exhibit severe side effects.
Phase Ib is a multiple ascending dose study. Considered a faster route than the previous phase I studies, Ib tests various drug dosages. It accomplishes this by simultaneously administering different drug dosages to each branch of the study, while maintaining one protocol throughout. For example, one third of the participants would receive the new agent at one third of what is assumed to be the clinically significant research dose; one third would receive the new agent at two thirds of the predetermined dose, and the remaining one third would receive the full dose presumed to be clinically significant. Scientists also study the blood or plasma samples of the participants in order to yield information about how the body is processing the drug.

Phase I studies, whether Ia or Ib, are the studies that pose the most risk to the participants. However, these studies can also alleviate a person’s condition or illness, so prospective participants should closely consider the potential risk-benefit ratio. Phase I studies generally take several months to a year to complete. About 70 percent of new drugs move from phase I to phase II.

What Is Clinical Trial Phase II?​

Once phase I ensures a drug’s safety by setting the clinical dosage and the MTD dosage, testers can initiate phase II. During this phase, you continue to study drug safety. However, phase II is primarily concerned with the next big goal for bringing a new intervention to the marketplace: seeing if a drug actually works as intended.

The goal of the testing is dependent on the goal of the treatment. Researchers try to figure out if a drug works at all or if it has a minimum level of biological activity. For example, if a drug has an activity level at an estimated 10-20 percent of the MTD, the sponsors may not feel that it’s worth further funding, as the adverse side effects might outweigh the clinical utility. In this case, the drug would not move to phase III.
If there is suspicion regarding metabolic rate variations, genetic testing may take place during phase II. Some phase II studies are designed as case series, and some are designed as RCTs. Case series demonstrate the safety and activity of a drug in the selected patients. RCTs demonstrate a drug’s effectiveness as compared to that in control group (placebo) patients.

In cancer studies (wherein the type of cancer is the same for all participants), scientists often study new combinations of therapies. One does not use placebos in cancer phase II clinical trials.

In vaccine studies, phase II looks at whether an agent is effective against artificial infection and what the participants’ immune response may be.

Phase II medical device studies are called pivotal studies, because they represent the line between an experimental device and its release into clinical use. The purpose of a phase II study for a medical device is to reasonably ensure the device’s safety and effectiveness so when the sponsor submits a marketing application, the application is approved.
Phase II studies usually require populations of approximately 300 participants. (That number pertains to medical device studies as well as most other types of phase II studies.) In phase II cancer studies, however, there are usually less than 100 participants. In phase II studies, only patients afflicted with the illness or condition can participate. This particular restriction makes phase II clinical trials more challenging than earlier phases.

Recently, there has been a push toward the standardization of dividing phase II into phase IIa and phase IIb, especially concerning HIV vaccine and drug trials. Phase IIa includes all those activities normally associated with phase II of a clinical trial. The IIb clinical trial phase is an additional step preceding phase III that targets dose-efficacy — essentially, a small scale efficacy trial that will save money in the long run if the product does not work out.

When the development process for a new drug fails, it is often during phase II trials. Phase II has the lowest success rate of any of the phases: Only 18-33 percent of drugs move on to phase III studies. Phase II studies can cost up to $20 million.

What Is Clinical Trial Phase III?​

Generally, less than one third of drug investigations reach phase III. Phase III guarantees that a drug is safe and effective for a specific disease or condition and takes research a step further by delineating that drug’s effect in clinical practice. This study phase is the definitive trial for a drug’s effectiveness, because it compares the drug’s performance with that of the current standard treatment. Researchers can use placebos during this phase when there is no standard treatment.

At a minimum, the treatment must be as safe and effective as what is currently available for that disease or condition. Phase III trials are the longest and most expensive phase and are often RCT multicenter trials, with one branch receiving the standard care and another receiving the new intervention. These RCT studies are often performed with the gold standard of study, the double-blind trial. In a double-blind trial, neither the investigator nor the participant knows which of the treatments the participant is getting.
Phase III usually involves up to 3,000 participants who have a disease or condition, with cancer studies being a bit smaller, depending on the type of cancer. In cancer phase III studies, the trials are usually performed simultaneously across the country by community-based oncologists. In vaccine clinical trials, phase III tests the efficacy of a vaccine against a disease’s natural conditions and reviews how the vaccine holds up over a defined period.

This phase of clinical trials can take from two to five years. It must combine data from two completed trials (into one paper) before the FDA considers moving the product on to phase IV and marketing.

Medical device phase III clinical trials are different than general phase III trials. In medical device clinical trials, phase III is called the post-approval phase, because it occurs post-release of the device’s approval for clinical use. During this phase, investigators collect the long-term data and submit it to everyone who uses the device.

Some manufacturers speed up phase III’s release process by starting the process of gaining regulatory approval. They must submit all manufacturing, preclinical, and clinical data to get this approval, and the drug may be pulled if any information on adverse effects is reported. It is also common for the phase III trial to continue as the regulatory agency sorts out the approval practice to keep patients on the drugs until they can purchase them legally.

Sometimes, the manufacturer will apply for and run label expansion studies, officially called IIIb studies. Label-expansion studies show the regulatory agency that the treatment could work for additional types of patients or diseases beyond the original use. Successful label-expansion studies mean that the company can market the drug for these other diseases or populations. Once phase III is officially complete, the sponsor or pharmaceutical company can request approval to market the drug.

There is some debate about how successful phase III clinical trials are overall. The FDA says that approximately 25-30 percent of drugs move from phase III to phase IV, but some commercial sites say that 70–90 percent move from phase III to phase IV. The average time between filing for approval in phase III to receiving it from the FDA is 1.6 years, with cancer drugs having the shortest approval time (about 1.1 years), and neurological drugs having the longest approval time (about two years). Phase III clinical trials can cost as much as $53 million.

What Is Clinical Trial Phase IV?​

Phase IV clinical trials are also known as post-marketing surveillance trials or confirmatory testing. They are conducted after the FDA has approved a drug for commercial sale. Although at this point researchers have already tested a new drug on thousands of people and received approval, they still may not know its full effects and may have further questions.

For example, in a cancer trial, a drug may have been shown to decrease cancer cells and tumors. However, there may be questions about whether this drug decreases the risk of recurrence or whether there are rare side effects that just haven’t surfaced yet. Phase IV trials are meant to address these types of follow-up questions.

The sponsor’s goal in this phase is to compare the treatment (including its cost) with what is already in the marketplace, monitor its long-term effectiveness, and look for any additional adverse effects. Sometimes, phase IV trials end with the FDA taking a drug or treatment off the market or placing restrictions on a product.

In cancer trials, phase IV studies are uncommon. In vaccine clinical trials, phase IV studies look for the rare adverse effects and the long-term efficacy that may emerge, because viruses and bacteria can evolve over the long haul, sometimes making a vaccine less effective.

For new medicines, phase IV trials can require thousands of participants. In these cases, researchers collect data on a new drug and monitor its performance regarding the disease or condition. Although phase IV is the safest of clinical trials, investigators still continue to review the drug for safety issues.

One may conduct phase IV trials for a variety of other reasons as well: Regulatory agencies may require a sponsor to conduct a phase IV trial; a sponsor may initiate a phase IV trial to collect data on different populations; a sponsor may conduct a trial to study a drug’s interactions with other drugs; or companies may want to review how a drug competes in the marketplace. The minimum period for phase IV is two years.
Great post. What you said reminded me of this clip from Dr Yeadonformer pfizer VP. There is nothing in those shots that got in there accidentally. They knew damn well what they were doing.

(Dr. Yeadon - the covid jabs were intentionally designed to harm people)
People don’t understand the meaning of fast tracked and just assumed the trials were conducted incorrectly. mRNA research has been going on for a long time. Safety was determined correctly. Just because things are done fast doesn’t mean they are falsifying data.

FDA: It's necessary to study the efficacy and safety of a new drug over several years to make sure there aren't any side effects that take time to show up.

Hawkeybrokenglasses: No. They "fast tracked" it. You just don't understand.

FDA: Do you understand the difference between "Approved" and "Emergency Use Authorization?" :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Drug companies spend years and almost a $Billion on average to bring a drug to market. If they could simply spend more to move promising drugs through the development cycle and move profits up by 2-3 years, they would do it in a heart beat.

His data suggests that since the vaccine rollout, America has seen:
• 1.1 million excess deaths
• 4 million people becoming disabled
• And 28.6 million vaccine-injured people are often missing work due to chronic illness.

“So, it’s about 33 million Americans have been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.”

Also don't forget the shocking data from the CDC's own V-Safe system. 12% of 10 million people were UNABLE to resume normal activities after these shots. No wonder we had to fight the CDC in court just to provide this data.


(In the U.S. in fall 2021 ages 25-44 had % excess mortality jump from 25% to 71%, note this was AFTER the virus had been circulating for over a year so it wasn't as novel in '21 as '20 and AFTER mass vaccination)
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His data suggests that since the vaccine rollout, America has seen:
• 1.1 million excess deaths
• 4 million people becoming disabled
• And 28.6 million vaccine-injured people are often missing work due to chronic illness.

“So, it’s about 33 million Americans have been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.”

Also don't forget the shocking data from the CDC's own V-Safe system. 12% of 10 million people were UNABLE to resume normal activities after these shots. No wonder we had to fight the CDC in court just to provide this data.


(In the U.S. in fall 2021 ages 25-44 had % excess mortality jump from 25% to 71%, note this was AFTER the virus had been circulating for over a year so it wasn't as novel in '21 as '20 and AFTER mass vaccination)
I bolded the last part because it is critical to untangling the argument that it was covid that caused the massive mortality increase. If it were due to the virus, you would have likely seen the discontinuity in the data occur a year earlier when the greatest damage was occurring from the most virulent strains.

The bottom line is that you have millions like Marshall who are still willingly pumping themselves full of shots that produce the spike proteins. It's pure insanity. Are they just oblivious to the data?
I bolded the last part because it is critical to untangling the argument that it was covid that caused the massive mortality increase. If it were due to the virus, you would have likely seen the discontinuity in the data occur a year earlier when the greatest damage was occurring from the most virulent strains.

The bottom line is that you have millions like Marshall who are still willingly pumping themselves full of shots that produce the spike proteins. It's pure insanity. Are they just oblivious to the data?
I think a lot of people live in echo chambers (get most of their info from msm) and have egos that prevent them from admitting they were duped. Why anyone would want any of these covid shots anywhere near them let alone injected into them is beyond me.

The msm counter to the claim that mass novel vaccinations caused the massive spike in excess deaths in fall of '21 is that it was 'muh delta strain and the deaths would have been even higher without the vaccines, delta was less deadly but it spread to more people therefore more deaths...etc.' Just ask people like @SLUPSU, @knickslions, et al.

The above people love to talk about all the "studies" published in prestigious journals that allegedly show how safe and effective these shots were. Well Dr. Bridle’s analysis of Pfizer’s phase III clinical trial supplementary appendix published in NEJM shows no statistically significant reduction in hospitalizations or death (the treatment group actually had MORE of both) therefore there’s no “gold standard” clinical data showing the shots reduced deaths, not even pfizer claims this. They also don't stop transmission. So why take them? Taking a novel product with no long term safety data in humans is extremely risky especially when it doesn't even prevent hospitalization or death.

It gets really interesting when you consider that most of those excess deaths in fall '21 were from working aged healthy people (the group that had mandates shoved down their throats). This is traditionally one of the healthiest groups in the country due to good medical coverage, they are heathy enough to keep a job, etc.. Something else Ed Dowd and his group found was a rise in disability rates post 5/21 and they were 2x higher for employed than general population, 24% vs 11%. Those numbers would normally be switched around but these shots did a number on the employed population.

Here's a link to Ed Dowd's website that has all the data and analysis his group did on excess deaths, disabilities, etc. post vaccination:

Somehow 'muh delta' just devastated the traditionally healthier employed's almost as if they had their immune systems compromised by something...hmmm...could it be all the toxic pathogenic spike proteins the vax instructed millions of their cells to make? Nah, it couldn't be! People that had billions of dollars worth of bias have insisted they are safe and effective!

If people have any doubts about how safe these shots are they should check out “Silent No More” and “Safe and Effective” for some real life examples.
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Very true about all of the illegals and not having vaccines. All of those busloads that have been sent to places like New York and Maryland and Chicago, none of those kids are required to get the vaccine to enter school. Matter-of-fact from what we have here in Maryland, most of them don’t have any kind of vaccines for anything. Many of them are probably not the age they claim to be as well but yet our government just accepts that they say they’re 16 and had all of their shots and put them right into public school.
Yup this is definitely the way it is. This should be a requirement when they come into the country. You want to stay, you have to get all the childhood vaccinations prior to entering.
Yup this is definitely the way it is. This should be a requirement when they come into the country. You want to stay, you have to get all the childhood vaccinations prior to entering.
I would settle for you must come here legally. Then you can address health risks. If you have no clue who is coming in then you have no ability to access or address the risks (health, safety, crime, terrorism, etc.).
A Utah mother says she was left with "no choice" but to sue a pharmaceutical company on the basis of a breached contract that promised to provide compensation for injuries caused by a clinical trial for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Brianne Dressen, a mother of two, enrolled in a clinical trial for AstraZeneca in November 2020, taking only one dose of the vaccine before her "life changed forever."

Dressen, who was diagnosed by the National Institute of Health (NIH) with "post-vaccine neuropathy," says the company offered her a settlement of around $1,200 for her lifelong injuries.
all those ignorant people who call it 'horse dewormer' had no idea it had been used on humans for years
Decades of safety data verses experimental shots that had less than 9 months to go from concept to market through the first 3 phases of clinical trials? Umm, no brainer. That is unless the "horse dewormer" would negate Emergency Use Authority that would allow for hundreds of billions in profits.
A U.S. Court of Appeals ruled on May 7 that the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine‘s COVID-19 vaccination mandate and refusal to include a religious exemption were unconstitutional under the First Amendment, according to court documents.

According to the opinion written by 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Allison Eid, “A government employer may not punish some employees, but not others, for the same activity, due only to differences in the employee’s religious beliefs.”