OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

From the CDC. I count 23 vaccinations recommended by 15 mos.

Only if you’re a US citizen are those the recommendations. If you’re illegal they don’t matter.
Those clowns will never admit they were 90% wrong!
This was no joke or minor happening.

Millions of lives were lost and very adversely affected and it appears the untested vaccine is causing major health issues. Not an honest mistake either. Leaders lied. Perhaps the biggest scandal in USA and world history.

Only significant jail time is a satisfactory.

In less humane countries (you know, like the ones supported in college protests), there would be executions.
Do you at least acknowledge that a bunch of things during the pandemic that were called conspiracies, turned out to be the reality? Honest question

PeePee the multiple bans disbarred Whale shark of the small mind will never admit he was completely wrong about Covid.

He suffers from mental illness. Better to ignore him.

Scientists Decode Deadly Blood Clot Disorder Triggered by COVID Vaccines

New research has shown that the dangerous PF4 antibodies involved in vaccine-induced thrombosis (VITT) and similar disorders from common cold infections share identical molecular structures, highlighting implications for future vaccine development and disease management.................................

Scientists Decode Deadly Blood Clot Disorder Triggered by COVID Vaccines

New research has shown that the dangerous PF4 antibodies involved in vaccine-induced thrombosis (VITT) and similar disorders from common cold infections share identical molecular structures, highlighting implications for future vaccine development and disease management.................................
Very good article. Hopefully helps a lot of people. Fits well with what Cheryl Atkinson covered a couple months ago.

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Well. I think about says it all, given how much has come out about what the public health elites knew and when they knew it, and how it differed from what they said publicly. As someone else said...some people like being lied to.
Everyone is pointing and laughing at you. They even took time out of their baby-eating dinner to point and laugh.
Everyone is pointing and laughing at you. They even took time out of their baby-eating dinner to point and laugh.
Everyone huh? Pretty sure you are standing alone. You could literally google the C0VID conspiracies that turned out to be true in 5 seconds, but instead, you've stood on this hill for days and asserted that there were no conspiracies to hide the truth and that you are the only sane one here, while mocking everyone who lives outside the borders of crazy town. Best of luck to you!

Everyone huh? Pretty sure you are standing alone. You could literally google the C0VID conspiracies that turned out to be true in 5 seconds, but instead, you've stood on this hill for days and asserted that there were no conspiracies to hide the truth and that you are the only sane one here, while mocking everyone who lives outside the borders of crazy town. Best of luck to you!

I like this line since our local establishment parrot argued against it for the longest time.

"Remember, the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson shots are experimental. They all got emergency authorization without long-term impact studies."
I like this line since our local establishment parrot argued against it for the longest time.

"Remember, the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson shots are experimental. They all got emergency authorization without long-term impact studies."
Yes. Please remember that you can get around long term safety studies by "expediting" them with money :oops::oops::oops::p:p:p
Everyone huh? Pretty sure you are standing alone. You could literally google the C0VID conspiracies that turned out to be true in 5 seconds, but instead, you've stood on this hill for days and asserted that there were no conspiracies to hide the truth and that you are the only sane one here, while mocking everyone who lives outside the borders of crazy town. Best of luck to you!

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there!

I could literally google lizard alien humanoids in 5 seconds, too. And I could find a den of crazy to walk into that would insist it's been proven that those conspiracies are true, as well.

Look, paranoid conspiracy guy, the covid situation was a mess, by its nature, since the beginning. The government didn't always make the right calls. A lot of stuff was done out of an abundance of caution, trying to get billions on board in uncertain times ... and some of those were proven correct calls, and others were proven too cautious. I didn't even agree with some of it when it was happening. And, with the benefit of hindsight, I agree with even less. Some I thought was just outright dumb, and some I understood, even if I didn't agree with it.

Yeah, everyone's seen the stupid "all the conspiracy theories have been proven true!" ridiculousness. It's nonsense. Some of it was never a conspiracy theory to begin with. Some of it was completely unsettled. Some of it is STILL completely unsettled (but the conspiracy nuts will claim it is, based on little to no real evidence that they would NEVER accept from the real world). Some of it is just lies.

But that's what conspiracy nuts do ... they will look for ANY reason to not believe reality, and will accept ANY alternative, nefarious explanation without a critical eye toward said explanation.

And, so, you end up in cuckooville, screaming that Bill Gates is trying to depopulate the planet.
I don't care who you are, that's funny right there!

I could literally google lizard alien humanoids in 5 seconds, too. And I could find a den of crazy to walk into that would insist it's been proven that those conspiracies are true, as well.

Look, paranoid conspiracy guy, the covid situation was a mess, by its nature, since the beginning. The government didn't always make the right calls. A lot of stuff was done out of an abundance of caution, trying to get billions on board in uncertain times ... and some of those were proven correct calls, and others were proven too cautious. I didn't even agree with some of it when it was happening. And, with the benefit of hindsight, I agree with even less. Some I thought was just outright dumb, and some I understood, even if I didn't agree with it.

Yeah, everyone's seen the stupid "all the conspiracy theories have been proven true!" ridiculousness. It's nonsense. Some of it was never a conspiracy theory to begin with. Some of it was completely unsettled. Some of it is STILL completely unsettled (but the conspiracy nuts will claim it is, based on little to no real evidence that they would NEVER accept from the real world). Some of it is just lies.

But that's what conspiracy nuts do ... they will look for ANY reason to not believe reality, and will accept ANY alternative, nefarious explanation without a critical eye toward said explanation.

And, so, you end up in cuckooville, screaming that Bill Gates is trying to depopulate the planet.
You don't care who I am? huh? Are you off your meds again?

Look, Saying the govt didn't make the right calls is just sugar coating things. Let's just look at Fauci.

"2 weeks to flatten the curve" means we are slowing the rate of spread. It was never meant to prevent it. Somehow we then got told that we needed to stay home to "end the pandemic." Pure nonsense. The people who were saying it knew it wasn't true. You can form your own conspiracy as to why they would say it.

It was obvious that cloth masks do little/nothing to stop the spread of the respiratory virus, but the people who know this enforced mandates. The same govt telling us that a small piece of fabric can protect against microscopic pathogens also once told us that a large piece of fabric can protect us against nuclear fallout. The same govt now admits, as everyone knew all along, that cloth masks had no effect. I'll let you do the mental gymnastics to defend them lying for 2 years.

They said the words "safe and effective" on repeat regarding the vaccines, when 5th grade logic was sufficient to know that they couldn't possibly know this. It was, by definition, a bald faced lie. By definition, the govt elites conspired and coerced to force people to take experimental pharmaceuticals by lying, defaming, suppressing, and threatening.

I could go on, but I don't think you'll get it. Enjoy your bugs, your 15 min city, and your life of owning nothing! Some people just enjoy the blue pill.

red pill GIF
You don't care who I am? huh? Are you off your meds again?

Look, Saying the govt didn't make the right calls is just sugar coating things. Let's just look at Fauci.

"2 weeks to flatten the curve" means we are slowing the rate of spread. It was never meant to prevent it. Somehow we then got told that we needed to stay home to "end the pandemic." Pure nonsense. The people who were saying it knew it wasn't true. You can form your own conspiracy as to why they would say it.

It was obvious that cloth masks do little/nothing to stop the spread of the respiratory virus, but the people who know this enforced mandates. The same govt telling us that a small piece of fabric can protect against microscopic pathogens also once told us that a large piece of fabric can protect us against nuclear fallout. The same govt now admits, as everyone knew all along, that cloth masks had no effect. I'll let you do the mental gymnastics to defend them lying for 2 years.

They said the words "safe and effective" on repeat regarding the vaccines, when 5th grade logic was sufficient to know that they couldn't possibly know this. It was, by definition, a bald faced lie. By definition, the govt elites conspired and coerced to force people to take experimental pharmaceuticals by lying, defaming, suppressing, and threatening.

I could go on, but I don't think you'll get it. Enjoy your bugs, your 15 min city, and your life of owning nothing! Some people just enjoy the blue pill.

red pill GIF
You don't care who I am? huh? Are you off your meds again?
Dude, it's a Larry the Cable Guy reference. Which is apropos given the white trash, crazy uncle conspiracy nonsense we're dealing with here.

The rest of your post was just more silliness in a similar vein. Stop the madness. Yes, The Matrix + The Internet broke your paranoid brains.
I like this line since our local establishment parrot argued against it for the longest time.

"Remember, the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson shots are experimental. They all got emergency authorization without long-term impact studies."
As Ronald Reagan famously said, "the scariest words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help."
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Anyone source this:

As the people who made these decisions are still alive and in power it is clear the public does not understand what was done to them.

“Approximately 98% of the King County population received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by 2023. Our analysis revealed a 25.7% increase in total cardiopulmonary arrests and a 25.4% increase in cardiopulmonary arrest mortality from 2020 to 2023 in King County, WA.

🚨 Excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths were estimated to have increased by 1,236% from 2020 to 2023, rising from 11 excess deaths (95% CI: -12, 34) in 2020 to 147 excess deaths (95% CI: 123, 170) in 2023. A quadratic increase in excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality was observed with higher COVID-19 vaccination rates. The general population of King County sharply declined by 0.94% (21,300) in 2021, deviating from the expected population size. Applying our model from these data to the entire United States yielded 49,240 excess fatal cardiopulmonary arrests from 2021-2023.

Conclusions: We identified a very strong ecological and temporal association between excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality and the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, which resulted in high vaccination rates. The biological plausibility of death from acute cardiac and pulmonary causes after COVID-19 vaccination has been previously demonstrated and is concerning given these real-world observations. Urgent further research is needed to determine if similar trends are observed in other regions with attention to risk mitigation for incident events and improved survival with resuscitation.“
Anyone source this:

As the people who made these decisions are still alive and in power it is clear the public does not understand what was done to them.

“Approximately 98% of the King County population received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by 2023. Our analysis revealed a 25.7% increase in total cardiopulmonary arrests and a 25.4% increase in cardiopulmonary arrest mortality from 2020 to 2023 in King County, WA.

🚨 Excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths were estimated to have increased by 1,236% from 2020 to 2023, rising from 11 excess deaths (95% CI: -12, 34) in 2020 to 147 excess deaths (95% CI: 123, 170) in 2023. A quadratic increase in excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality was observed with higher COVID-19 vaccination rates. The general population of King County sharply declined by 0.94% (21,300) in 2021, deviating from the expected population size. Applying our model from these data to the entire United States yielded 49,240 excess fatal cardiopulmonary arrests from 2021-2023.

Conclusions: We identified a very strong ecological and temporal association between excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality and the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, which resulted in high vaccination rates. The biological plausibility of death from acute cardiac and pulmonary causes after COVID-19 vaccination has been previously demonstrated and is concerning given these real-world observations. Urgent further research is needed to determine if similar trends are observed in other regions with attention to risk mitigation for incident events and improved survival with resuscitation.“

Yes, it's non-peer-reviewed nonsense from a noted whack job working for a mega whack job.

Jesus, guys. Get your shit together. It took me 5 seconds to "source" it, and you guys run with it without any friggin clue what you're doing. Stop being you. Seriously. Seek help. Legitimate help.
Anyone source this:

As the people who made these decisions are still alive and in power it is clear the public does not understand what was done to them.

“Approximately 98% of the King County population received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by 2023. Our analysis revealed a 25.7% increase in total cardiopulmonary arrests and a 25.4% increase in cardiopulmonary arrest mortality from 2020 to 2023 in King County, WA.

🚨 Excess cardiopulmonary arrest deaths were estimated to have increased by 1,236% from 2020 to 2023, rising from 11 excess deaths (95% CI: -12, 34) in 2020 to 147 excess deaths (95% CI: 123, 170) in 2023. A quadratic increase in excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality was observed with higher COVID-19 vaccination rates. The general population of King County sharply declined by 0.94% (21,300) in 2021, deviating from the expected population size. Applying our model from these data to the entire United States yielded 49,240 excess fatal cardiopulmonary arrests from 2021-2023.

Conclusions: We identified a very strong ecological and temporal association between excess cardiopulmonary arrest mortality and the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, which resulted in high vaccination rates. The biological plausibility of death from acute cardiac and pulmonary causes after COVID-19 vaccination has been previously demonstrated and is concerning given these real-world observations. Urgent further research is needed to determine if similar trends are observed in other regions with attention to risk mitigation for incident events and improved survival with resuscitation.“
LOL...some intellectual curiosity on your part would be awesome, it would go a long way to help you not look so stupid. Look up drug overdose deaths due to fentanyl and other drugs in King County during that exact time. Hint: They were going through the roof and caused a ~10x increase in deaths compared to the number of "excess" cardiac deaths noted in this non-peer-reviewed garbage.
LOL...some intellectual curiosity on your part would be awesome, it would go a long way to help you not look so stupid. Look up drug overdose deaths due to fentanyl and other drugs in King County during that exact time. Hint: They were going through the roof and caused a ~10x increase in deaths compared to the number of "excess" cardiac deaths noted in this non-peer-reviewed garbage.
I asked as I was intellectually curious.
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You don't care who I am? huh? Are you off your meds again?

Look, Saying the govt didn't make the right calls is just sugar coating things. Let's just look at Fauci.

"2 weeks to flatten the curve" means we are slowing the rate of spread. It was never meant to prevent it. Somehow we then got told that we needed to stay home to "end the pandemic." Pure nonsense. The people who were saying it knew it wasn't true. You can form your own conspiracy as to why they would say it.

It was obvious that cloth masks do little/nothing to stop the spread of the respiratory virus, but the people who know this enforced mandates. The same govt telling us that a small piece of fabric can protect against microscopic pathogens also once told us that a large piece of fabric can protect us against nuclear fallout. The same govt now admits, as everyone knew all along, that cloth masks had no effect. I'll let you do the mental gymnastics to defend them lying for 2 years.

They said the words "safe and effective" on repeat regarding the vaccines, when 5th grade logic was sufficient to know that they couldn't possibly know this. It was, by definition, a bald faced lie. By definition, the govt elites conspired and coerced to force people to take experimental pharmaceuticals by lying, defaming, suppressing, and threatening.

I could go on, but I don't think you'll get it. Enjoy your bugs, your 15 min city, and your life of owning nothing! Some people just enjoy the blue pill.

red pill GIF

Well said.

There's an issue with the word "conspiracy." It suggests a network of plotters intentionally coordinating and carrying out nefarious plots. But that's not how the people in power devised their catastrophic response to Covid.

Rather it was a case of those with authority either: A) operating on the same toxic ideological wavelength from which sprang the same disastrously wrong decisions; or B) being cowed into submission by Group A and afraid to challenge the approved Groupthink.

Meanwhile, those retaining a semblance of sanity in the face of the above alliance of cretins, fools, and cowards were accused of being..."conspiracy nuts." That's become a go-to smear on the part of Group A and its media propagandists...the very same ones who've spent years indulging in and advertising any number of their own wholly invented conspiracies. Projection is an ingrained psychological feature of their tribe.

Basically what it comes down to is a deep-seated intellectual corruption that springs from a warped ideology prevailing now in ruling circles. We've seen it with Covid...and not just with Covid. And we're going to see its effects even more disastrously in the not distant future. Stay tuned.
Well said.

There's an issue with the word "conspiracy." It suggests a network of plotters intentionally coordinating and carrying out nefarious plots. But that's not how the people in power devised their catastrophic response to Covid.

Rather it was a case of those with authority either: A) operating on the same toxic ideological wavelength from which sprang the same disastrously wrong decisions; or B) being cowed into submission by Group A and afraid to challenge the approved Groupthink.

Meanwhile, those retaining a semblance of sanity in the face of the above alliance of cretins, fools, and cowards were accused of being..."conspiracy nuts." That's become a go-to smear on the part of Group A and its media propagandists...the very same ones who've spent years indulging in and advertising any number of their own wholly invented conspiracies. Projection is an ingrained psychological feature of their tribe.

Basically what it comes down to is a deep-seated intellectual corruption that springs from a warped ideology prevailing now in ruling circles. We've seen it with Covid...and not just with Covid. And we're going to see its effects even more disastrously in the not distant future. Stay tuned.
I think there was a "conspiracy" in terms of batting down the funding of the Wuhan labs. In fact, I know that there was.

Relative to the vaccine, it's all over the place. I understand that there were well-meaning people who made some wrong assumptions. Brix, specifically, stated that they lied because the truth was nuanced and they didn't want to confuse people. From there, I think there was a lot of "group think". People started to realize that the recommendations and laws were simply wrong but you were taking a risk by bringing it up. So the lies, ones they felt were lies for the best of the people, led to very damaging groupthink. For example, if you brought up that the vaccine didn't work as well as initially stated or that it had fairly significant side effects you were silenced or worse. This was done on social media as well as organizations (govt, businesses, military). Not only were you silenced, you were ostracised and/or fired.

For me, when I saw the news outlets, drug companies and unions lined up to get toddlers vaccinated when there was ample evidence it did no good, is when I seriously stepped up and started telling people in my circle (employer as well) that they needed to STOP with the lunacy. They were harming innocent kids. And now we know the shutdowns, masks, distancing, etc all harmed people. Especially kids.

In the end, I equate it to pre WW2 Germany with Jews. I really never thought that could happen again with free press. But there we were. Almost all of us knew, at some point, it was BS but few spoke up. The early ones were punished (see pro tennis, football, military). So we all kept our mouths shut and went along hoping for the best and that we/ours didn't suffer the consequences. The correction came when people just revolted. I recall not wearing my mask and going down the isles at the grocery store the wrong way. I had several people yell at me. I recall pointing at the social distancing directions in line (front to back) but noted that we were not social distancing side by side. It was clearly ridiculous. People just started going to family events and church services at risk of being arrested. I mean, looking back, it was ****ing crazy.
I think there was a "conspiracy" in terms of batting down the funding of the Wuhan labs. In fact, I know that there was.

Relative to the vaccine, it's all over the place. I understand that there were well-meaning people who made some wrong assumptions. Brix, specifically, stated that they lied because the truth was nuanced and they didn't want to confuse people. From there, I think there was a lot of "group think". People started to realize that the recommendations and laws were simply wrong but you were taking a risk by bringing it up. So the lies, ones they felt were lies for the best of the people, led to very damaging groupthink. For example, if you brought up that the vaccine didn't work as well as initially stated or that it had fairly significant side effects you were silenced or worse. This was done on social media as well as organizations (govt, businesses, military). Not only were you silenced, you were ostracised and/or fired.

For me, when I saw the news outlets, drug companies and unions lined up to get toddlers vaccinated when there was ample evidence it did no good, is when I seriously stepped up and started telling people in my circle (employer as well) that they needed to STOP with the lunacy. They were harming innocent kids. And now we know the shutdowns, masks, distancing, etc all harmed people. Especially kids.

In the end, I equate it to pre WW2 Germany with Jews. I really never thought that could happen again with free press. But there we were. Almost all of us knew, at some point, it was BS but few spoke up. The early ones were punished (see pro tennis, football, military). So we all kept our mouths shut and went along hoping for the best and that we/ours didn't suffer the consequences. The correction came when people just revolted. I recall not wearing my mask and going down the isles at the grocery store the wrong way. I had several people yell at me. I recall pointing at the social distancing directions in line (front to back) but noted that we were not social distancing side by side. It was clearly ridiculous. People just started going to family events and church services at risk of being arrested. I mean, looking back, it was ****ing crazy.
Sadly those shouting down the ones who spoke up are refusing to admit that they were wrong. And worse still is that those who knowingly lied and did untold harm to hundreds of millions of people are still unaccountable.

It amazes me that even the most egregious, those 6 governors including PA, NJ, NY, MI, and I forget the others, actually by law and against written objections, forced nursing homes full of the most at risk in the population that lived in high density and shared ventilation 24/7 with little outside time to accept recovering COVID patients who were still shedding virus. This amounted to premeditated murder of tens of thousands of grandparents. The PA health secretary who was actually rewarded as the assistant US health sec in the current admin actually removed their own mother from assisted living when this was passed by the PA governor and approved by the current PA governor.

They knew. There is no denying that they absolutely knew that they were killing off tens of thousands of elderly. And those that argued for these murderers and support not putting them in front of a jury of their peers today are essentially no different than WWII era Nazis.
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You don't care who I am? huh? Are you off your meds again?

Look, Saying the govt didn't make the right calls is just sugar coating things. Let's just look at Fauci.

"2 weeks to flatten the curve" means we are slowing the rate of spread. It was never meant to prevent it. Somehow we then got told that we needed to stay home to "end the pandemic." Pure nonsense. The people who were saying it knew it wasn't true. You can form your own conspiracy as to why they would say it.

It was obvious that cloth masks do little/nothing to stop the spread of the respiratory virus, but the people who know this enforced mandates. The same govt telling us that a small piece of fabric can protect against microscopic pathogens also once told us that a large piece of fabric can protect us against nuclear fallout. The same govt now admits, as everyone knew all along, that cloth masks had no effect. I'll let you do the mental gymnastics to defend them lying for 2 years.

They said the words "safe and effective" on repeat regarding the vaccines, when 5th grade logic was sufficient to know that they couldn't possibly know this. It was, by definition, a bald faced lie. By definition, the govt elites conspired and coerced to force people to take experimental pharmaceuticals by lying, defaming, suppressing, and threatening.

I could go on, but I don't think you'll get it. Enjoy your bugs, your 15 min city, and your life of owning nothing! Some people just enjoy the blue pill.

red pill GIF
How did "15 days to slow the spread" ever morph into "2 weeks to flatten the curve"? Please provide a link to ANY public health official saying it would take 2 weeks to flatten the curve.
I think there was a "conspiracy" in terms of batting down the funding of the Wuhan labs. In fact, I know that there was.

Relative to the vaccine, it's all over the place. I understand that there were well-meaning people who made some wrong assumptions. Brix, specifically, stated that they lied because the truth was nuanced and they didn't want to confuse people. From there, I think there was a lot of "group think". People started to realize that the recommendations and laws were simply wrong but you were taking a risk by bringing it up. So the lies, ones they felt were lies for the best of the people, led to very damaging groupthink. For example, if you brought up that the vaccine didn't work as well as initially stated or that it had fairly significant side effects you were silenced or worse. This was done on social media as well as organizations (govt, businesses, military). Not only were you silenced, you were ostracised and/or fired.

For me, when I saw the news outlets, drug companies and unions lined up to get toddlers vaccinated when there was ample evidence it did no good, is when I seriously stepped up and started telling people in my circle (employer as well) that they needed to STOP with the lunacy. They were harming innocent kids. And now we know the shutdowns, masks, distancing, etc all harmed people. Especially kids.

In the end, I equate it to pre WW2 Germany with Jews. I really never thought that could happen again with free press. But there we were. Almost all of us knew, at some point, it was BS but few spoke up. The early ones were punished (see pro tennis, football, military). So we all kept our mouths shut and went along hoping for the best and that we/ours didn't suffer the consequences. The correction came when people just revolted. I recall not wearing my mask and going down the isles at the grocery store the wrong way. I had several people yell at me. I recall pointing at the social distancing directions in line (front to back) but noted that we were not social distancing side by side. It was clearly ridiculous. People just started going to family events and church services at risk of being arrested. I mean, looking back, it was ****ing crazy.
Here’s what happened……IMO:

Gain of function research was banned in the US because of the inherent risk. But Fauci and other top academics thought it was worth the risk, could contain the risk, and perhaps most importantly, didn’t like stupid Congress members that just don’t understand science telling these Great Researchers what they could and couldn’t do. Looked at them like the Church attacking Copernicus…… how dare they inhibit Great Science!

So they secretly funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab……which was both arrogant and stupid since that lab had been penalized several times for poor safety protocols.

Then the bug escaped. Fauci and the rest of the gang freaked out as they knew they were culpable. Worse…..they had no idea how deadly this bug was. They saw a couple of the top Chinese researchers die from it and realized they may have unleashed the next Black Plaque, the Spanish flu times ten, or even the worst in history. There was no way to know just what their GoF research unleashed on the world. Also didn’t know if it would continue to mutate and get worse.

So they went bat 💩 crazy to stop it. Reacted very emotionally instead of following the science. Keep people so scared they don’t ask what happened, only what is going to happen. And what we can do now, not what happened before.

And they started lying to cover up what they did. And once you start lying you have to continue with more and more lies.

Now the storm has passed. People are asking what happened. And pissed as the truth is squeezed.
Here’s what happened……IMO:

Gain of function research was banned in the US because of the inherent risk. But Fauci and other top academics thought it was worth the risk, could contain the risk, and perhaps most importantly, didn’t like stupid Congress members that just don’t understand science telling these Great Researchers what they could and couldn’t do. Looked at them like the Church attacking Copernicus…… how dare they inhibit Great Science!

So they secretly funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab……which was both arrogant and stupid since that lab had been penalized several times for poor safety protocols.

Then the bug escaped. Fauci and the rest of the gang freaked out as they knew they were culpable. Worse…..they had no idea how deadly this bug was. They saw a couple of the top Chinese researchers die from it and realized they may have unleashed the next Black Plaque, the Spanish flu times ten, or even the worst in history. There was no way to know just what their GoF research unleashed on the world. Also didn’t know if it would continue to mutate and get worse.

So they went bat 💩 crazy to stop it. Reacted very emotionally instead of following the science. Keep people so scared they don’t ask what happened, only what is going to happen. And what we can do now, not what happened before.

And they started lying to cover up what they did. And once you start lying you have to continue with more and more lies.

Now the storm has passed. People are asking what happened. And pissed as the truth is squeezed.
I'm not convinced that it wasn't released intentionally. There were a lot of winners and objectives taken with COVID. The shutdowns changed power at the highest levels and likely to China's desired outcome. It also was a boon for big pharma. It consolidated market share to the largest companies in the world.

Yes, WE all lost. But there were very powerful interests that won big with it.
Here’s what happened……IMO:

Gain of function research was banned in the US because of the inherent risk. But Fauci and other top academics thought it was worth the risk, could contain the risk, and perhaps most importantly, didn’t like stupid Congress members that just don’t understand science telling these Great Researchers what they could and couldn’t do. Looked at them like the Church attacking Copernicus…… how dare they inhibit Great Science!

So they secretly funded GoF research at the Wuhan lab……which was both arrogant and stupid since that lab had been penalized several times for poor safety protocols.

Then the bug escaped. Fauci and the rest of the gang freaked out as they knew they were culpable. Worse…..they had no idea how deadly this bug was. They saw a couple of the top Chinese researchers die from it and realized they may have unleashed the next Black Plaque, the Spanish flu times ten, or even the worst in history. There was no way to know just what their GoF research unleashed on the world. Also didn’t know if it would continue to mutate and get worse.

So they went bat 💩 crazy to stop it. Reacted very emotionally instead of following the science. Keep people so scared they don’t ask what happened, only what is going to happen. And what we can do now, not what happened before.

And they started lying to cover up what they did. And once you start lying you have to continue with more and more lies.

Now the storm has passed. People are asking what happened. And pissed as the truth is squeezed.
Totally and 100% agree. In fact, a lot of that evidence is already out there. I often refer to the Vanity Fair article where they admit they were deceived and, therefore, lied to their readers. (which I have posted several times)
LOL...some intellectual curiosity on your part would be awesome, it would go a long way to help you not look so stupid. Look up drug overdose deaths due to fentanyl and other drugs in King County during that exact time. Hint: They were going through the roof and caused a ~10x increase in deaths compared to the number of "excess" cardiac deaths noted in this non-peer-reviewed garbage.
So it's your contention that the spike in overdose excess deaths coincided perfectly with the vaccine rollout? Wow what are the odds of that??

For all we know they were coding vaccine related deaths as covid (muh delta wave), overdose, etc...b/c they were desperate to cover up the side effects and there was never a code added to track vaccine deaths b/c they were allegedly safe and effective even though they were novel and had no long term safety history :rolleyes:.

Due to fuuckery with how deaths were coded (see practically zero deaths coded as flu during 2020/21) the best way to analyze the data is to look at how changes in all cause mortality tracked with mass vaccination roll outs in different states, countries, etc.. and the data is clear. Mass vaccination preceded massive excess death spikes in numerous areas and multiple different types of analysis by multiple people have showed this. They can't all be coincidences with drug OD's.

The Devil's Advocate: An Exploratory Analysis of 2022 Excess Mortality (found a statistically significant linear relationship between countries that are highly vaccinated and excess deaths)

COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk

Post mortem studies (see HERE and HERE)

All pieces of the Bradford Hill tenants of causality have been met linking the shots to deaths, expert testimony by Dr. McCullough

(US Bureau of Labor Statics chart of civilian labor force with a disability over time)

(Expected vs observed reports of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination)

(12% of 10 million people in CDC’s V-Safe data were unable to resume normal activities after covid vaccines)


(In the U.S. in fall 2021 ages 25-44 had % excess mortality jump from 25% to 71%)
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How did "15 days to slow the spread" ever morph into "2 weeks to flatten the curve"? Please provide a link to ANY public health official saying it would take 2 weeks to flatten the curve.

"Flatten the curve" and "slow the spread" were different terms for the exact same concept, and both terms were in almost constant use by authorities in the early days of the pandemic.

The early public restrictions were billed as temporary...of limited fact 14-15 days...but this morphed into widespread lockdowns, shutdowns, and a range of longer-term restrictive guidelines on travel, social gatherings, and the like.

I well remember what was to me the shocking suspension of Catholic Mass on Sunday which was instituted in March 2020 but then kept being extended as the cowardly Bishops simply rolled over in the face of government coercion.

Google "flatten the curve" and/or "slow the spread." There is an abundance of source material. Below is one link out of 30 that popped up right away.

So it's your contention that the spike in overdose excess deaths coincided perfectly with the vaccine rollout? Wow what are the odds of that??

For all we know they were coding vaccine related deaths as covid (muh delta wave), overdose, etc...b/c they were desperate to cover up the side effects and there was never a code added to track vaccine deaths b/c they were allegedly safe and effective even though they were novel and had no long term safety history :rolleyes:.

Due to fuuckery with how deaths were coded (see practically zero deaths coded as flu during 2020/21) the best way to analyze the data is to look at how changes in all cause mortality tracked with mass vaccination roll outs in different states, countries, etc.. and the data is clear. Mass vaccination preceded massive excess death spikes in numerous areas and multiple different analysis have showed this. They can't all be coincidences with drug OD's.

The Devil's Advocate: An Exploratory Analysis of 2022 Excess Mortality (found a statistically significant linear relationship between countries that are highly vaccinated and excess deaths)

COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk

Post mortem studies (see HERE and HERE)

All pieces of the Bradford Hill tenants of causality have been met linking the shots to deaths, expert testimony by Dr. McCullough

(US Bureau of Labor Statics chart of civilian labor force with a disability over time)

(Expected vs observed reports of myocarditis after mRNA vaccination)

(12% of 10 million people in CDC’s V-Safe data were unable to resume normal activities after covid vaccines)


(In the U.S. in fall 2021 ages 25-44 had % excess mortality jump from 25% to 71%)
I find the excess deaths and delta from the expected number of myocarditis observations post-vaccination to be very telling. In particular, it hits mostly in the age groups where the immune response is strongest.

This makes sense in terms of a mechanism for myocarditis and other disease. A strong immune response would elicit inflammation which often manifests in disease and cell damage wherever the inflammation occurs.