OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

List playoff losses, games not started in the playoffs, and times he got pulled in the playoffs 2010 - 2017.

And, then write your letter of complaint to the Pittsburgh Penguins!!


:p ;) ;) :p :eek:
No complaints what-so ever.

Vezina finalist at his age, we will take him back in a heat beat!
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Was at a HS softball game last night. Probably 200+ people at or around the field. On people with masks were the three umpires. South central PA.

I am interested to goto the grocery store this weekend and do an unofficial look at things. This past weekend was about 60% masked, 40% unmasked. Wanting to see if that changes or remains the same as people have had a week to break the habit of just wearing one not thinking about it, not actually knowing that mask mandates are gone, or just getting comfortable without a mask.
But yet on the MD dept of health twatter account they show positivity rates going up from 1.42% to 1.44%, new cases under 100 for the whole state and 6 new hospitalizations and the sheep keep commenting about how stupid everyone is because everything is going back up.....

Burn Maryland down to the ground.
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But yet on the MD dept of health twatter account they show positivity rates going up from 1.42% to 1.44%, new cases under 100 for the whole state and 6 new hospitalizations and the sheep keep commenting about how stupid everyone is because everything is going back up.....

which is why i said a while back that covid went away from medical science to political science at some point in time. the statistics and data are being manipulated to provide talking points, not to actualy show what is happening or balance risk.
Frankly I'm surprised positivity rates continue to drop. I figured at some point people would just stop getting tested unless symptomatic.

Then again with the various cold viruses gaining traction again, people are so brainwashed into thinking any symptom has to be covid, the continue to get tested.
Frankly I'm surprised positivity rates continue to drop. I figured at some point people would just stop getting tested unless symptomatic.

Then again with the various cold viruses gaining traction again, people are so brainwashed into thinking any symptom has to be covid, the continue to get tested.
i feel like a significant amount of testing is mandatory (get on a plane, work related, school related, etc..).
i feel like a significant amount of testing is mandatory (get on a plane, work related, school related, etc..).
true but sports testing is done now for HS kids and less and less are needing it for work so I too am surprised the rates havnt gone up some just because of testing numbers being WAYYY down
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true but sports testing id done now for HS kids and less and less are needing it for work so I too an surprised the rates hasn't gone up some just because of testing numbers being WAYYY down
Positivity Rate = (number of positive tests / total number of tests) * 100

The number of tests doesn't affect the positivity rate however it will surely affect the number of positives.

I would expect that as the number of tests goes down the positivity rate would go up because only people who are somewhat certain they are sick are getting tested vs people just "checking".
Positivity Rate = (number of positive tests / total number of tests) * 100

The number of tests doesn't affect the positivity rate however it will surely affect the number of positives.
true but many students who are very healthy are not testing. Taking out a large portion of almost certain negative tests will raise the % pos.

Especially when the same kids now who are not testing were testing negative for 4 weeks in a row or more
Positivity Rate = (number of positive tests / total number of tests) * 100

The number of tests doesn't affect the positivity rate however it will surely affect the number of positives.

I would expect that as the number of tests goes down the positivity rate would go up because only people who are somewhat certain they are sick are getting tested vs people just "checking".

I would think the positivity rate would go up also as the mandatory testing goes down for that reason, only people getting tested are those that think they have covid due to symptoms or contact with somebody that tested positive. Just again shows me that the data being reported I don't feel is sometimes a good representation of what is happening as it just doesn't make sense sometimes.
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It's a sad day indeed. I had been living in the relative comfort of knowing that there was definitive proof that I was way smarter than the highest paid government employee (Fauci).

I say that because even though I'm not a virologist, I knew that infected people would almost assuredly have immunity. And Fauci was stressing that they might not have immunity. As a scientific person, I know that it is very important to be able to discern without complete proof "which is more likely", as the great Feynman would say.

But now, we find out via FOIA requests that Fauci lied. Fauci always knew that it was extremely probable that we would have immunity.

So, while I'd bet just about anything that I'm still smarter than Fauci, there's no proof of that.

Of course, this is all tongue in cheek, and a lot of people knew that Fauci was lying about masks, immunity and HCQ.

I wonder how the sheep who argued with us feel about their arguments now that it has been revealed that Fauci was misleading them on purpose (and they're gullible sheep to have believed it, but they Sooooooo desperately needed for Fauci to be Saint Fauci).

Lots out there, all damning - he specifically lied about gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. Lots redacted too. Imagine what's in the redacted portions.

I wonder how often Fauci was talking to the researchers in Wuhan and their bosses. At this point, you have to assume he was.
It's a sad day indeed. I had been living in the relative comfort of knowing that there was definitive proof that I was way smarter than the highest paid government employee (Fauci).

I say that because even though I'm not a virologist, I knew that infected people would almost assuredly have immunity. And Fauci was stressing that they might not have immunity. As a scientific person, I know that it is very important to be able to discern without complete proof "which is more likely", as the great Feynman would say.

But now, we find out via FOIA requests that Fauci lied. Fauci always knew that it was extremely probable that we would have immunity.

So, while I'd bet just about anything that I'm still smarter than Fauci, there's no proof of that.

Of course, this is all tongue in cheek, and a lot of people knew that Fauci was lying about masks, immunity and HCQ.

I wonder how the sheep who argued with us feel about their arguments now that it has been revealed that Fauci was misleading them on purpose (and they're gullible sheep to have believed it, but they Sooooooo desperately needed for Fauci to be Saint Fauci).

Lots out there, all damning - he specifically lied about gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. Lots redacted too. Imagine what's in the redacted portions.

I wonder how often Fauci was talking to the researchers in Wuhan and their bosses. At this point, you have to assume he was.
The problem with that line of thinking is that you conflate probability with certainty.
It's a sad day indeed. I had been living in the relative comfort of knowing that there was definitive proof that I was way smarter than the highest paid government employee (Fauci).

I say that because even though I'm not a virologist, I knew that infected people would almost assuredly have immunity. And Fauci was stressing that they might not have immunity. As a scientific person, I know that it is very important to be able to discern without complete proof "which is more likely", as the great Feynman would say.

But now, we find out via FOIA requests that Fauci lied. Fauci always knew that it was extremely probable that we would have immunity.

So, while I'd bet just about anything that I'm still smarter than Fauci, there's no proof of that.

Of course, this is all tongue in cheek, and a lot of people knew that Fauci was lying about masks, immunity and HCQ.

I wonder how the sheep who argued with us feel about their arguments now that it has been revealed that Fauci was misleading them on purpose (and they're gullible sheep to have believed it, but they Sooooooo desperately needed for Fauci to be Saint Fauci).

Lots out there, all damning - he specifically lied about gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. Lots redacted too. Imagine what's in the redacted portions.

I wonder how often Fauci was talking to the researchers in Wuhan and their bosses. At this point, you have to assume he was.

Yeah, Fauci doesn't look good on multiple fronts. Seems to be that he is way, way, way more of a political animal than a medical physician beyond anybody's imagination. He was NOT speaking as a scientist/doctor on many occasions but as a politician.
Yeah, Fauci doesn't look good on multiple fronts. Seems to be that he is way, way, way more of a political animal than a medical physician beyond anybody's imagination. He was NOT speaking as a scientist/doctor on many occasions but as a politician.
probably the best advice ever given was given on March 20th from a UPenn Prof:

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probably the best advice ever given was given on March 20th from a UPenn Prof:


wow...what many educated, reasonable people said to do and were crucified as being 'cruel'. Again...all goes back to politicians wanting to seize control of everything. Sound medical advice ignored in favor of the scorched earth policy. Biggest thing there was the professor literally calling out that the information on who was being infected and fatality was not being openly shared thereby scaring everybody. Which we now know was again done on purpose by the govt. to spread fear.
wow...what many educated, reasonable people said to do and were crucified as being 'cruel'. Again...all goes back to politicians wanting to seize control of everything. Sound medical advice ignored in favor of the scorched earth policy. Biggest thing there was the professor literally calling out that the information on who was being infected and fatality was not being openly shared thereby scaring everybody. Which we now know was again done on purpose by the govt. to spread fear.
"Why aren't the demographics being released" was quoted by me for at least 11 months (April/20 through March/21). I simply started to do my own research. When I posted that research, several beat me down. Much respect to you for posting the FACTS on a daily basis no matter how many people tried to discredit you.

"Why aren't the demographics being released" was quoted by me for at least 11 months (April/20 through March/21). I simply started to do my own research. When I posted that research, several beat me down. Much respect to you for posting the FACTS on a daily basis no matter how many people tried to discredit you.


yeah, i remember searching and finding some gross numbers that New York was reporting back in the April/May 2020 timeframe. It was nowhere near the delineation that any scientist or medical or math person would want. it was done to the point the data was confusing (almost like it was on purpose done so screwy). So you had to deconstruct it and then reconstruct it just to make anything of it. And even then, the numbers literally would not add up in some cases so you knew some of the numbers were pretty bogus in certain areas.
yeah, i remember searching and finding some gross numbers that New York was reporting back in the April/May 2020 timeframe. It was nowhere near the delineation that any scientist or medical or math person would want. it was done to the point the data was confusing (almost like it was on purpose done so screwy). So you had to deconstruct it and then reconstruct it just to make anything of it. And even then, the numbers literally would not add up in some cases so you knew some of the numbers were pretty bogus in certain areas.
I recall seeing the death rates in the very old in Ohio, NY and PA being accounting for over 70% of deaths. For a long time, the average age of death was actually higher than the mortality rate. I started looking for deaths by age and realized nobody was talking about it. So I got the numbers and started to add them up myself. And for people under the age of 55, it was lower than the regular flu. Finally, I started looking for death rates for people with comorbidities; acute diabetes, cycle cell, CHF, Downs Syndrome and found zero, nada, nothing. That is when I started to realize the fix was in. They wanted everyone to panic instead of containing those most vulnerable. To this day, I have not found any stats to show comorbidities in patience under the age of 55. That is a big deal,

So glad they rushed EUA out after only testing the vaccine on only 1100 kids that age. Definitely a robust case study.

So glad they rushed EUA out after only testing the vaccine on only 1100 kids that age. Definitely a robust case study.
I am so thankful for Pfizer and Moderna vaxes. It is clearly a big reason why we are finally emerging. But I do question the logic behind getting healthy people under the age of, oh, 45 or so. We still are not seeing statistics on this. According to CDC, there have been a grand total of 9,218 deaths in the USA due to COVID. They don't show the stats but I'll be a majority of those were people suffering from comorbidity. BTW, only 309 TOTAL for people under the age of 18 in the entire nation (that is about, .00515%, .0000515, of all deaths in the USA).

Where are our scientists? What are the vax facts? Why should a healthy 16 year old be vaxxed?
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AS I said many times the other Drs' at NIH repeatedly have said that Fauci didnt listen to them and made his own decisions.... They actually claimed it was over last may and that kids should have been back in school to end the year. This winters death toll was a combination of covid, flu, other respiratory and such. Glad all of them have proved fauci is a political cog more than serving his oath as a DR
Isn't that the point of the E in EUA? They would have had to have 50,000 in the study to see one case. How many Covid deaths would have occurred waiting for that study?

The "E" is for protecting a group of people that otherwise would be in danger without the vaccine. That definitely isn't kids.
I am so thankful for Pfizer and Moderna vaxes. It is clearly a big reason why we are finally emerging. But I do question the logic behind getting healthy people under the age of, oh, 45 or so. We still are not seeing statistics on this. According to CDC, there have been a grand total of 9,218 deaths in the USA due to COVID. They don't show the stats but I'll be a majority of those were people suffering from comorbidity. BTW, only 309 TOTAL for people under the age of 18 in the entire nation (that is about, .00515%, .0000515, of all deaths in the USA).

Where are our scientists? What are the vax facts? Why should a healthy 16 year old be vaxxed?
You jump from 45 as the threshold down to 16. Which is it?
You jump from 45 as the threshold down to 16. Which is it?
both. or none. you decide. Mortality rates are low for both, statistically zero for people under the at of 18 with no comorbidity. These are the facts. Follow the science!

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One slight fix to the tweet:

Anheuser-Busch InBev, the Belgian brewer............

so the company i work for does a lot of work in brewing industry. the rumor at the time of the sale of Anhueser Busch to InBev was the fact that Augie Busch who was the son and destined to take over was basically a complete screw-up. And essentially the dad sold the company as he didn't want his son to take over as the dad was certain the son would have drove into the ground and eventual bankruptcy and didn't want to see the Busch name sullied based on multiple generations having built it into the giant it was. So basically the dad decided to sell it and take the money and set up a trust fund for the family to cement perpetual wealth as didn't trust the son to be able to handle the company and keep it going.
It seems like every good idea or revelation someone emailed Fauci, he replied with a generic "yeah go away, I have more important things to do than do my job" response
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both. or none. you decide. Mortality rates are low for both, statistically zero for people under the at of 18 with no comorbidity. These are the facts. Follow the science!

Just briefly googling info to compare Covid to the flu using the worst most recent flu year of 2017 / 2018:

18 to 49 YO Flu deaths 2803

40 to 49YO Covid deaths 17,530. ( 18 to 49 is 26,296 ).

My sons in their late 20s have seen enough friends and colleagues get pretty beat up from the disease and had no desire to risk missing a couple of weeks of work and life let alone losing taste or smell ( see the Thread on Herbstreit) it took no convincing for them to get vaccinated.
Just briefly googling info to compare Covid to the flu using the worst most recent flu year of 2017 / 2018:

18 to 49 YO Flu deaths 2803

40 to 49YO Covid deaths 17,530. ( 18 to 49 is 26,296 ).

My sons in their late 20s have seen enough friends and colleagues get pretty beat up from the disease and had no desire to risk missing a couple of weeks of work and life let alone losing taste or smell ( see the Thread on Herbstreit) it took no convincing for them to get vaccinated.
fair enough.

you are much more trusting than me. I look at Herbsteit's email and wonder why a guy of considerable means is asking the twitter-sphere for medical advice regarding COVID. I suspect that this was a "paid advertisement" as part of the massive campaign to get people vaxxed. I am not suggesting it is a good idea or bad idea to be vaxxed. Each person has their own risk tolerance. What does bother me is that it is clear that the books were cooked, or at least "spun" to achieve maximum possible output.

So when I see a massive and coordinated effort to spin (or at least, hide) key pieces of data my spidy senses go up. Then, when I see emails and other clear data that suggests that they knew all along what worked and what didn't work, my spidy senses go up. Then, when these very same people who did this are telling me to get my healthy 17 year old daughter vaxxed despite no long-term clue as to side affects I have to raise a red flag. From now on, I believe nothing of what they say or recommend. I will look at the data made available and make the best decisions for me and my family.
Just briefly googling info to compare Covid to the flu using the worst most recent flu year of 2017 / 2018:

18 to 49 YO Flu deaths 2803

40 to 49YO Covid deaths 17,530. ( 18 to 49 is 26,296 ).

My sons in their late 20s have seen enough friends and colleagues get pretty beat up from the disease and had no desire to risk missing a couple of weeks of work and life let alone losing taste or smell ( see the Thread on Herbstreit) it took no convincing for them to get vaccinated.

so two issues/questions.

1. we know that anything covid is recorded as a covid death and not so with flu. So the 26,296 number needs to be reduced by some amount of whatever that factor might be.

2. and i think there is some confusion as to when people compare to flu. what the data has never shown is how many HEALTHY people under 49 years of age died of covid. there is nobody reasonable that is going to agree that having a co-morbidity (diabetes and obesity appearing to be the bad ones) that Covid and flu are the same. the question is for healthy people without co-morbity how many people died. There is literaly no way to find that answer but I would be willing to bet that of the 26,296 that over 95% of them had co-morbiities and most likely more than one co-morbidity. So if you could ever compare Covid for HEALTHY people under 49 to the flu, they are basicaly the same with respect to serious illness and fatality. As such, if that were the only deciding factor, I would NOT have gotten vaccinated at this point in time. But the reason I did get vaccinated was the news about loss of smell/taste/breath that did not go away. That appears to be the main issue with HEALTHY people getting covid. And yet you hear hardly anything about that.
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