OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

fair enough.

you are much more trusting than me. I look at Herbsteit's email and wonder why a guy of considerable means is asking the twitter-sphere for medical advice regarding COVID. I suspect that this was a "paid advertisement" as part of the massive campaign to get people vaxxed. I am not suggesting it is a good idea or bad idea to be vaxxed. Each person has their own risk tolerance. What does bother me is that it is clear that the books were cooked, or at least "spun" to achieve maximum possible output.

So when I see a massive and coordinated effort to spin (or at least, hide) key pieces of data my spidy senses go up. Then, when I see emails and other clear data that suggests that they knew all along what worked and what didn't work, my spidy senses go up. Then, when these very same people who did this are telling me to get my healthy 17 year old daughter vaxxed despite no long-term clue as to side affects I have to raise a red flag. From now on, I believe nothing of what they say or recommend. I will look at the data made available and make the best decisions for me and my family.
I have no idea if Herbstreit is a paid advertisement or not but that he could be never crossed my mind.

My mail carrier has a son who is a teenager and caught Covid. ( entire family caught it ) First he lost smell and taste. Smell has not returned. Taste has and everything literally tastes like shit. It has created a desperate situation with a depressed kid with nowhere to turn. Hopefully the vaccine eliminates the symptom because he needs some relief. Horrible story. Anecdotal I know.

I know at my local hospital in Happy Valley the medical staff is looking for any form of relief they can find as they have been overburdened for way to long. I have neighbors on staff there and it’s been a constant refrain. Thankfully it’s easing up. Anecdotal I know.

I have well over a half dozen customers that have been hospitalized and have a long way to recover, some healthy, some not. Anecdotal Again. ( a couple will be messed up until they reach the end and they are in their 50s)

I don’t worry so much about what this administration or the previous administration was or is saying, I was able to gather enough info from people I know in my wide circle that for me it was an easy choice. I also did a decent job of not exposing myself to risk though I did travel pre vaccine across the country and I did attend some “ larger “ gatherings and did have a college kid live under our roof for a few months. The most freaked out I think I felt is when we took him out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner one night back in December.

We are fortunate to have the medical system we have. We just got back from Mexico where what has been reported is way below what the reality what the locals believe it to be. Resorts are having a challenge hiring not because people are getting paid an extra $ 300/ week but because the virus has ravaged their communities so harshly. Again, anecdotal. I never saw a population so eager and grateful to be getting vaccinated. As an aside, we were in Antigua last month and they are so eager and desiring of getting vaccines from the USA it’s staggering. They got a tiny amount of the English vaccine and then were told the rest would be Chinese. Pissed and skeptical would be a good way to describe that reaction.
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so two issues/questions.

1. we know that anything covid is recorded as a covid death and not so with flu. So the 26,296 number needs to be reduced by some amount of whatever that factor might be.

2. and i think there is some confusion as to when people compare to flu. what the data has never shown is how many HEALTHY people under 49 years of age died of covid. there is nobody reasonable that is going to agree that having a co-morbidity (diabetes and obesity appearing to be the bad ones) that Covid and flu are the same. the question is for healthy people without co-morbity how many people died. There is literaly no way to find that answer but I would be willing to bet that of the 26,296 that over 95% of them had co-morbiities and most likely more than one co-morbidity. So if you could ever compare Covid for HEALTHY people under 49 to the flu, they are basicaly the same with respect to serious illness and fatality. As such, if that were the only deciding factor, I would NOT have gotten vaccinated at this point in time. But the reason I did get vaccinated was the news about loss of smell/taste/breath that did not go away. That appears to be the main issue with HEALTHY people getting covid. And yet you hear hardly anything about that.
Whatever you are trying to say it certainly is a head scratcher.
Whatever you are trying to say it certainly is a head scratcher.

@Cletus11 is saying that to make it an apples to apples comparison then the Covid death count needs to be reduced by some unknown factor because everyone that was Covid positive at the time of death (or assumed to be Covid positive) were counted as Covid deaths, but not everyone with the flu at the time of death were counted as a flu death.
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I have no idea if Herbstreit is a paid advertisement or not but that he could be never crossed my mind.

My mail carrier has a son who is a teenager and caught Covid. ( entire family caught it ) First he lost smell and taste. Smell has not returned. Taste has and everything literally tastes like shit. It has created a desperate situation with a depressed kid with nowhere to turn. Hopefully the vaccine eliminates the symptom because he needs some relief. Horrible story. Anecdotal I know.

I know at my local hospital in Happy Valley the medical staff is looking for any form of relief they can find as they have been overburdened for way to long. I have neighbors on staff there and it’s been a constant refrain. Thankfully it’s easing up. Anecdotal I know.

I have well over a half dozen customers that have been hospitalized and have a long way to recover, some healthy, some not. Anecdotal Again. ( a couple will be messed up until they reach the end and they are in their 50s)

I don’t worry so much about what this administration or the previous administration was or is saying, I was able to gather enough info from people I know in my wide circle that for me it was an easy choice. I also did a decent job of not exposing myself to risk though I did travel pre vaccine across the country and I did attend some “ larger “ gatherings and did have a college kid live under our roof for a few months. The most freaked out I think I felt is when we took him out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner one night back in December.

We are fortunate to have the medical system we have. We just got back from Mexico where what has been reported is way below what the reality what the locals believe it to be. Resorts are having a challenge hiring not because people are getting paid an extra $ 300/ week but because the virus has ravaged their communities so harshly. Again, anecdotal. I never saw a population so eager and grateful to be getting vaccinated. As an aside, we were in Antigua last month and they are so eager and desiring of getting vaccines from the USA it’s staggering. They got a tiny amount of the English vaccine and then were told the rest would be Chinese. Pissed and skeptical would be a good way to describe that reaction.
Yep. It is hard to discern anecdotal evidence from real stats. And, as I've said, I trust nobody. Virtually every BIG story we've been fed the last four years has proven out to be fully or largely untrue.

In my circle, I am blessed (knocking on wood). I know not a single person that died from COVID. I know a lot of people that got it and the worst was sick for several days. Not a single one was admitted into a hospital. I hear a lot of conversation about people with "long tail" recoveries but when I look into them, they don't hold water. In the meantime, I still see people driving with their masks on.

The govt would still have us shut down, like Canada, if people didn't just flat out revolt. Here and in the travels, I've taken (NoCal, TX) people just quit wearing masks unless the biz told them they had to wear them. I truly believe PA, NY, NJ among others, simply realized nobody was doing what they were being told to do as of March 15th, the anniversary of the shutdown. I've got close friends in Toronto that are ready to go to war with their govt right now. In the end, I think govt leaders think we are all stupid and they need to tell us what to do. We cannot understand or sort through nuance so they manage us in a "worst-case scenario" kind of way. Like we are all three year olds needing their guidance. Reading Fauci's emails today, and I like the guy, that is clearly the feeling I get.
1. we know that anything covid is recorded as a covid death and not so with flu. So the 26,296 number needs to be reduced by some amount of whatever that factor might be.

Flu death estimates are based on a combination of positive tests and hospitalizations. If a covid death was also based only on those who tested positive and were in the hospital, the death totals would be at least cut in half
@Cletus11 is saying that to make it an apples to apples comparison then the Covid death count needs to be reduced by some unknown factor because everyone that was Covid positive at the time of death (or assumed to be Covid positive) were counted as Covid deaths, but not everyone with the flu at the time of death were counted as a flu death.
I got that. I’m not sure a case can be made for comparison. The flu year cited was a particularly harsh flu year as opposed to a mild year and this Covid year along with its learning curve for the medical world is certainly unique.
probably the best advice ever given was given on March 20th from a UPenn Prof:


Some people on this board said the exact same thing - normal life for everyone except the very old and vulnerable.

Man, our bureaucracies are corrupt and incompetent.
I have no idea if Herbstreit is a paid advertisement or not but that he could be never crossed my mind.

My mail carrier has a son who is a teenager and caught Covid. ( entire family caught it ) First he lost smell and taste. Smell has not returned. Taste has and everything literally tastes like shit. It has created a desperate situation with a depressed kid with nowhere to turn. Hopefully the vaccine eliminates the symptom because he needs some relief. Horrible story. Anecdotal I know.

I know at my local hospital in Happy Valley the medical staff is looking for any form of relief they can find as they have been overburdened for way to long. I have neighbors on staff there and it’s been a constant refrain. Thankfully it’s easing up. Anecdotal I know.

I have well over a half dozen customers that have been hospitalized and have a long way to recover, some healthy, some not. Anecdotal Again. ( a couple will be messed up until they reach the end and they are in their 50s)

I don’t worry so much about what this administration or the previous administration was or is saying, I was able to gather enough info from people I know in my wide circle that for me it was an easy choice. I also did a decent job of not exposing myself to risk though I did travel pre vaccine across the country and I did attend some “ larger “ gatherings and did have a college kid live under our roof for a few months. The most freaked out I think I felt is when we took him out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner one night back in December.

We are fortunate to have the medical system we have. We just got back from Mexico where what has been reported is way below what the reality what the locals believe it to be. Resorts are having a challenge hiring not because people are getting paid an extra $ 300/ week but because the virus has ravaged their communities so harshly. Again, anecdotal. I never saw a population so eager and grateful to be getting vaccinated. As an aside, we were in Antigua last month and they are so eager and desiring of getting vaccines from the USA it’s staggering. They got a tiny amount of the English vaccine and then were told the rest would be Chinese. Pissed and skeptical would be a good way to describe that reaction.

It's impressive that about half the people in this country that got covid were friends of yours.
Fauci saying that upwards of 80-85% need vaccinated for herd immunity.

Right next door in the Bahamas? They claim 30%

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It's impressive that about half the people in this country that got covid were friends of yours.
Friends and customers. It surprised me at first as well. For the longest time I didn’t know anyone and then one by one I started to find out. Three of My customers ranging in age from 51 to 65 had the worst outcomes and longest hospital stays. I sense your skepticism which doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. I know many more that have had it but did not require hospitalization. Some in reasonably poor health you would think would require hospitalization but didn’t. Some mild cases, some not so mild.
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Friends and customers. It surprised me at first as well. For the longest time I didn’t know anyone and then one by one I started to find out. Three of My customers ranging in age from 51 to 65 had the worst outcomes and longest hospital stays. I sense your skepticism which doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. I know many more that have had it but did not require hospitalization. Some in reasonably poor health you would think would require hospitalization but didn’t. Some mild cases, some not so mild.
You ever been tested? Maybe you are a super spreader but immune. You seem to have travelled more and interacted more than many that got it. Check it out..... Covid tgar.
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You ever been tested? Maybe you are a super spreader but immune. You seem to have travelled more and interacted more than many that got it. Check it out..... Covid tgar.
Tested multiple times. Vaccinated for three months or so now. Never tested positive. I only traveled ( cross country flight ) once prior to getting vaccinated. My biggest concern was having a college student live with us. To my knowledge he never got it it. I tested multiple times for the semester he was under our roof a couple nights a week.
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1.48M shots yesterday so total up to 296.4 with the 7 day rolling average at 1.2M. 80.9% of shots administered is the national average, 50.8% of population with 1+ dose (65.4% of the adult population), 40.9% of population fully vaccinated.

So far, 168 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 136 million people have completed a vaccination regimen.

12,976 positives reported yesterday compared to 23,434 week over week. 7-day rolling average is at 17,387.

Fatality was 287 compared to 115 yesterday and 673 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 416.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 19,355 compared to one week ago 23,460 down 17.5%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 2,702 compared to one week ago 3,208 down 15.8%.

So picked my kid up from swim practice last night. Got there a few minutes early so went into the swim club (outside) to watch the last few minutes and sit and relax. Lot of parents there as the younger kids were practicing next. Zero masks on anybody there. It was outside, but I was still surprised to see not one person had a mask on.

0.5M shots yesterday so total up to 296.9 with the 7 day rolling average at 1.1M. 80.9% of shots administered is the national average, 50.8% of population with 1+ dose (65.4% of the adult population), 41.0% of population fully vaccinated.

So far, 169 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 136 million people have completed a vaccination regimen.

16,974 positives reported yesterday compared to 23,853 week over week. 7-day rolling average is at 16,501.

Fatality was 514 compared to 287 yesterday and 648 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 405.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 19,674 compared to one week ago 23,005 down 14.5%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 2,743 compared to one week ago 3,181 down 13.8%.

Vaccinations off a cliff, was waiting for this to happen. We'll find out tomorrow and this weekend if that is just a reporting anomaly or the new norm.

Daily positives and fatality again really low, another thing to keep an eye on the next few days if sustainable as if so, just some wow numbers.
0.5M shots yesterday so total up to 296.9 with the 7 day rolling average at 1.1M. 80.9% of shots administered is the national average, 50.8% of population with 1+ dose (65.4% of the adult population), 41.0% of population fully vaccinated.

So far, 169 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 136 million people have completed a vaccination regimen.

16,974 positives reported yesterday compared to 23,853 week over week. 7-day rolling average is at 16,501.

Fatality was 514 compared to 287 yesterday and 648 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 405.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 19,674 compared to one week ago 23,005 down 14.5%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 2,743 compared to one week ago 3,181 down 13.8%.

Vaccinations off a cliff, was waiting for this to happen. We'll find out tomorrow and this weekend if that is just a reporting anomaly or the new norm.

Daily positives and fatality again really low, another thing to keep an eye on the next few days if sustainable as if so, just some wow numbers.

Much-needed headline:

COVID deaths spike due to premature reopenings and unmasking; pandemic far from over
A good article on the amateur research behind the Lab Leak Hypothesis:

No direct evidence but multiple instances of false statements that point to a cover-up.
A good article on the amateur research behind the Lab Leak Hypothesis:

No direct evidence but multiple instances of false statements that point to a cover-up.

between the Fauci email released and how damning they are and now the complete flip-flop of the democrats and MSM on the virus coming out of the Wuhan lab, just continues to show that this went from being a medical pandemic to the classic line of a good politician never let's a crisis goto waste, more and more real.
between the Fauci email released and how damning they are and now the complete flip-flop of the democrats and MSM on the virus coming out of the Wuhan lab, just continues to show that this went from being a medical pandemic to the classic line of a good politician never let's a crisis goto waste, more and more real.
But the MSM would never intentionally mislead us, only those far right ones do that kind of stuff...
between the Fauci email released and how damning they are and now the complete flip-flop of the democrats and MSM on the virus coming out of the Wuhan lab, just continues to show that this went from being a medical pandemic to the classic line of a good politician never let's a crisis goto waste, more and more real.
It also seems like Fauci was more than happy to participate in covering up and denying any link to the Wuhan Lab when he in fact knew that was a distinct possibility - I think he is long past his shelf life and now like Cuomo he is writing a pat yourself on the back book - I don't think it will end up much better for him than it did for Cuomo as more of his culpability in this mess comes to light.
We can see the pandemic waning rapidly now. Total Deaths are below the normal level, confirming the "dry tinder" analogy.

In most of the country, we are at herd immunity, right on schedule.

I included a more close up look at the relevant period in this update.


A good article on the amateur research behind the Lab Leak Hypothesis:

No direct evidence but multiple instances of false statements that point to a cover-up.
Excellent article, thank for posting it. Everyone should read this, all Americans and the world. It shows just how bad we were lied to by China, WHO, many US based scientists, the political wonks, and the media.

Some details.....never heard of DRASTIC before. What tremendous work these people did at great risk to themselves.

Couple key points: the Wuhan lab scrubbed their website of all research papers on Sept 12, 2019. That indicates they knew back in Sept......almost 21 months ago......they already had a serious breach of security protocols. Yet they made no announcements until 3-4 months later.

Another, the article downplays how the hatred for Pres Donald J Trump altered coverage. Media poo poohed any hint of even an accidental release just because Trump proffered that possibility. The article gave only a couple of lines to this even though it is a key reason for ignore the obvious.

This is gaining momentum like an avalanche. Going to fascinating to see who gets swept away by it.
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It's coming out very clearly now that there were no good actors in this entire pandemic, except with the possible exception of Birx.

Fauci - he's probably a murderer as he surely knew HCQ, Ivermectin and the like would really help and had NO RISK WHATSOEVER, but still sought to stop its usage. I may do a calculation on how many people would have been saved if we had allowed HCQ and Ivermectin to be used.

Cuomo/Cuomo - did he knowingly put sick people into rest homes so that the pandemic would take off? Need a full FOIA for all his emails. I know he's not smart, but who could possibly be THAT stupid.

MSM - willing accomplices in the lies told about China, Cuomo, HCQ, operation warp-speed (what a clownish name), injected bleach, etc.

Birx - It always felt like she knew the politicization was bad, and was ashamed to be lumped in.

WHO - laughable.

China - capitalized on the pandemic and solidified their position in the world as "most feared nation". That's different from "most respected", which they are clearly not.
It's coming out very clearly now that there were no good actors in this entire pandemic, except with the possible exception of Birx.

Fauci - he's probably a murderer as he surely knew HCQ, Ivermectin and the like would really help and had NO RISK WHATSOEVER, but still sought to stop its usage. I may do a calculation on how many people would have been saved if we had allowed HCQ and Ivermectin to be used.

Cuomo/Cuomo - did he knowingly put sick people into rest homes so that the pandemic would take off? Need a full FOIA for all his emails. I know he's not smart, but who could possibly be THAT stupid.

MSM - willing accomplices in the lies told about China, Cuomo, HCQ, operation warp-speed (what a clownish name), injected bleach, etc.

Birx - It always felt like she knew the politicization was bad, and was ashamed to be lumped in.

WHO - laughable.

China - capitalized on the pandemic and solidified their position in the world as "most feared nation". That's different from "most respected", which they are clearly not.
Why do Wolf/Levine always get a pass? They were just as terrible and when Levine took her mother out of a nursing home, put her in a motel, and gave her private care it was an admission that their policies were very dangerous to all nursing home residents. They should be charged with murder two, manslaughter at the least.
It's coming out very clearly now that there were no good actors in this entire pandemic, except with the possible exception of Birx.

Fauci - he's probably a murderer as he surely knew HCQ, Ivermectin and the like would really help and had NO RISK WHATSOEVER, but still sought to stop its usage. I may do a calculation on how many people would have been saved if we had allowed HCQ and Ivermectin to be used.

Cuomo/Cuomo - did he knowingly put sick people into rest homes so that the pandemic would take off? Need a full FOIA for all his emails. I know he's not smart, but who could possibly be THAT stupid.

MSM - willing accomplices in the lies told about China, Cuomo, HCQ, operation warp-speed (what a clownish name), injected bleach, etc.

Birx - It always felt like she knew the politicization was bad, and was ashamed to be lumped in.

WHO - laughable.

China - capitalized on the pandemic and solidified their position in the world as "most feared nation". That's different from "most respected", which they are clearly not.
Spot on. No leadership at any level.
Why do Wolf/Levine always get a pass? They were just as terrible and when Levine took her mother out of a nursing home, put her in a motel, and gave her private care it was an admission that their policies were very dangerous to all nursing home residents. They should be charged with murder two, manslaughter at the least.

Sure. I agree.
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We can see the pandemic waning rapidly now. Total Deaths are below the normal level, confirming the "dry tinder" analogy.

In most of the country, we are at herd immunity, right on schedule.

I included a more close up look at the relevant period in this update.



Obviously cannot mis-report total deaths. But I am wondering how much of this most recent extreme downturn in daily positives and fatalities is just locations starting to stop reporting it. Basically the pandemic is over such that many, especially rural areas with limited resources, are just not reporting any longer as they see no reason to report on something that is not a pandemic anymore.

Pretty obvious to me that the politicians are all gearing up for huge announcement surrounding the July 4th holiday to somewhat declare the pandemic over. They cannot officially declare it over as then they cannot continue to pass legislation and money and have unlimited power, but they will make some declaration that it has been defeated as to take glory in that but doing so WITHOUT giving up the motive to be able to continue on as they have been for the past 16 monhts.
Excellent article, thank for posting it. Everyone should read this, all Americans and the world. It shows just how bad we were lied to by China, WHO, many US based scientists, the political wonks, and the media.

Some details.....never heard of DRASTIC before. What tremendous work these people did at great risk to themselves.

Couple key points: the Wuhan lab scrubbed their website of all research papers on Sept 12, 2019. That indicates they knew back in Sept......almost 21 months ago......they already had a serious breach of security protocols. Yet they made no announcements until 3-4 months later.

Another, the article downplays how the hatred for Pres Donald J Trump altered coverage. Media poo poohed any hint of even an accidental release just because Trump proffered that possibility. The article gave only a couple of lines to this even though it is a key reason for ignore the obvious.

This is gaining momentum like an avalanche. Going to fascinating to see who gets swept away by it.
You're welcome since I posted it in another thread.

I still luv ya spin!
Excellent article, thank for posting it. Everyone should read this, all Americans and the world. It shows just how bad we were lied to by China, WHO, many US based scientists, the political wonks, and the media.

Some details.....never heard of DRASTIC before. What tremendous work these people did at great risk to themselves.

Couple key points: the Wuhan lab scrubbed their website of all research papers on Sept 12, 2019. That indicates they knew back in Sept......almost 21 months ago......they already had a serious breach of security protocols. Yet they made no announcements until 3-4 months later.

Another, the article downplays how the hatred for Pres Donald J Trump altered coverage. Media poo poohed any hint of even an accidental release just because Trump proffered that possibility. The article gave only a couple of lines to this even though it is a key reason for ignore the obvious.

This is gaining momentum like an avalanche. Going to fascinating to see who gets swept away by it.
Umm, I am seeing a pattern here:

Toxic Drywall from China

Lead Coated Window Coverings from China

I was in the construction industry at the point in time when these happened which is why I am seeing the pattern. I am researching if there have been products imported from other countries that have caused problems. Let me know if anyone remembers anything in the past 30 years.
Obviously cannot mis-report total deaths. But I am wondering how much of this most recent extreme downturn in daily positives and fatalities is just locations starting to stop reporting it. Basically the pandemic is over such that many, especially rural areas with limited resources, are just not reporting any longer as they see no reason to report on something that is not a pandemic anymore.

Pretty obvious to me that the politicians are all gearing up for huge announcement surrounding the July 4th holiday to somewhat declare the pandemic over. They cannot officially declare it over as then they cannot continue to pass legislation and money and have unlimited power, but they will make some declaration that it has been defeated as to take glory in that but doing so WITHOUT giving up the motive to be able to continue on as they have been for the past 16 monhts.
Spot on. Come the July Fourth timeline, there will be much glad handing, back slapping and credit taking. But there will mucho fear porn about letting our guard down, much work to do, keeping diligent government powers in place, prepping for future pandemics(meaning more Mona day power), and restructuring systems that result in more centralized power.

The next pandemic will be a power grab pandemic.
Obviously cannot mis-report total deaths. But I am wondering how much of this most recent extreme downturn in daily positives and fatalities is just locations starting to stop reporting it. Basically the pandemic is over such that many, especially rural areas with limited resources, are just not reporting any longer as they see no reason to report on something that is not a pandemic anymore.

Pretty obvious to me that the politicians are all gearing up for huge announcement surrounding the July 4th holiday to somewhat declare the pandemic over. They cannot officially declare it over as then they cannot continue to pass legislation and money and have unlimited power, but they will make some declaration that it has been defeated as to take glory in that but doing so WITHOUT giving up the motive to be able to continue on as they have been for the past 16 monhts.

The most recent data (as in the past two weeks), maybe...they've just stopped reporting a little.

As you say - my motivation in using "Total Deaths" was to avoid the lying coming out of our federal agencies because I knew they couldn't (or at least were not YET willing to) fake that.

I'm not sure there will be big announcement. I think the political calculation at this point is that a politician who was allied with CDC/government is probably best served to be quiet and let it all go away.
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Spot on. Come the July Fourth timeline, there will be much glad handing, back slapping and credit taking. But there will mucho fear porn about letting our guard down, much work to do, keeping diligent government powers in place, prepping for future pandemics(meaning more Mona day power), and restructuring systems that result in more centralized power.

The next pandemic will be a power grab pandemic.
Between then and now, certain unnamed leaders can continue to attempt to divide people along racial lines by making incendiary speeches and demonizing certain people for absolutely no reason while purporting to want to bring people together. I can't wait until this country's governmental system is changed, which I foresee happening in the next half-century, because the federal government has become unworkable, totally irresponsible with the tax payers' money, and now seemingly more interested to serving the needs of non-citizens than citizens.
Obviously cannot mis-report total deaths. But I am wondering how much of this most recent extreme downturn in daily positives and fatalities is just locations starting to stop reporting it. Basically the pandemic is over such that many, especially rural areas with limited resources, are just not reporting any longer as they see no reason to report on something that is not a pandemic anymore.

Pretty obvious to me that the politicians are all gearing up for huge announcement surrounding the July 4th holiday to somewhat declare the pandemic over. They cannot officially declare it over as then they cannot continue to pass legislation and money and have unlimited power, but they will make some declaration that it has been defeated as to take glory in that but doing so WITHOUT giving up the motive to be able to continue on as they have been for the past 16 monhts.

To paint a better, less misleading, and more accurate picture, he should just eliminate the last three weeks of data from his graphs. They are always off because of reporting delays.
Obviously cannot mis-report total deaths. But I am wondering how much of this most recent extreme downturn in daily positives and fatalities is just locations starting to stop reporting it. Basically the pandemic is over such that many, especially rural areas with limited resources, are just not reporting any longer as they see no reason to report on something that is not a pandemic anymore.

Pretty obvious to me that the politicians are all gearing up for huge announcement surrounding the July 4th holiday to somewhat declare the pandemic over. They cannot officially declare it over as then they cannot continue to pass legislation and money and have unlimited power, but they will make some declaration that it has been defeated as to take glory in that but doing so WITHOUT giving up the motive to be able to continue on as they have been for the past 16 monhts.

Or less doctors/coroners are putting covid on the cause of death when the real cause of death had nothing to do with covid.
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Cyanide laced grapes from Chile?
Thanks, never heard of that one.

After research, it seems to have been a hoax to call attention to Chilean poverty at the time.

From the article:

If an adult ate a dozen grapes each containing the level of cyanide found in the contaminated samples ″you probably wouldn’t even notice it,″ he said. ″But I wouldn’t risk it because one might be spiked a lot higher than another. We just don’t know if the motivation of the people (who made the threat) was to hurt people or to call attention to a problem.″

The threat, telephoned to the U.S. Embassy in Santiago on March 2, was made by a male Spanish-speaking voice that said export fruit would be poisoned. The threat was investigated by the U.S. State Department and Chilean authorities.

On March 6, the call was determined to be ″almost certainly a hoax,″ the FDA said. But Young said the person who made the threat apparently saw a story about the ″hoax″ in the Santiago newspaper and called the embassy on March 8 to say the threat was real. The FDA then intensified its testing, officials said.