OT: Who is this fellow (w/handle bar) I copied from the cam?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
North East PA, Backmountain area, age 75
I wanted to post this question on the Mark Brennan cam but can't find the post. At many of the games this year this fellow kept changing his haircuts. For a few games he had his hair in the form as below with his hair shaped in bird's nest sitting on top of his head. I asked Don, my the seat neighbor, what position the guy held on the coaching staff. He didn't know.
I looked thru the coaching staff pics and the closest is Rick Rahne for a possible match!

Could the guy be.....Ricky Rahne
Passing Game Coordinator
/Tight Ends Coach


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I distinctly recall someone saying that the handle-bar moustache guy was a S&C coach. Of course they could have been wrong and I have no idea, so... . :p
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On a similar note, who was the guy in the cowboy hat on our sideline in the championship game. Always seemed to be near CJF. Also saw him on the Brennan cam after the game.
On a similar note, who was the guy in the cowboy hat on our sideline in the championship game. Always seemed to be near CJF. Also saw him on the Brennan cam after the game.

I've been wondering that as well.
On a similar note, who was the guy in the cowboy hat on our sideline in the championship game. Always seemed to be near CJF. Also saw him on the Brennan cam after the game.
I believe he drives the equipment truck.
I wanted to post this question on the Mark Brennan cam but can't find the post. At many of the games this year this fellow kept changing his haircuts. For a few games he had his hair in the form as below with his hair shaped in bird's nest sitting on top of his head. I asked Don, my the seat neighbor, what position the guy held on the coaching staff. He didn't know.
I looked thru the coaching staff pics and the closest is Rick Rahne for a possible match!

Could the guy be.....Ricky Rahne
Passing Game Coordinator
/Tight Ends Coach


C Losey...strength coach
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