OT: why is our Commonwealth spending $ on advertising?

loosey goosey

Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2004
On the subject of texting while driving .In Maryland and other states they have outlawed holding phones when driving.These dopes want us to save lives which the tort attorneys have proven to build lucrative careers on.
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I got a ticket the first day the law went into effect on 83 in Hunt Valley,MD.I had my top down.I told the cop I lived in PA but he didn't let it slide-$135 no points.Same goes for mp3
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On the subject of texting while driving when Maryland and other states have outlawed holding phones when driving.These dopes want us to save lives which the tort attorneys have proven to build lucrative careers on.
We have laws now nobody obeys and they don't enforce. Wipers on lights on. Illegal to cruise the left lane. It would just be another they wouldn't enforce.
They are spending $ on advertising so they don’t have to spend $ on fixing roads. Every state in the northeast YS seems to be the same.
I totally agree! If there are 3 fatal deaths on a highway turn in Maryland they can be sued for negligence.I saw the 270/70 burm switch out in one week.
Guy I know is a car jockey. He got pinched in NJ today for talking on his cell. Going into Manheim in Bordentown NJ. Cop was sitting there watching for this apparently. Good spot to do this, who isn't on their phone going into the car auction. This guy I know is from Clearfield PA area, had no idea it was illegal. Cop told him he should know because it is also illegal in PA (It's not, other than CDL drivers). Here's the big thing, he has to go back to NJ and appear. Can't plead and mail it in. Has to appear. Quite the good thing they have going. DO NOT use your hand held phone in NJ.
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It’s 2019 and cars with built in bluetooth have been out for a number of years at this point. Even if you have an older model you can buy kits that allow the same functionality by using the radio. There is no excuse to be holding your phone while driving anymore.

If we’re bringing up things which should be illegal but aren’t I’d like to toss out the trend of people using their headphones while driving. To me that’s just as bad as using a handheld device.
They are spending $ on advertising so they don’t have to spend $ on fixing roads. Every state in the northeast seems to be the same.
They do have money to fix roads, just not the roads that need to be fixed.
PA DOT recently wrapped up an extensive two year project on I - 99 just north of Altoona. The road was certainly not in bad shape before they started the project compared to most other interstate roads in the state and it does not have anywhere near the level of traffic as I - 80, I- 81 or I - 78.
If we’re bringing up things which should be illegal but aren’t I’d like to toss out the trend of people using their headphones while driving. To me that’s just as bad as using a handheld device.


Hard to enforce efficiently since it's not easy to see. Someone could wear a knit cap and you'd never know they were using earphones.
If any state is enforcing the law against hand held phones I have yet to see it- and I'm regularly in PA, NY, CT and MA

Here in Georgia (unfortunately seems to be devolving into the People's Republic of Georgia lately), at least on the local (Atlanta) news stations they are making a big deal out of les flics enforcing the cellphone law (which, BTW, is very draconian - it's not just anti-texting while driving, the way the law is written you essentially cannot have your cellphone in hand while driving - period). The law here is, I believe, punitive in stages, so that if you violate the law the first time, you just get a warning. Subsequent violations bring higher fines.

We also had a situation where local cops were masquerading as construction workers and looking into people's cars while stopped at traffic lights, and then writing tickets if they saw the people looking on their phones. I believe this was when the anti-texting was just a city or county law and not a state law...but of course any LEO can write tickets against the law.
Are you ever in Upstate NY by any chance? They are freaking serious.
3-4 times a month- and you can often drive from the MA line to Corning and not see a cop- they may be serious somewhere, but I haven't seen much of it
If any state is enforcing the law against hand held phones I have yet to see it- and I'm regularly in PA, NY, CT and MA
Georgia is making a concerted effort to enforce. Revenues from traffic violations, as a result of cell phone violations, has increased dramatically. I will say, you dare not get involved in an accident as a result of using your phone. The state will own you.
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Guy I know is a car jockey. He got pinched in NJ today for talking on his cell. Going into Manheim in Bordentown NJ. Cop was sitting there watching for this apparently. Good spot to do this, who isn't on their phone going into the car auction. This guy I know is from Clearfield PA area, had no idea it was illegal. Cop told him he should know because it is also illegal in PA (It's not, other than CDL drivers). Here's the big thing, he has to go back to NJ and appear. Can't plead and mail it in. Has to appear. Quite the good thing they have going. DO NOT use your hand held phone in NJ.

It's dangerous and stupid to use your phone while driving. How difficult would it have been to simply purchase a blue tooth device? I have no sympathy for your friend.
NJ State Police sit on the other side of the Commodore Berry Bridge and grab people from PA crossing while on their phone - seen it many times.
I'm WAY confused. Isn't this built into every car or is it an option that people are declining? I'm still amazed when I see people holding their phones while driving. What century is this?
As far as using Bluetooth being a distraction, how does that differ from using a radio?
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I'm WAY confused. Isn't this built into every car or is it an option that people are declining? I'm still amazed when I see people holding their phones while driving. What century is this?
As far as using Bluetooth being a distraction, how does that differ from using a radio?
In my younger years, Woody, I'd be driving to a construction site @ 5am with a coffee in my right hand and reaching/lighting a Pall Mall with my left. Obviously :cool:, I controlled the steering wheel with my knees.
I'm WAY confused. Isn't this built into every car or is it an option that people are declining? I'm still amazed when I see people holding their phones while driving. What century is this?
As far as using Bluetooth being a distraction, how does that differ from using a radio?
Or having children fighting in the back seat
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Most of the functions of my car GPS are inoperable when the car is in motion above a certain speed threshold. I'd like to see the same for cell phones, whether bluetooth connected or not, i.e., they can't receive or transmit if significantly in motion.

The brain can really only think about one thing at a time. If you think you are multi-tasking, in reality what you're doing is switching between thoughts rapidly. The key is whether or not you are really in control of the switching process. I think that control decreases when conversing with someone who isn't present. Even then sometimes I tell my wife in the passenger seat that I can't talk and need to focus. For some reason women have a bigger problem accepting this. I think their brains switch more rapidly.
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Most of the functions of my car GPS are inoperable when the car is in motion above a certain speed threshold. I'd like to see the same for cell phones, whether bluetooth connected or not, i.e., they can't receive or transmit if significantly in motion.

The brain can really only think about one thing at a time. If you think you are multi-tasking, in reality what you're doing is switching between thoughts rapidly. The key is whether or not you are really in control of the switching process. I think that control decreases when conversing with someone who isn't present. Even then sometimes I tell my wife in the passenger seat that I can't talk and need to focus. For some reason women have a bigger problem accepting this. I think their brains switch more rapidly.
Nicly said Knight. On occasion my wife will tell me I'm driving like an asshole
and I tell her I'm trying to.
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Because the things wolf is doing are stupid and he has to try and spin them positively to keep anyone on his side....