2025 Pac-12 149-Pound Final - #12 Jordan Williams (LR) VS #5 Ethan Stiles (ORST)
Period 1:
Stiles pushes forward. Williams taps at the head. Williams reaches for a leg, but no luck. Stiles shoots, but no luck. Circling, faking & hand fighting. Williams shoots, but Stiles blocks him off. Tying up & snapping. Stiles reaches for a leg, but no luck. Williams hits a double leg TD, 3-0. Out of bounds & restart. Stall warning on Williams. Stiles is still down. He gets to his feet & gets the escape without much resistance, 3-1. Circling & head tapping. Williams reaches for a leg, but can't get there. Stiles with a half shot, 1-min left. Tying up & snapping. Stiles presses forward. Williams drops to a leg. Stiles throws in a whizzer. Williams limp arms out & gets another TD, 6-1. Stiles works to his feet & Williams trips him back down as they go out of bounds, restart. Stiles is still down, 24-sec left. He gets to his feet & fights for the escape, 6-2. Stiles presses forward & the period ends. 6-2 Williams after the 1st.
Period 2:
Williams selects down. He rolls & fights for the escape, 7-2. Stiles shoots, but no luck. Circling, hand fighting & tying up, 90-sec left. Stiles presses forward. Williams snaps. Stiles shoots, but Williams blocks him off, 1-min left. Hard hand fighting in the center. Stiles hits a high-c & gets in deep. Williams counters & locks through the crotch. They keep scrambling & they're back to neutral. Stiles immediately drops back in on an ankle. Williams counters & is trying to fight Stiles off. Williams gets his 2nd stall call, point Stiles, 7-3. They're scrambling as time expires. 7-3 Williams, +24-sec RT
Period 3:
Stiles takes down. He gets to his feet & gets the escape, 7-4. Williams drops in on a double. He lifts Stiles off the mat & twirls him around a few times, then brings Stiles back to the mat. Stiles keeps fighting & they keep scrambling, then Williams locks up a cradle. Williams adds 4 NF, 10-4, 1-min left. Stiles keeps working & gets a leg, but Williams still has the cradle. Williams gets 4 NF more, 14-4. Williams rolls Stiles over, but then Stiles works back to his base without anymore nearfall. Out of bounds & restart, 23-sec left. Williams +1:30 RT. Stiles is still down. Stiles gets to his feet & Williams just lets him go, 14-5. Stiles presses forward again. Williams hand fights hard & circles around to end the match. Williams adds a RT point, 15-5. That was a great match! Williams was strong to the end. He was running on a full tank tonight!
Jordan Williams MD Ethan Stiles 15-5
Jordan Williams is the 2025 149-Pound Pac-12 Champ!