Other matches, results, news - 2024-25


Quarterfinal - Nicco Ruiz (Arizona State) 14-5 won by decision over Cameron Amine (Oklahoma State) 13-6 (Dec 6-4)

Amine and Wittcraft only Cowboys bounced to Consis.
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Against Aiden Riggins who is 9-15 this year
Will Ferrell Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Alirez loses to Jamison 13-7 in OT!!

Also witcraft loses in the consis

Chittum also losing to Siebrecht 7-1 in the 3rd. Chittum sure hasn’t panned out. Pretty sure he was the number 1 recruit in the nation his senior year. Cut it to 8-4 but Siebrecht gets another Td and it’s 11-4. Siebrecht wins 12-4!
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Alirez loses to Jamison 13-7 in OT!!

Also witcraft loses in the consis

Chittum also losing to Siebrecht 7-1 in the 3rd. Chittum sure has panned out. Pretty sure he was the number 1 recruit in the nation his senior year. Cut it to 8-4 but Siebrecht gets another Td and it’s 11-4. Siebrecht wins 12-4!
Just can't wash the Hawkeye off.
Tagen Jamison of OSU takes out Alirez in B12 semis 13-6 in OT! 1 Seed at NCAAs will be the B10 winner barring more upsets
B10 finalists will get the top 2 seeds at NCAAs. Beyond that, hard to tell how this impacts the brackets. Alirez could end up in either side.

Alirez is projected at RPI 12th, at best finished 3rd in the conference, and is light on Quality Wins. He'll lose the sim match to Jamison, and might lose the sim match to Happel too despite a H2H win. Without doing the math, Koderhandt might pass him too.
Oklahoma State​
Northern Iowa​
South Dakota State​
Iowa State​
Northern Colorado​
West Virginia​
North Dakota State​
Arizona State​
Utah Valley​
California Baptist​
Air Force​
I’ve read this thread twice, and can’t figure out what the allegation is. Someone said they weren’t in line for skin check with credentials, someone said they were cutting weight AFTER weigh ins, which sounds ludicrous, someone said some rule was violated during weigh ins.

Does anyone know what happened?
I’ve read this thread twice, and can’t figure out what the allegation is. Someone said they weren’t in line for skin check with credentials, someone said they were cutting weight AFTER weigh ins, which sounds ludicrous, someone said some rule was violated during weigh ins.

Does anyone know what happened?
I thought I read that they were cutting weight at the weigh in area which isn’t allowed..??
I’ve read this thread twice, and can’t figure out what the allegation is. Someone said they weren’t in line for skin check with credentials, someone said they were cutting weight AFTER weigh ins, which sounds ludicrous, someone said some rule was violated during weigh ins.

Does anyone know what happened?
Nobody has put together the complete picture, but from piecing together a few reports, plus Dresser's comments about process ...

Best guess is that the guys were supposed to be in line for skin check at a specific time, but instead hit the bikes and intended to sneak back into line before their names were called, or maybe before skin checks were shut down.

From the tourney standpoint, B12 is trying to process skin checks + weigh-ins for 140 athletes in a limited timeframe. They can't have guys jumping in and out of line.

From an athlete standpoint: they're putting themselves at real risk of missing their spot and getting DQ from the tourney. Insert J'Den Cox/Kevin Jackson joke here. But it also happened at Hershey a few years ago -- a wrestler went on a run around the arena concourse, with his headphones on, and didn't hear his name get called for weigh-ins.
I’ve read this thread twice, and can’t figure out what the allegation is. Someone said they weren’t in line for skin check with credentials, someone said they were cutting weight AFTER weigh ins, which sounds ludicrous, someone said some rule was violated during weigh ins.

Does anyone know what happened?
According to Kevin Dresser it was all shenanigans. Shenanigans i tell you, and nobody let anybody else in on the purpose of the shenanigans.