Other matches, results, news - 2024-25

Little Rock locked up the Team Title with a victory in the 174-Pound Final, where Tyler Brennan (LR) majored 11-0 Murphy Menke (ORST)

2025 Pac-12 197-Pound Final - AJ Ferrari (CSUB) VS Stephen Little (LR)

Period 1:
Time for the Grand Finale! Ferrari looks thicker than Little. Circling & tying up. Ferrari up & down on both knees. Ferrari pushes forward. Ferrari shoots & gets a leg. Little sprawls back & fights it off. Back to circling & tying up. Ferrari fakes a shot. More tying up & circling. Ferrari reaches for a leg, but doesn't get there. The both drop to their knees, then work back to their feet, 1-min left. Little shoots, but Ferrari blocks him off. Ferrari pushes forward & has Little on the edge. Ferrari shoots, Little re-attacks & then they go out of bounds. Ferrari gets a stall warning, neutral restart. Ferrari shoots, Little counters, but nobody scores & the period comes to an end. 0-0

Period 2:
Little takes down. Ferrari appears to be breathing heavy between periods. Little gets to his feet, then rolls, but Ferrari stays with him. Ferrari breaks Little down on the edge & has 1-foot in. Little gets back to his base, but not for long & is bellied out again. Ferrari goes over 1-min RT. Out of bounds & restart. Ferrari has +1:11 RT. Little is still down, 48-sec left. Little gets to his feet & tries a granby roll, but Ferrari stays with him. Little keeps working & almost gets away, but they go out of bounds, restart, 20-sec left. Ferrari +1:39 RT. Little is now taking injury time. Little is off the mat. This may be concussion protocol. This is a pretty long review. After watching the replay it looks like Little landed on his face during on of his granby rolls. That may have caused the current situation.

We're back to action. Little is ready to roll! 20-sec left in the 2nd. Little is still down. Little gets to a quadpod, then rolls, but Ferrari stays with him. Little gets back to a quadpod, but Ferrari rides him out. 0-0, Ferrari +1:59 RT

Period 3:
Ferrari takes down. he gets to his feet & quickly gets the escape, 1-0. Ferrari still has + 1:55 RT. Circling & tying up & hand fighting. Little presses forward, Ferrari drops to a knee, then they're back to their feet circling. Little shoots, but no luck. Ferrari shoots, but doesn't get there, 30-sec left. Ferrari drives Little out of bounds. Stall warning on Little. Little is down & slow to get up. The trainer is out with him now. Little is ready to go. Tying up & hand fighting & pushing. Little shoots, but no luck. Little pushes forward, but runs out of time. Ferrari adds a RT point for the 2-0 victory.

AJ Ferrari DEC Stephen Little 2-0

AJ Ferrari is the 2025 197-Pound Pac-12 Champ!
As a friend of mine once said: "I shaved my fu#king legs for this?" What a letdown
Little Rock locked up the Team Title with a victory in the 174-Pound Final, where Tyler Brennan (LR) majored 11-0 Murphy Menke (ORST)

2025 Pac-12 197-Pound Final - AJ Ferrari (CSUB) VS Stephen Little (LR)

Period 1:
Time for the Grand Finale! Ferrari looks thicker than Little. Circling & tying up. Ferrari up & down on & off both knees. Ferrari pushes forward. Ferrari shoots & gets a leg. Little sprawls back & fights it off. Back to circling & tying up. Ferrari fakes a shot. More tying up & circling. Ferrari reaches for a leg, but doesn't get there. The both drop to their knees, then work back to their feet, 1-min left. Little shoots, but Ferrari blocks him off. Ferrari pushes forward & has Little on the edge. Ferrari shoots, Little re-attacks & they go out of bounds. Ferrari gets a stall warning, neutral restart. Ferrari shoots, Little counters, but nobody scores & the period comes to an end. 0-0

Period 2:
Little takes down. Ferrari appears to be breathing heavy between periods. Little gets to his feet, then rolls, but Ferrari stays with him. Ferrari breaks Little down on the edge & has 1-foot in. Little gets back to his base, but not for long & is bellied out again. Ferrari goes over 1-min RT. Out of bounds & restart. Ferrari has +1:11 RT. Little is still down, 48-sec left. Little gets to his feet & tries another granby roll, but Ferrari stays with him. Little keeps working & almost gets away, but they go out of bounds, restart, 20-sec left. Ferrari +1:39 RT. Little is now taking injury time. Little is off the mat. This may be concussion protocol. This is a pretty long review. After watching the replay it looks like Little landed on his face during on of his granby rolls. That may have caused the current situation.

We're back to action. Little is ready to roll! 20-sec left in the 2nd. Little is still down. Little gets to a quadpod, then rolls, but Ferrari stays with him. Little gets back to a quadpod, but Ferrari rides him out. 0-0, Ferrari +1:59 RT

Period 3:
Ferrari takes down. He gets to his feet & quickly gets the escape, 1-0. Ferrari still has + 1:55 RT. Circling, tying up & hand fighting. Little presses forward, Ferrari drops to a knee, then they're back to their feet circling. Little shoots, but no luck. Ferrari shoots, but doesn't get there, 30-sec left. Ferrari drives Little out of bounds. Stall warning on Little. Little is down & slow to get up. The trainer is out with him now. The announcers are saying the ref indicated it's another concussion protocol, but Little stays on the mat. There's a short break & then Little is ready to roll. Tying up, hand fighting & pushing. Little shoots, but no luck. Little pushes forward, but Ferrari blocks everything off as time expires. Ferrari adds a RT point for the 2-0 victory.

AJ Ferrari DEC Stephen Little 2-0

AJ Ferrari is the 2025 197-Pound Pac-12 Champ!

So his conditioning didn't result in bonus as he said it would?
Willie and Basch live this morning; Willie saying he’s getting texts that OkSt was late to weigh ins

Edit: Willie now clarifying that he’s being told two OkSt wrestlers were cutting weight after weigh-ins began. I have no idea what that means rules-wise.
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You must wrestle at least 2 matches at the conference tournament to be eligible for an at large bid. They won't be eligible if they are DQ'ed
The Belton match was supposed to take place almost 45 mins ago. I guess things were getting discussed or appealed.
Knox's attorney:
