PA Class AA Finals Thread

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106: Bayless vs. Boozel

Bzayless with the TD on the edge in Per 1, and then OOB. Stall warning just as the time runs out in Per 1.

Start 2nd period in neutral (Boozel's pick). OOB with 1:21 left. OOB with 54 sec. Bayless with a nice TD to go up 4-0. Blood stoppage for blood on Boozel with 17 sec left. Rides him out.

Bayless picks bottom to start P3. He's out in 11 sec, 5-0. OOB with 1:22 left. OOB with 1:11. OOB with 44 sec. Boozel in on a single, Bayless with some funk. Stalemate with 19 sec. Stall warning on Bayless. OOOB at the end, so it's a 5-0 victory for Bayless.
106 - Bayless (Reynolds) vs. Boozel (Mt. Union)

1st: Bayless T2 on a throw by early, then rides the period with a crossface and trapped ankle. Reynolds guys work crossface cradles hard. Bayless was close to getting it a couple times. Bottom stall on Boozel with 2 sec left, after he spent the entire period fighting off the crossface cradle attempts. 2-0 after 1.

2nd: Boozel takes feet. Bayless T2 on a duck into a dump with 30 sec left, then right back to the crossface. Blood stoppage on Boozel's nose. Bayless throws in both legs to ride out the period. 4-0 after 2.

3rd: Bayless takes down. Bayless E1, 15 sec in, 5-0.. Boozel in on a good shot, but stalemated with 20 sec left. Stall on Bayless with 15 sec left. Bayless goes boundary hugging for the rest of the match.

5-0 Bayless final.
113: Jaret Lane (Southern Columbia) vs. Chase Shields (Bishop McDevitt)

Per 1
Stalemate with 51 sec. End with no score

Per 2
Lane out quickly, 1-0, and then OOB. Stalemate with 1:32 left. OOB with 1:17 left. End

Per 3
Shields takes down. Two quick moves but OOB. Caution on Shields. Lane throws in the leg and hits a spladdle and is getting swipes, and gets 3 NF, 4-0. Shields nearly rolls out by Lane stays with him. Ends with a rideout.
113 - Lane (Southern Columbia) vs. Shields (Bishop McDevitt)

1st: No scoring, and mostly a lot of feeling out. Shields almost scored on a counter go-behind at the buzzer.

2nd: Lane takes down. E1, 10 sec in, 1-0 Lane. Not a lot of action on feet, 1-0 Lane after 2.

3rd: Shields takes down. Shields rolls, they go out. Top caution on Shields. Lane throw in legs, spread eagles Shields. Shields fights out of it, NF3, 4-0 Lane. Lane rides out the period with a punishing leg ride.

Lane learned well -- his head coach Jerry Marks liked to use that spread eagle back in the day.

4-0 Lane final.
120: Gavin Park (Brookville) vs. Cole Rhone (Benton)

Per 1
Rhone shoots by Park with a nice sprawl, nothing. Stoppage for an eye poke. Park in on a single, has it elevated, and gets nothing from it. Nice D by Rhone. Rhone wiht an ankle pick with 30 sec left, they scramble, and Park comes out the back for the TD, 2-0. Rhone nearly out by the whistle sounds.

Per 2
Rhone takes bottom. He sits out but Park stays with him. Stalemate at 1:35. Shone is up but taken back to his butt. Then he sits out for the esc, 2-1. Park in on a single but Rhone with a nice sprawl to a cradle, and he gets the TD, 2-3, and then stopped for a PD. Rhone tries to throw in a boot but Park grabs the foot. He doesn't do much with it and we get a stalemate stoppage at 22 sec. Park up, they scramble, and he gets the esc as they go OOB, 3-3. End

Per 3
Park takes bottom. He tries to throw in a boot again and Park catches it. Rhone gets a tilt going so Park releases the foot, and he gets stretched out. Stalemate at 1:13. Rhone says neutral, so it's 4-3. Rhone shoots, he had good position but Park with an excellent scramble, and then Rhone gets his hips out. Rhone with a weak ankle pick attempt and a stalemate with 18 sec. Park could have been hit for fleeing as they go OOB. They go OOB again at 5 sec. Park basically runs away on the restart and finally a stall warning as time runs out, so Park wins it, 4-3.

Best display of wrestling so far in the finals. In hindsight, Rhone giving the esc on the restart may have been a mistake.
120 - Park (Brookville) vs. Rhone (Benton)

Both guys need a better head shot -- intros look like 2 serial killers.

1st: Rhone in on early shot, can't convert. Stoppage for eye poke (Park the victim). Rhone on a low single, Park spins out of it. Park in on a deep single, tries to witch to a standing cradle, Rhone fights out, no score. Rhone ankle pick, awkward scramble, Park comes out on top, T2, rides out the period. 2-0 Park. Very good action.

2nd: Rhone takes down. Rhone sits out, neither guy moves, stalemate. Park with a lift into a sit-out. E1 Rhone, 2-1 Park. Park shot, Rhone counters into a cross-body ride, T2, 3-2, 0:45 left. Rhone throws in legs, stalemate 0:22 left. Park attempts switch, gets E1 as they go out. 3-3 after 2.

3rd: Park takes down. Rhone throws in left leg, goes to scissors with power half. Park flattened out, stalemate 1:13 left. Rhone optional start, 4-3 Park. Rhone shot, Park scrambles into better position but Rhone has tough head pinch and gets out of an impossible situation, 0:35 left. Rhone tries bad ankle pick from his stomach but gets saved on a stalemate, 0:20 left. Park backing up. Obligatory useless stall at the buzzer -- wouldn't be the PA state finals without one.

Optional start was a really puzzling decision by Rhone -- was killing Park on top.

4-3 Park final.
120 - Park (Brookville) vs. Rhone (Benton)

Both guys need a better head shot -- intros look like 2 serial killers.

1st: Rhone in on early shot, can't convert. Stoppage for eye poke (Park the victim). Rhone on a low single, Park spins out of it. Park in on a deep single, tries to witch to a standing cradle, Rhone fights out, no score. Rhone ankle pick, awkward scramble, Park comes out on top, T2, rides out the period. 2-0 Park. Very good action.

2nd: Rhone takes down. Rhone sits out, neither guy moves, stalemate. Park with a lift into a sit-out. E1 Rhone, 2-1 Park. Park shot, Rhone counters into a cross-body ride, T2, 3-2, 0:45 left. Rhone throws in legs, stalemate 0:22 left. Park attempts switch, gets E1 as they go out. 3-3 after 2.

3rd: Park takes down. Rhone throws in left leg, goes to scissors with power half. Park flattened out, stalemate 1:13 left. Rhone optional start, 4-3 Park. Rhone shot, Park scrambles into better position but Rhone has tough head pinch and gets out of an impossible situation, 0:35 left. Rhone tries bad ankle pick but gets saved on a stalemate, 0:20 left. Park backing up. Obligatory useless stall at the buzzer -- wouldn't be the PA state finals without one.

4-3 Park final.

I like how they call the stall with 3 seconds left instead of the previous two sequences at 11 and 7 seconds that were exactly the same
Agree with El-Jefe , you ride that one out. At the very least he forced OT there
126: Gavin Teasdale (Jefferson Morgan) vs. Austin Clabaugh (Bermudian Springs)

Per 1
Both guys very active off the whistle. Teasdale in on a single, but stopped on PD at 1:31. Teasdale in on another single, Claubaugh reaches over for the ankle, Teasdale trying to come up, and he gets the TD, 2-0. Teasdale working a bar but its stopped for PD at 33 sec. Teasdale with the freestyle start so it's an esc, 2-1. Teasdale with a quick TD, 4-1. End

Per 2
Clabaugh takes top (interesting). Teasdale gets flattened out. Now he's working up a bit, but Clbaugh has legs in. Clabaugh with an arm bar, but he loses it and Teasdale up to his base. Teasdale tried to hit a roll but nothing, and he's out with 14 sec, 5-1. Teasdale goes right in to a fireman's carry for the TD, 7-1. End

Per 3
Teasdale takes neutral. Teasdale in on a double, and gets the TD despite a nice throw over attempt, 9-1. Clabaugh flat, and stalemate at 1:02. Teasdale indicates a freestyle start, , and Clabaugh with a slow esc, 9-2. Teasdale with a TD and gets swipes. 2 NF as they go OOB with 27 sec left, 13-2. Freestyle start, and another slow esc, 13-3. Then Clabaugh gets a TD on a counter just before the buzzer, 13-5.

3X State Champ, Gavin Teasdale
126 - Teasdale (Jeff Morgan) vs. Clabaugh (Bermudian Springs)

Teasdale's pic is hilariously bad. Like he's trying to both look tough and stifle a laugh.

Am hearing Clabaugh is very interested in PSU. He's a senior.

1st: Teasdale in on single, stands during scramble, stalemate, 0:30. Teasdale low single, Clabaugh goes over the top, grabs far ankle, and tries to lock cradle with it. Teasdale eventually comes around, 2-0. Stoppage for potentially dangerous on bar. Teasdale optional start, E1, 2-1. Teasdale shot, good scramble, T2, with 10 sec left, 4-1 after 1.

2nd: Teasdale takes down. Clabaugh goes hard crossface, looking cradle, flattens out Teasdale. Clabaugh throws in left leg. Clabaugh has left leg in with right bar, looking tilt. Riding Teasdale like a rented mule. E1 Teasdale with 15 sec left, right into fireman's dump, T2, 7-1 Teasdale after 2.

3rd: Teasdale takes feet.. Teasdale low single, Clabaugh hooks leg and gets side headlock but stopped for potentially dangerous. Teasdale low single, T2, 9-1. Teasdale optional start, E1, 9-2. Teasdale fireman's dump, T2 with swipes, NF2, 13-2., 0:27 leCut, E1, 13-3. Clabaugh throw by, T2, 13-5 -- saw that coming, Clabaugh tried it a couple times.

13-5 Teasdale final. But he has serious work to do on bottom. Clabaugh was pretty good on top, but we're not talking about Zain or Jordan Oliver here.
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132 - Courtney (Athens) vs. Griffiths (Southmoreland)

Griffiths smiling in his pic -- didn't think that was allowed.

`1st: Griffiths in on quick shot, Courtney slips out. Griffiths shoots again, Courtney looking spladle, stalemate. Griffith shot again, Courtney looks near-side cradle, gets on top but can't clear ankle, stalemate. Griffith shoots again, another scramble andd stalemate. Griffith double, another scramble, Courtney can't free ankle, scoreless after 1. Yes, that was about 5 shots in 1 period. Great action..

2nd: Griffiths takes down. D1, 1-0. Griffiths deep double, another scramble and stalemate. No idea how he got out of that one. Griffith blast double, T2, 3-0. E1 Courtney, 3-1 Griffiths, 1:10 left. Griffith shot, Courtney into near-side cradle, gets the pin.

Courtney WBF 3:20. Did not take a shot, was in Schalles Mode the entire match -- kept trying to bait Griffiths into something he could win with.

Griffiths looked really good in defeat. I'm glad he's just a JR, he really deserves another shot at this. Not his fault he ran into possibly the best counter scrambler in the country.
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126 - Courney (Athens) vs. Griffiths (Southmoreland)

Griffiths smiling in his pic -- didn't think that was allowed.

`1st: Griffiths in on quick shot, Courtney slips out. Griffiths shoots again, Courtney looking spladle, stalemate. Griffith shot again, Courtney looks near-side cradle, gets on top but can't clear ankle, stalemate. Griffith shoots again, another scramble andd stalemate. Griffith double, another scramble, Courtney can't free ankle, scoreless after 1. Yes, that was about 5 shots in 1 period. Great action..

2nd: Griffiths takes down. D1, 1-0. Griffiths deep double, another scramble and stalemate. No idea how he got out of that one. Griffith blast double, T2, 3-0. E1 Courtney, 3-1 Griffiths, 1:10 left. Griffith shot, Courtney into near-side cradle, gets the pin.

Courtney WBF 3:20. Did not take a shot the entire match. Griffiths looked really good in defeat.

Bizarre match
Griffith had Courtney in some trouble, leading 3-0, but Courtney got an esc, then a TD to a cradle and the pin. He is something. I didn't see the entire match, so no PBP on the match from me.
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132 - Courtney (Athens) vs. Griffiths (Southmoreland)

Griffiths smiling in his pic -- didn't think that was allowed.

`1st: Griffiths in on quick shot, Courtney slips out. Griffiths shoots again, Courtney looking spladle, stalemate. Griffith shot again, Courtney looks near-side cradle, gets on top but can't clear ankle, stalemate. Griffith shoots again, another scramble andd stalemate. Griffith double, another scramble, Courtney can't free ankle, scoreless after 1. Yes, that was about 5 shots in 1 period. Great action..

2nd: Griffiths takes down. D1, 1-0. Griffiths deep double, another scramble and stalemate. No idea how he got out of that one. Griffith blast double, T2, 3-0. E1 Courtney, 3-1 Griffiths, 1:10 left. Griffith shot, Courtney into near-side cradle, gets the pin.

Courtney WBF 3:20. Did not take a shot, was in Schalles Mode the entire match -- kept trying to bait Griffiths into something he could win with.

Griffiths looked really good in defeat. I'm glad he's just a JR, he really deserves another shot at this. Not his fault he ran into possibly the best counter scrambler in the country.

Nolf fan?
138: Max Murin (Central Cambria) vs. Cole Matthews (Reynolds)

this should be a great match

Per 1
Lots of atctivity right off the whistle. OOB with 1:33. OOB with 1:03. Lots of activity, but no shots yet. OOB with 35 sec. OOB with 7 sec. End.

Per 2
Matthews takes bottom. Caution on Matthews. Caution on Murin. Matthews up quickly, back down, up again, and returned to the mat again. Murin working the left side. Matthews up, and OOB at 1:14. Murin got lucky there. Matthews up and out at 1:09, 0-1. Murin in on a low double, Matthews with great defense and it gets stopped for PD at 35 sec. OOB at 22 sec. Pace has slowed a bit. End

Per 3
Murin takes bottom. Matthews on the right side. Murin slowly to his feet, but they are OOB at 1:41. Murin to his feet, and taken back to his feet. He's up again, nearly out but Matthews stays with him, and stoppage for PD at 1:03. Murin tries a roll, gets to his feet but still control for Matthews, and he snaps him down to the mat. Matthews throws in a leg, tried a spladdle, but they are OOB with 12 sec. Murin with a sit out, to his feet, Matthews tries to hold on but Murin is out with 4 sec, 1-1. Wow

Murin in on a single, Matthews reaches across, now near the edge, and OOB at 30 sec. Murin nearly had the TD of the initial shot. OOB at 20 sec. Blood stoppage for Murin. Murin shoots, Matthews with a great counter, but they are OOB with 4 sec. Coach questions the ref, but there is no issue.

Matthews takes bottom. He's up quickly, but not out, now Murin hangs onto the leg, and a stall call on Murin as they go OOB with 7 sec. Correct call. Mathews up, but they go OOB as time runs out.

TB-1 Murin takes bottom. Matthews throws in legs, but Murin hooks one of the legs. Stalemate at 12 sec with Murin flat. Murin works up, hits a granby but Matthews stays with him. End

Matthews takes top. Crab ride. Murin has the leg hooked, and has good position, and after a scramble he gets out with 5 sec, and that's the victory.

Nice job by both of them.
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138 - Murin vs. Matthews -- featured match of the afternoon.

1st: Both guys scrapping a lot, no shots. Scoreless after 1.

2nd: Matthews takes down. Caution on Matthews. Caution on Murin. Matthews up quickly but can't get out. MUrin looks bar, Matthews fights out, they go out, no change, 1:14 left. E1 Matthews, 1-0. Matthews shot but can't lock up leg. Murin shot, scramble, potentially dangerous. More bludgeoning. 1-0 Matthews after 2.

3rd: Murin takes down. Murin sits out, Matthews brings back to base. Murin stands, Matthews grabs leg and drives out, 1:41 left. Murin stands, Matthews drops to ankle, retains control. Murin almost gets out, Gramby into a funk, stopped for potentially dangerous -- Murin put himself into a bow and arrow position. Murin up, can't get out of front headlock, Matthews snaps into mat and retains control. Matthews throws in leg, looks spread eagle, has it but they roll out, 0:12 left. Murin VERY lucky to not give up swipes or get pinned there. Murin sits out, gets to feet, Matthews retains front headlock, Murin frees arm, E1 with 3 sec left! OT!

SV: Murin shot, scramble, out, no score, 0:30 left. Blood stoppage on Murin, 0:20 left. Murin shot, Matthews counter into near-side cradle, accidentally stepped out with 5 sec left. Going to rideouts.

TB1: Matthews takes down. Matthews sits out, stands, Murin drops to an ankle, stall on Murin as they go out, 7 sec left.Matthews up quickly but can't clear his wrists, no score.

TB2: Murin takes down. Matthews goes leg + side headlock. Murin gets one leg but is flat. Stalemate with 0:12 left, fans booing. Matthews throws in leg, Murin rolls, Matthews gets Mekrle, tosses Murin to his back but time runs out.

UTB: Matthews takes top. Matthews throws in leg, goes crab ride. Murin grabs leg, scramble. Matthews goes to ankle pass, Murin kicks his ankle free, E1 with 5 sec left!

Murin 2-1 UTB! Ref tells them "one of the best matches I've ever done." He's not too far off.
138 - Murin vs. Matthews -- featured match of the afternoon.

1st: Both guys scrapping a lot, no shots. Scoreless after 1.

2nd: Matthews takes down. Caution on Matthews. Caution on Murin. Matthews up quickly but can't get out. MUrin looks bar, Matthews fights out, they go out, no change, 1:14 left. E1 Matthews, 1-0. Matthews shot but can't lock up leg. Murin shot, scramble, potentially dangerous. More bludgeoning. 1-0 Matthews after 2.

3rd: Murin takes down. Murin sits out, Matthews brings back to base. Murin stands, Matthews grabs leg and drives out, 1:41 left. Murin stands, Matthews drops to ankle, retains control. Murin almost gets out, Gramby into a funk, stopped for potentially dangerous -- Murin put himself into a bow and arrow position. Murin up, can't get out of front headlock, Matthews snaps into mat and retains control. Matthews throws in leg, looks spread eagle, has it but they roll out, 0:12 left. Murin VERY lucky to not give up swipes or get pinned there. Murin sits out, gets to feet, Matthews retains front headlock, Murin frees arm, E1 with 3 sec left! OT!

SV: Murin shot, scramble, out, no score, 0:30 left. Blood stoppage on Murin, 0:20 left. Murin shot, Matthews counter into near-side cradle, accidentally stepped out with 5 sec left. Going to rideouts.

TB1: Matthews takes down. Matthews sits out, stands, Murin drops to an ankle, stall on Murin as they go out, 7 sec left.Matthews up quickly but can't clear his wrists, no score.

TB2: Murin takes down. Matthews goes leg + side headlock. Murin gets one leg but is flat. Stalemate with 0:12 left, fans booing. Matthews throws in leg, Murin rolls, Matthews gets Mekrle, tosses Murin to his back but time runs out.

UTB: Matthews takes top. Matthews throws in leg, goes crab ride. Murin grabs leg, scramble. Matthews goes to ankle pass, Murin kicks his ankle free, E1 with 5 sec left!

Murin 2-1 UTB! Ref tells them "one of the best matches I've ever done." He's not too far off.
That was a battle
145 - Pipa (Bishop McDevitt) vs. McCoy (Chestnut Ridge)

McCoy smiling for his pic ...

1st: McCoy slips on a shot. Pipa shot, stuffed. McCoy low single, scramble, Pipa on top but can't free leg, finally T2 on the step-over, 0:15 left. 2-0 Pipa after 1.

2nd: McCoy takes down. Pipa riding half with spiral ride. Pipa tried a half tilt but couldn't get swipes. Pipa side headlock, stalemate 0:44 left. McCoy on restart gets Pipa leg, up, out, E1 immediately into an ankle pick into a pancake, T2 + NF2, 5-2 McCoy after 2. Pipa fairly fortunate to not get stuck.

3rd: Pipa takes down. McCoy looking left bar, switches to half + spiral, goes out, 1:27 left. Bottom caution on Pipa. 2nd caution on Pipa. McCoy into claw + spiral, good top control, flattens PIpa who immediately signals whirlybird, 0:59 left. Pipa up on restart, McCoy goes to ankle, Pipa whizzers, McCoy clears and retains control. Pipa up, gets into scramble, stalemate, 0:28 left.Pipa switch attempt, McCoy goes ankle pass and rides out period.

McCoy 5-2 final.
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145: John Pipa (Bishop McDevitt) vs. Justin McCoy (Chestnut Ridge)

Per 1
OOB with 1:43. Lots of hand action, but not much else. Pipa with a half-hearted shot, nothing. McCoy gets a low single, they scramble, Pipa has good position but McCoy has the leg locked up, and finally Pipa gets the TD, 2-0. End

Per 2
McCoy takes bottom. He works to base, Pipa eventually a crab ride, and stalemate at 1:24. Pipe nearly gets swipes off a crab ride off the restart. Stalemate with 44 sec. McCoy with a quick move of the whistle but Pipa covers, and then McCoy gets the esc right to a TD, and with a half-nelson gets 2 swipes, making it 2-5. End

Per 3
Pipa takes bottom. Pipa to base, but McCoy controlling him with an arm bar and far wrist combo. OOB at 1:27. Caution on Pipa. Caution again on Pipa -- he's jumping the start. Pipa to base, tries to get to feet and turn but McCoy stays with him. Injury signal by Pipa and they take a timeout for injury. 59 sec left. Pipa to his base, McCoy hangs on to an ankle, then a whizzer by Pipa, now Pipa nearly out but McCoy locks a leg and a stalemate at 28 sec. Switch attempt by Pipa off the whistle, McCoy grabs the ankle to avoid the reversal, and that's how it ends.

Pipa got sloppy after giving up the esc and it cost him the Championship.
152: Edmond Ruth (Susq. Twp) vs. Robert Patrick (Ligioner Valley)

Per 1
Patrick in on a single, Ruth sprawls, and a stalemate at 1:32. Edmond is so much bigger than the last time I met him, when Ed Ruth was still wrestling at PSU. Patrick in on legs again but Ruth with the sprawl. OOB at 1:10. Ruth with a lazy shot - nothing. Ruth gets to the legs but they are OOB with 50 sec. Patrick in on a single again, nearly gets it but they go OOB with 39 sec. OOB with 22 sec. Ruth in on a double, Patrick with a whizzer, and they are OOB with 12 sec. (Ruth would have had that TD.) End

Per 2
Ruth takes bottom. Ruth starts up but quickly flattened out. Patrick working a two-one-one and tries a tilt but they go OOB with 1:23. Ruth not showing much, yet stalling on Patrick. Ruth starts quickly, and is out at 35 sec, 1-0. OOB with 24 sec. Patrick with a reach for an ankle, nothing. End

Per 3
Patrick takes bottom. Ruth gets 1 swipe on a roll that gets stuffed, but no points, and Patrick is out, 1-1 with about 1:33 left. OOB with 1:22. Ruth with a half-hearted double attempt, nothing. Patrick to a single, nothing. Stalemate at 33 sec. End

No TDs so far in this match. Patrick shoots and Ruth with a throw-by counter for the TD, and he's the State Champion!!!!!!!!!!
152 - Ruuuuuth (Susquehanna Twp) vs. Patrick (Ligonier Valley)

1st: Patrick shot, stalemate, 0:28 in. Patrick single, Ruth works out, no score, 1:13 left. Ruth shot but comes up empty, Patrick whiffs on counter low single. Ruth shot at the boundary, no chance to score. Patrick shot, into double, they go out, no score. Ruth double, Patrick whizzer, Ruth throw but out, no score. Scoreless after 1, good action.

2nd: Ruth takes down. Patrick looking 2 on 1 tilt, Ruth rolls through. Patrick into reinforced bar tilt, Ruth rolls thru and out of bounds, 1:23 left. Patrick ankle pick, stuffed, no scdore. Patrick tries throw-by at buzzer, 1-0 Ruth after 2.

3rd: Patrick takes down. Patric rolls thru, almost caught on his back but up and out, E1, 1-1. Ruth double stuffed, no score. Patrick shot at the edge, no score, 1:12 left. Ruth shot from Lancaster, whiffed. Patrick single, stuffed. 1-1 after 3, going to OT.

SV: Patrick tries knee pick, Ruth counter throw-by for T2 and win!

Ruth 3-1 SV final.

You can see the potential in Ruth, but he needs to learn to take shots from within the same area code. Also needs work on bottom. But he's young -- potential is there. Maybe not 4x NCAA Champ potential, but very good college wrestler potential.
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Edmond really does have a style that reminds you of his older brother.

A quick run to the stands to hug his mom -- a familiar figure at PSU matches while Ed was there.

So he wins a state championship, and has all this talent, and yet there is a lot he can improve on. He's only a sophomore.
He just won a state championship at a middle weight as a sophomore. I'm willing to give him some slack. Patrick is a fantastic wrestler who hammered people all the way to the final, and just a junior. I think they don't see each other though next year: I see Edmund up at 160 and Robbie staying at 152.