About a month ago, I was getting out of my car at the Wal-Mart on North Atherton, and saw who I am pretty sure was our guy Bernie, with another guy, unloading his cart into the trunk of his car. I must have looked a couple seconds too long (first I had ever seen him in public), and he gave me a nasty glare that would have killed if he had the super power to do so. So of course then I kept looking, waiting for him to say something. He did not.
Guess he is used to people saying stuff to him. It more or less confirmed to me that it was most likely him.
I continue to say, this nut job was the source for Ganim's 1970s nonsense, and yet how did not one "journalist" look into him? At the time, his Twitter and Facebook were alive and well, and screamed 'Whack Job here! I'm a Whack Job! Read all about it!' So easy to discredit anything and everything he said, plus the info from people who knew him back in the day and had their own suspicions about his... preferences. Soon after, both accounts were taken down. Ganim or her bosses must have been tipped off that those public airings would shoot all kinds of holes in her story.
But, shockingly, no one did any research, except people who don't depend on clicks for cash. Wouldn't it be grand if someone could reach the movie producers wrt ol' Bern and him being the source for their subject matter expert, Ganim?