...In best rat voice: "I've had it up to heeeerrrs wit you Jerry! You keep the kids outta da locka room. The heat is on. This could bring us all down."
How are they allowed to use PSU logos
Use in Fiction
Portraying a logo in a fictional work, be it movie or illustrated novel, would generally not be considered an infringement as long as the use doesn’t confuse the viewer on who owns the logo’s trademark. The use of trademarks in fiction is recognized as a means for enhancing realism in a story, though the movie industry has turned that around by not only seeking permission to use logos, but selling their use to the trademark owners as product placement. Use of a logo in a fictional work that disparages the logo owner can be ruled a trademark infringement, yet use of the logo in connection with a non-fictional work of criticism is fair use.
Ira probably gave HBO a check for 5 million from PSU just to help defray their costs!BTW - doesn't someone from Corrupt U have to sign off on the use of the logo and the swoosh?
Penn Live pic.
Is that Mark Knopfler?
Leave it to Penn Live to pick the least flattering photo of Joe in their files.
Does the storyline enforce the current narrative? Permission granted.How are they allowed to use PSU logos
Probably a pre-screening at Schwab for the ogbot and the local collection of cowards and back-stabbers.Does the storyline enforce the current narrative? Permission granted.
With opening remarks and commentary by sage scholar Bernie McCue.Probably a pre-screening at Schwab for the ogbot and the local collection of cowards and back-stabbers.
With opening remarks and commentary by sage scholar Bernie McCue.
Joe was never seen without a smartphone and earbuds in his later years.
Are we really going to argue that the world doesn't see Paterno as disgraced?
Perhaps "redeemed" would be the better choice of words as the NCAA restored his wins and modeled their new reporting guidelines after Joe's actions.Are we really going to argue that the world doesn't see Paterno as disgraced?
It's July, but the picture was pretty clearly taken between filming sequences (hence the phone and earbuds) - they're probably filming a scene that takes place in the fall or winter. Pacino is dressed in character, but everyone who isn't in the scenes being shot is wearing July-appropriate clothing.What's with the coat and sweater when the kids in the background are wearing shorts? It's like HBO is trying to make Joe look creepy.