Parking today? For some hearing it was awful for some

Can't see how it was bad. The paved lots right next to the stadium were only 60% full. Easy going coming from Atherton, even though it has more trenches than world war 2.
Took an hour to get up the hill from 26 to the stadium at around 11:30am. We usually park downtown but the garages were full already.
I pretty much flew from Pittsburgh to SC. I took my RSX since my wife didn't go as she was committed to watch her elderly mother. I passed a PSU stickered Honda Pilot in Murrysville, and the gal driving took exception to it and passed me back. Then she proceeded to be my pace car all the way to SC, and her default was 80mph the whole way. Rolled into Eisenhower parking garage around 10:00 AM and parked on the 3rd floor. And they were only charging $10. It's my preferred spot to park - shop downtown and then drop off the stuff in the car on the way to the game. And it's very easy to get rolling out of town from there as well.

Spent a few hours before the game at a tailgate a friend was having for their daughter's engagement. And then an easy drive home after the game.... Beautiful day!
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I pretty much flew from Pittsburgh to SC. I took my RSX since my wife didn't go as she was committed to watch her elderly mother. I passed a PSU stickered Honda Pilot in Murrysville, and the gal driving took exception to it and passed me back. Then she proceeded to be my pace car, and her default was 80mph the whole way. Rolled into Eisenhower parking garage and parked on the 3rd floor. And they were only charging $10. It's my preferred spot to park - shop downtown and then drop off the stuff in the car on the way to the game.

Spend a few hours before the game at a tail gate a friend was having for their daughter's engagement. And then an easy drive home after the game.... Beautiful day!

Yes, I hate it when that happens.

Yes, I hate it when that happens.


I really can not attest to her being cute as the windows on the Pilot were tinted pretty dark, but she drove like she was young!!

I only figured out she was a she by her perm and size...
Why was is expectedly light? Noticed there were way less people than normal, but what was the reason?

I thought the crowd was lighter than "normal", which is normally over estimated anyway. Most rows would have 16 butts in them, but for the B/W there at most 10 in a row, with some rows less, and still those areas look pretty "full".

One other comment is that I got tied up at a tailgate and didn't start into the game until around 3:00. There were many, many people tailgating that had no intention of going to the game. I'd bet there were 20K-30K people tailgating that never went to the game. It was just a beautiful day, and the new format of the game that CJF implemented is just not as attractive to some "fans"...
I thought the crowd was lighter than "normal", which is normally over estimated anyway. Most rows would have 16 butts in them, but for the B/W there at most 10 in a row, with some rows less, and still those areas look pretty "full".

One other comment is that I got tied up at a tailgate and didn't start into the game until around 3:00. There were many, many people tailgating that had no intention of going to the game. I'd bet there were 20K-30K people tailgating that never went to the game. It was just a beautiful day, and the new format of the game that CJF implemented is just not as attractive to some "fans"...

I think the format is an improvement because it guarantees you are going to see more scoring than you otherwise would. (From the blue anyway)
80% of the cars were west of the stadium.
I left early, it was still one way coming in. Made my 5 minute drive home about 20.
Why was is expectedly light? Noticed there were way less people than normal, but what was the reason?

Light compared to a regular game. But the great weather combined with a fan unfriendly roster format made skipping the game and just tailgating an attractive option
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How do you know he got nothing meaningful? The main scrimmage is the week before
I bet his biggest hope for this game is no injuries and no meaningful info given to the competition.
Having a white pass that a friend gave us allowed us to zip right into the paved lots outside Gate C around 11:30. Got a good spot along the fence facing East Halls.

However what happened a few spots up from me scared many of us....and one that has always bothered me for years. A kid in Jeep was going up the way when a small kid apparently jumped out in front and knocked the kid to the ground. People came running in to help out the family but it seemed to take a long time for first aid and police to get there. The guys directing traffic did a great job of directing traffic back out of the way and finally aid and ambulance came in. Not sure what the outcome of how the kid is doing...and I really don't think it was blamed on the kid in the Jeep...but I've seen far too many kids running around in tailgates unattended and that has always concerned me (besides the football tosses going on in crowded tailgate areas). Would love to know how the kid that got knocked down is doing....
I pretty much flew from Pittsburgh to SC. I took my RSX since my wife didn't go as she was committed to watch her elderly mother. I passed a PSU stickered Honda Pilot in Murrysville, and the gal driving took exception to it and passed me back. Then she proceeded to be my pace car all the way to SC, and her default was 80mph the whole way. Rolled into Eisenhower parking garage around 10:00 AM and parked on the 3rd floor. And they were only charging $10. It's my preferred spot to park - shop downtown and then drop off the stuff in the car on the way to the game. And it's very easy to get rolling out of town from there as well.

Spent a few hours before the game at a tailgate a friend was having for their daughter's engagement. And then an easy drive home after the game.... Beautiful day!
WTF Greg, ...:confused: I haven't been interested in cars for two decades. If you mention Ford, Chevy, etc. I got it. I googled RSX...come on guys, give an old guy a break.

I have a fast Rem17 that could beat your RSX.
High Performance Gator™ Utility Vehicles

The Gator™ RSX860 High Performance Utility Vehicle
The Gator™ RSX860 has the performance and handling to treat tight off-road turns on back country trails, or around the ranch, as if they are nothing at all, with power and speed to match.
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WTF Greg, ...:confused: I haven't been interested in cars for two decades. If you mention Ford, Chevy, etc. I got it. I googled RSX...come on guys, give an old guy a break.

I have a fast Rem17 that could beat your RSX.
High Performance Gator™ Utility Vehicles

The Gator™ RSX860 High Performance Utility Vehicle
The Gator™ RSX860 has the performance and handling to treat tight off-road turns on back country trails, or around the ranch, as if they are nothing at all, with power and speed to match.

The one on the left.... Just a fun car to drive with the manual trany.

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The one on the left.... Just a fun car to drive with the manual trany.

At 80 mph, sounds like fun, now I get the connect between wife & fun. :cool:

Driving back from State College in 69', during a summer term, in my 63' Ford Galaxie w/ three of my classmates encountered a flock of turkeys crossing I-80.

I had the limo traveling at +80 mph, just grazed one of the birds, what a freaken break. Stupid stuff kids do. I'm assuming you're in the early 20's? :p

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At 80 mph, sounds like fun, now I get the connect between wife & fun. :cool: I had the limo traveling at +80 mph, just grazed one of the birds, what a freaken break. Stupid stuff kids do. I'm assuming you're in the early 20's? :p


You must be joking about the age thing. But if not I'll just say that guys in their early 60's can still have fun....... ;););)
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You must be joking about the age thing. But if not I'll just say that guys in their early 60's can still have fun....... ;););)
I usually keep my speed on the Green Stamp to Philly and back at 75 mph, but occasionally during each trip I'm traveling 85 for short periods of time.

Closing in on 70yrs old shortly, sometimes my thigh muscle can't hold my heavy foot. My wife hates the way I drive, whether interstate or town. She doesn't understand the difference between taking an opportunity when presented vs cutting someone off.
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