Well said lurker. I can't believe how un-"Penn State" the pitchfork bearers have become. Time for them to look in the mirror.
I am glad my board name bothers. I explained once before that I posted a few times before you, so if that bothers you so much, then you should change your handle.It's bizarre to me that one orthopedic surgeon on the BOT wants to sell peppers, and another one (Joyner) wanted to be an AD. Every busy orthopedic surgeon I work with makes 7 figures, and none of them want to sell peppers or quit for a desk job that pays a third that amount.
I am glad my board name bothers. I explained once before that I posted a few times before you, so if that bothers you so much, then you should change your handle.
Hate. You all need to wake up and realize that hate is not going to get to the truth. At this point, all you are trying to do is hurt people with your pitchforks. You tried to hurt Heim--and then he says he was told that there was a sex tape. Assuming he is telling the truth, wouldn't some of his actions seem more reasonable?
This is an extraordinarily complicated cluster you know what. As I said more innocent people are hurt every day. This board is trying to justify hurting a kid just because they want to hurt someone. NOT because it will accomplish anything. Sr. knows how you feel already so no surprise to him. However, now you hurt his son... what would your reaction be? Yeah--kneel to the holier than thou anonymous internet warriors. Leave kids out of this. Hell, even politicians agree on that.
Joe would be embarrassed by this thread
Yep, HATE, that's part of what started this whole thing. HATE by folks such as Surma, Peetz, Frazier, Heim, Erickson and SUHEY. You're a joke. You and Bison keep liking each other. Won't matter. Truth is coming.I am glad my board name bothers. I explained once before that I posted a few times before you, so if that bothers you so much, then you should change your handle.
Hate. You all need to wake up and realize that hate is not going to get to the truth. At this point, all you are trying to do is hurt people with your pitchforks. You tried to hurt Heim--and then he says he was told that there was a sex tape. Assuming he is telling the truth, wouldn't some of his actions seem more reasonable?
This is an extraordinarily complicated cluster you know what. As I said more innocent people are hurt every day. This board is trying to justify hurting a kid just because they want to hurt someone. NOT because it will accomplish anything. Sr. knows how you feel already so no surprise to him. However, now you hurt his son... what would your reaction be? Yeah--kneel to the holier than thou anonymous internet warriors. Leave kids out of this. Hell, even politicians agree on that.
The ones the Michigan punter received...(tic)What "death threats"?
Yeah, hate. Apparently you believe that you might as well join the hate club as the only way to find the truth you want. Collateral damage be damned. You were innocent and you were hurt, so you might as well hurt somebody else just because.Yep, HATE, that's part of what started this whole thing. HATE by folks such as Surma, Peetz, Frazier, Heim, Erickson and SUHEY. You're a joke. You and Bison keep liking each other. Won't matter. Truth is coming.
Hey, when Paul Sr. and his Pickled Peppers can suckle off of the football teat, there's no "culture problem". Oh wait, that's what the OG BOT has done forever...for a second I thought I was onto something.Oh boo hoo.
Paul Jr wanted to use an alumni event to promote his father's business.
And not just any alumni event, mind you, a football-related event.
So Paul Jr intended to promote a company owned by a guy who played a key role who played a role in destroying Paterno's reputation and nearly destroying Penn State football at a Penn State football-related event. Now there's some chutzpah.
Personally, I don't think Paul Jr should be held responsible for the sins of his father. But if he wants to promote his Judas Iscariot of a father's business at a Penn State event, he damn well ought to expect a backlash.
Yeah, hate. Apparently you believe that you might as well join the hate club as the only way to find the truth you want. Collateral damage be damned. You were innocent and you were hurt, so you might as well hurt somebody else just because.
Wake up people. This is what defines a Joebot! Someone who blindly follows the narrative that Joe was set up and will hurt and humiliate anybody who they suspect was part of the masterplan.
If you respect the ideals Joe espoused, you would not seek to hurt just to hurt. In this situation, no new message was sent. No pressure for truth was created. You just hurt a kid because you don't like his dad.
Look in the mirror people.
So, during the 4+ years that Penn Staters, fans of their teams, the football program, Canners on the street trying to raise money for charity, even State College and the surrounding communities, were pilloried from pillar to post with the worst sort of slander and calumny, you never felt compelled to post even a short message here to commiserate or interact with fellow alums or fans? Even, from merely a football standpoint, to celebrate the amazing resilience of the 2012 team - competing in the face of supposedly impartial referees who told them they "were lucky to be playing", no bowl game to shoot for, depleted depth, and fighting off rival coaching staffs stalking them on campus - during all that time not a peep. Never a post congratulating Mike Mauti or Gerald Hodges on landing jobs in the NFL? Never a post about the successes of Penn State volleyball or wrestling? I could go on.
But you feel compelled to start a thread on Pepper-Gate? About a kid who grew up on 3rd base no doubt and probably thinks he hit a triple, swung a sweet job through family connections with one of the worst examples of Big Pharma, and, horror of horrors, has his Pepper-shilling appearance canceled at an alumni function. Oh the humanity!
The one thing my father always told me .... Don't do anything that would ruin the family name.
Paul Jr might very well be as swell of a guy as you say. The problem is, his family's name is rightly tarnished.
Someone told me leave the board because I only had one post. Another implied that I was a bot plant because I joined in 2011.Just to note, "lurkerlion" joined August 2011, and "BisonLion15" joined September 2011....interesting to say the least but then again, maybe just a coincidence before November 2011.
Nothing but love for Matt Suhey.
No opinion on Paul Suhey, Jr.
This entire thread is about one man, and one man only:
Unfortunately, it's not. Paul Suhey Jr has been swept up by the mob. Frankly, I am dumbfounded by how many people not only condone, but actually applaud, the actions taken toward Suhey Jr. It's pretty damn sad that he is being forced to pay the price for his father's sins. That's not the way things are supposed to happen in this country and in this day and age. I'm embarrassed by what's been posted by a whole lot of people.
Oh....Good Lord. A pepper peddling postponement
The HORROR!!!!!!
Someone tried to hit Suhey SR in the mouth for his role in the Paterno affair. Instead, he hit Suhey Jr in the gut. Instead of admitting the mistake, apologizing, and rectifying the problem, there are rationalizations and accusations galore.
Sins of the father. Grow up people. This is not tsarist Russia where you have to kill the whole royal family. Let Jr live his life instead of letting your desire for retribution lead you down a very wrong road. That is idiotic and immature. Jr was not in the room on the fateful night and did not cast a vote.
Father's company. This was all over before anyone even checked to see if it was his father's company. Maybe it was Jr.'s, or his uncle's or his aunt's. No one knew before acting. I believe it was started by SR, but my guess is he started it to turn over to Jr if Jr did OK. My guess is as good as your assumptions. So who did you hurt?
Jr should feel the pain also. Does anyone really think he hasn't been affected already? How many friends do you think he may have lost? How many people said something to him walking down College Ave? Does anyone doubt Sr doesn't know how it affected his family? The only difference now is that YOU got to send the message.
The desire for retribution is too palpable here. Impatience is understandably a part of that. However, look at yourselves and ask "would Joe approve?" of hurting Jr. If you mistakenly believe so, then go right ahead and pat yourselves on the back. You are are now officially a Joebot who is willing to do anything to anybody to keep Joe on some imaginary lofty podium.
Put Jr on the list of innocents hurt. You guys chose to hurt him in order to send a message that has already been sent before. The beauty of the internet.
Message receive
What are your thoughts on Paul Suhey Sr using the Penn State Alumni Association (through his son) to promote his business during a football viewing party?You're missing the bigger picture. The cancellation was a mistake, but understandable. What's downright disheartening is the way that people continue to direct their wrath at Paul Suhey Jr for absolutely no good reason. He doesn't deserve it.
People should be standing up to the lynch mob attitude that has taken over here, not applauding it.
Unfortunately, it's not. Paul Suhey Jr has been swept up by the mob. Frankly, I am dumbfounded by how many people not only condone, but actually applaud, the actions taken toward Suhey Jr. It's pretty damn sad that he is being forced to pay the price for his father's sins. That's not the way things are supposed to happen in this country and in this day and age. I'm embarrassed by what's been posted by a whole lot of people.
Honestly.....I just don't see it.You're missing the bigger picture. The cancellation was a mistake, but understandable. What's downright disheartening is the way that people continue to direct their wrath at Paul Suhey Jr for absolutely no good reason. He doesn't deserve it.
People should be standing up to the lynch mob attitude that has taken over here, not applauding it.
You're way off base on this one. If the chapter had properly conveyed it was Jr.and not Sr., but also correctly identified the company as belonging to Sr., the reaction would have been the same. If Jr. is going to represent his father, he should understand negative reactions are to be expected. If he had gone in only representing himself, and only himself, then you would have a point.
My birth father abandoned me so I always thought he must have been a terrible person. I met his six children from his second marriage and am friends with two now. They think he was a wonderful dad. Obli, your thoughts are muddled. Let Paul's son live his life. Resentment is a burden, not a relief.Yeah...I thought that too (but have no connection to Mr. Suhey at all). But honestly, I have mixed emotions.
First, there is another "prefect Penn Stater" that was horribly hurt by misplaced accusations...many of those accusations came from the senior Suhey. But, as you say, it was Suhey jr. Got it, check...but other Paterno's were hurt by those accusations as well: His son's and daughters.
In the end, I hope that Suhey Jr. wasn't hurt too bad by these shenanigans. And, on the bright side, I hope Suhey Sr was. Message sent. Do you think they heard it?
"Grow up, move on, and explore all the facts before jumping to conclusions." Cuts both ways. I am sure Suhey Jr. recieved a ton of perks and advantages by being a Suhey. Good for him. But that's a knife that cuts both ways too. Did you scold him like you are doing us?
So I do have mixed emotions. Two wrongs don't make a right (but three lefts do). But Suhey Jr. needs to have a talk with Suhey, Sr. Right isn't right until its put right. Moving on won't do that, and it won't help Suhey Jr, just like posting on a message board won't
You're missing the bigger picture. The cancellation was a mistake, but understandable. What's downright disheartening is the way that people continue to direct their wrath at Paul Suhey Jr for absolutely no good reason. He doesn't deserve it.
People should be standing up to the lynch mob attitude that has taken over here, not applauding it.
My birth father abandoned me so I always thought he must have been a terrible person. I met his six children from his second marriage and am friends with two now. They think he was a wonderful dad. Obli, your thoughts are muddled. Let Paul's son live his life. Resentment is a burden, not a relief.
In spite of what some here think, we are not the problem. We didn't create it, we didn't benefit from it, and we are not moving on from it. If Suhey Jr. is collateral damage because of the actions of his father, while trying to promote his father's business, it is in some ways regrettable but unavoidable. As all of our mothers told us, you're judged by the company you keep.
Repeat, we're not moving on. If my near namesake wants to portray us as the hateful ones, that doesn't make him any different than all of the rest of the BOT apologists.
Thanks Mary. Perhaps my post WAS unclear. First, I hold no ill thoughts of the jr Suhey. But in this case, he was a) exploiting the Suhey name and b) exploiting his PSU relations for leverage to make money. IMHO, if you are going to leverage the name and PSU, that name and your relationship with PSU are made "fair game."
If the Jr. Suhey wants to buy a McD franchise in Houston, no problem. But if he wants to open a Suhey Pickled Pepper store and use PSU foundations to promote it, he has opened himself up to fair criticism.
Just the way I feel. the jr. Suhey has enjoyed substantial perks and opportunities that others have not based upon his Suhey name. Its a knife that cuts both ways.
Joe would be embarrassed by this thread
Obli hit the nail on the head here. Paul Jr. brought it on himself trying to leverage his name. Well his father has ruined the name. If Paul Jr was smart, he would publically denounce what his father has done and tell us what HE stands for. Then he can be his own man and not live in his father's shadow. Either that or Jr ought to disassociate with Penn State because his father has stolen from Penn State and its alumni and the State College community.
Unfortunately, it's not. Paul Suhey Jr has been swept up by the mob. Frankly, I am dumbfounded by how many people not only condone, but actually applaud, the actions taken toward Suhey Jr. It's pretty damn sad that he is being forced to pay the price for his father's sins. That's not the way things are supposed to happen in this country and in this day and age. I'm embarrassed by what's been posted by a whole lot of people.
You are assuming Joe would know how to access this message board. He couldn't download peanut butter.
That is funny yet pathetic. The tools of the big "conspiracy master".LOL..the saddest picture that I saw in this entire thing was PSU confiscating their equipment from Joe's house....a beige push-button telephone and a fax machine.
You are simply flat out wrong on this. Flat. Out. Wrong.
and this is why....
"You're way off base on this one. If the chapter had properly conveyed it was Jr.and not Sr., but also correctly identified the company as belonging to Sr., the reaction would have been the same. If Jr. is going to represent his father, he should understand negative reactions are to be expected. If he had gone in only representing himself, and only himself, then you would have a point."